I'm tired of crying at movies!

As stated elsewhere, we're not big party people on new year's eve. So we made arrangements to go to a movie and dinner with friends. They wanted to see War Horse. We did too, but not on new year's eve. I knew it would be emotionally draining and I wouldn't feel much like socializing at dinner afterwards, so we decided to see We Bought a Zoo.

So we went to see War Horse on Friday night alone. Wow. I didn't just cry through most of it - I SOBBED! Uncontrollably. It's a great story but I hadn't seen a movie that tugged at your heart strings like this one in a LONG time. It was not easy to watch in places. I was drained at the end. Good call for not seeing this when with other people.

Now for We Bought a Zoo. Also a wonderful movie, but neither I nor the wife of the other couple expected it to be so emotional. In a much different way, but again - wow. So we both walked out of the theater almost unable to speak with tear-stained cheeks.

If you like movies that really get to you, I highly recommend both of these. But be warned - BRING TISSUES!!!
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I knew just from seeing the commercials that war horse was not for me. I can't take it anymore.
I cannot stand crying like that either. I cannot watch nicholas sparks movies ever at a theater. I go through too many tissues while getting laughed at by my husband. I can't wait to see War Horse!
I've been debating about seeing War Horse. I thought about waiting until most had seen it and the theatres are almost empty, yes see it by myself. I don't know if I want to go to that much emotion. I've debated about the Zoo one too, and might go see that one.

Thank you for the heads up on the Tear Jerk.
I'm with Ilene, I can't even watch the commercials for War Horse.
We saw War Horse on Christmas Day with our children. All four of us shed lots of tears through the movie--it is a very sweet heartfelt movie. Animals are just so remarkable! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Haven't seen the Zoo movie yet but want to.
I won't go see War Horse because I know I will cry. I don't like movies that make me cry.

Debating on the Zoo.
Ihate crying at films, so I avoid anything that looks remotely emotional. I'm a huge baby about it; I got sentimental watching the Muppets and cried during THAT. :oops: No War Horse for me, thanks!
Don't feel bad, Allison! I cried at The Muppets, too! I look at it this way - in my everyday life, I try to hold everything in as much as possible. But when I see a movie, I just let it go. Much to the chagrin of my husband and kids, who always tease me how easily mom cries at movies. Well, it's either that, or I'd be crying every day, everywhere!
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Don't feel bad, Allison! I cried at The Muppets, too!

oh thank goodness it wasn't just me!!! I felt so silly, but I just loved seeing them portrayed so well on the big screen!!!
There's not enough medication or money in the world to get me to see War Horse. I don't see movies or read books with animals. No matter how happy the ending, there's always tragic stuff before. Think of the movie "Lassie, Come Home." Lassie gets sold and spends the entire movie finding her way back home.

I will recommend the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I liked it more than the first and I liked the first a lot. No tissues needed.
Just watching the trailers for War Horse got me choked up but I still wanted to see it and I'm so glad I did. What an excellent movie! Yes, parts of it were very hard to watch but war shouldn't be sugar coated. I saw it the day after Christmas and it was still crowded but that was okay. The entire theater cried and even laughed a few times together. Once again, Steven Spielberg doesn't disappoint.

I still want to see We bought a Zoo. I saw the Muppets and Sherlock Holmes and loved them both. I love going to the movies and see as many as I can.

I don't go to movies or really care for movies.

But - I cry and bawl through books.
I think my client is used to me with puffy eyes at work by now! :oops: :oops: :oops: :roll:
Have you watched Haitchi? I recommend it both me and mom cryed all the way through it!
Saw Matt Damon on the Daily Show interview promoting the Zoo movie, the clip they showed was terrible, made it seem idiotic, and both Matt Damon and John Stewart seemed embarrassed about it. I hope it's better movie than the clip suggested!

Marley & Me took us by surprise, we rented it on a lark, having never heard of the columnist or book it was based on, any movie with Owen Wilson will just be goofy and silly, so we weren't expecting the kick in the stomach the movie ended with...
I saw a clip somewhere (forget which show) that was of Matt Damon and his movie daughter, with her saying something about how he still has hair. If that's the clip they used on the Daily Show, rest assured it was the SMALLEST portion of the movie!
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