I'm ready

And lonely....okay my fabulous friends. We need a sheepie. A puppy or rescue under 18 months....a girl, blue eyes prefered.

A note: Brian and I are going to Hawaii for two weeks in April. It would be perfect to have our new girl when we return. If our perfect girl showed up before hand, we would be just as happy......

I have a name picked if our girl doesn't come with one.....

I need some puppy love again. Our house is too quiet and Brian has too much time now that he is retired....besides I don't want him to get too used to "freedom"....
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AZ rescue is Jane Dempsey in Calif. If puppy, start beating the bushes for breeders, maybe some here can help. If there's a rescue match somewhere, perhaps transportation can be worked out.....underground sheepdog trans.

:banana: Yeah! sheepdog wounds are best healed with licks and snuggles from a newbie.
:hearts: Good luck on your puppy hunt, Darcy :hearts:
I hope that Panda gets to work and sends the right sheepie your way!
Darcy, good luck with your puppy hunt! Panda will send you the right puppy at the right time for you. :hearts:

Cindy & Teddy
Darcy--Yay! Good luck! I know you will find your perfect girl with a little help from Panda!
I figured I can cry and laugh...Brian found one of her charms that she lost. (in the backseat of his car). It was an angel charm that I had put on her necklace a few yrs ago.....she's watching :hearts:
I hope the right girl comes along fast. :crossed: Good luck.
I'm so glad you have decided to share your love with another sheepie. You will make comparisons and some things they do will make you cry and remind you of Panda but it really does help your heart to heal. When we lost Daisy it was hard to bring Poppy and Sweetpea into our home but now I wouldn't be without them. Another dog deserves to be loved by you and Brian and share your lives. Good luck with your search. The right sheepie is out there waiting for you to find them! x
:ghug: Good luck on your sheepie search. you can never get enough love.
So glad that the time has come for you to begin your search. Our Charm brought us out of ourselves again. It's the best balm, IMO. Good luck :wag:
I agree with all of this. When we lost Celyn last year we thought our hearts would never mend and then a few months later our naughty little boy arrived.

We still love and miss Celyn but we love Cloud with all our hearts as well.

Wishing you all the luck in the world for your puppy hunt :hearts: :hearts:
I am so happy you are ready to love again.
I know you can never replace her, but I also know Panda wouldn't want you to be without sheepie love! Good luck! :ghug:
not a day goes by and i do not think of you.. i feel you are so ready for another girl panda would hate that you are lonley :hearts:
Congrats on your puppy search! Panda will definitely send the perfect one to yoU!!! Good luck! :)
is texas to far 3 cuties http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/21753115
they look like sheepies too me
:ghug: You've been in out thoughts as well; best of luck in your search!!!!!
:yay: :yay: :yay: I am so excited for you now. I know how much you hurt but really and honestly a new dog helps. And it is obvious you have got so much love to give you just got to share it with another doggie. Panda will send the right one along honestly.....please keep us posted.....Sue Summer and Tilly xxxx :wag:
I'm so thrilled to read this post as you and Brian are perfect Sheepie parents and will give one whom desperately needs a home a great one!

Nothing heals the heart faster than opening up your home to one that desperately a loving home. Never to replace the one lost as they are irreplaceable, but to honor the one lost by taking in another that really needs a great home. Panda will be smiling down on you for helping out another of her kind.

When Panda boy arrived it was only a mere 3 wks after my beloved Shaggy passed. Her passing hit me hard and I was still grieving and normally would never have considered getting another so soon. However, if you remember his situation was dire and he needed placement asap and thus slowly he helped me through the grieiving process. I normally could never having taken him if she hadn't passed and so that brought me ironically some consolation. It was through her passing that I could help him at all as my home already had 2 other dogs at the time. It also helped that he was so different from her in gender and personality it made me feel he wasn't a replacement at all.

When Blue passed at age 19 I was stricken with such grief and once again a small pup was brought into my home a mere 3 wks later. Once again, I wouldn't have wanted another so soon but again it was circumstances that dictated this 13wk old Pitbull needed placement asap. He too was so different from Blue and wormed his way into my heart. Once again, I realized that in no way would I have been able to take him if Blue was still in my home.

When Gilligan arrived, I in no way wanted another dog or thought I'd have room for another. I have for all these years (7 yrs since Shaggy's passing) have wanted to have room for another girl Sheepie. Urg not another boy!!! Well in retrospect I can't see my life without my four boys and while I don't have a sheepie girl these guys have impacted my heart so much that I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I wouldn't have been able to forsee that living with 4 males was even doable.

Perhaps some day I will have my sheepie girl but can't see it happening for at least another 10 years or so. However, should I get that phonecall in aprox 10 years that a male sheepie needs a home - I know I wouldn't hesitate. So in a nutshell I'm saying you may not get offered a blue eyed girl but keep your heart open as within a short period of time you will fall in love with whomever arrives.

Darcy and Brian I wish you all the best and whoever is lucky enough to have you both as parents will be the happiest sheepie on the planet.

Marianne and the boys
thanks marianne :hearts:

i know to expect the unexpected...thats the way of life..especially timing...lol....

eye color not so important, just LOVE those baby blues...sex will have to be female, brian really doesnt want a male (cant change his mind on that) and age of course is open too...as of right now, the younger the better, but thats for my own selfish reasons that i only got 8 years with panda...just not enough and i want longer....

whether it is a puppy or a rescue, it matters not to me...neither will BE my Panda girl (who in all rights gets an A+ for perfection) but she will help me heal, laugh and nurture again..
Aren't two blue eyes rare in sheepdogs? Would a wall-eyed blue/brown be ok? I understand though, I would not be a stickler for specific markings etc. if I was looking at another sheepdog, but I'd want brown eyes. :pupeyes:
If i could ''pick'' eye color...the perfect color would be lisa's Syd....those violet blues are hypnotic....panda has soulfull light blue eyes...i am not going to be picky about a silly thing like eye color, just saying what melts my heart as of right now......

body markings...dont give a hoot...grey and white will work just fine for me....
darcy you mean eyes like duffs he is the first one out of 10 shepies i have had and you are right when he stares at me i would do anything
You're the easiest person I know to gladly cheer on!!! I'm so excited you'll be getting a pups soon. Trouble ...but fun!!! :clappurple:
look at my avatar then look at duffy's....they look almost the same...sigh.... :hearts:
early when i saw panda gosh she really looked like my duff they both have not just blue but a real crystal blue like you could see right into their soul gosh i hope that didn;t upset u i had looked at your pics when panda was young and duff and her had such a lite silver coat just like her.. but on a fun note i bet panda didn't counter surf and get a entire bag of fridays jalapino chips like my duff did :twitch:
suzptcruise wrote:
early when i saw panda gosh she really looked like my duff they both have not just blue but a real crystal blue like you could see right into their soul gosh i hope that didn;t upset u

no it didnt :kiss: youre right...those blues along with her big ole head would lay on my chest, sigh and stare right at me with an ''i loooove you'' look....soft and heart melting :hearts:

its those times i miss....that and her happy Arf!
I remember when my 1st OES, Duchess, died. I told Jim "She did what God sent her here to do." He said "What's that?" I said "She made me love this breed so much that I can't live without one. And I'm not looking at anything but another OES." We've had 5 since then. Each different from the other but all sweet in their own special way. I'm sure you'll find the perfect match! :ghug:
you hit the nail on the head!! there is NO other breed...my husband flipped me from Goldens, which I grew up with....looking back now, we should have had sheepdogs instead..lol...

I AM hoping and praying that you all will help me find the perfect girl....
Darcy wrote:

eye color not so important, just LOVE those baby blues...

When I got my girls, I wanted a puppy (singular) with 2 brown eyes and a white head. That's what I grew up with, and I wanted it so badly. Tonks, with her black mask and her black ears wiggled into my lap, and I knew that she was meant to be my girl. And then itty-bitty Luna turned her "Crazy Eye" on me, and I was hooked! I knew EXACTLY what I wanted until I sat down with those 2 litters and my puppies picked me. I know you'll find the baby you are meant to be with... or more likely, it will find you!

Golly gee. Just when I think all is better, a friend of a friend sends me a book. Dog years by mark doty. I started crying as I read the back cover. It looks like it may ease my soul but jerk as my heart strings.
I think I already know my highlight of 2012.. seeing the pics of you & the new puppy :excited:

I can't wait to see your new little bundle of trouble :aww: I know things will pan out as they are meant to, just apply a little patience and the luck will follow. Panda is going to pick you a puppy who will keep you very busy, I just know it.
When we lost Ollie, our 1st OES, we went a few months to grieve...and then realized while we had other dogs, we missed having an OES. That was also the time during which I found OES.org.

We filled our loss with a nice rescue boy. But then when we lost him, we knew we needed another. After 2 boys, we decided we wanted a girl.
Chewie was the pup available from his litter - another boy - and now I can't imagine life without him!
Sometimes the pup you get and love isn't quite what you expect :hearts:
Happily read your post about being ready. We waited 22 years between sheepies--a bit too long.
Oh Darcy, the right little girl will find her way to you with a little help from Panda
I know how easy it is to get attached to those blue eyes, as my first sheepdog had the same eyes that Panda did with an all white head. I also wanted to get another dog with blue eyes. The breeder talked me out of it, and I am thankful, because as much as you want your little girl to be Panda, it's better if she is different. I love our heart-melting brown-eyed, two black-eared dog even more so than our first. I'm not sure what we will do when we lose him...
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