Bet this guy lost his job.

I saw this on the morning news.

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Do you think this is real? I'm thinking this might be staged because nobody could be THAT stupid.

I hope that wasn't something fragile.........

Laurie and Oscar
according to brian...that is your average american....uncaring and lazy....he has seen som doozies from working as a fireman....i dont think it was faked.... :twitch:
I think it is real--that segment was on GMA this morning too and they commented that he wasn't aware there was a camera.
I worked for UPS for 18 years. While I will say that the majority of the delivery drivers did take care to follow procedures, there is definitely an element that will abuse the rules and do exactly what that video showed. And that is really nothing compared to what you see in the hubs by the package handlers! Believe me, when I ship I make sure anything packaged is iron clad!
What ever happened to the idea of doing your job to the best of your ability?
Where has our pride in a job well done gone? It makes me sad that we don't care more than that about how we do our job.
:cry: :cry:

It's not a fake. FedEx released a statement:

"This was careless treatment of a customer package by our courier and it will be addressed. We take pride in the quality of service we provide to millions of customers daily and we will not tolerate any irresponsible act that affects the quality of any item we deliver and the good reputation FedEx is known for worldwide," FedEx spokeswoman Shea Leordeanu said.
rdf wrote:
It's not a fake. FedEx released a statement:

"This was careless treatment of a customer package by our courier and it will be addressed. We take pride in the quality of service we provide to millions of customers daily and we will not tolerate any irresponsible act that affects the quality of any item we deliver and the good reputation FedEx is known for worldwide," FedEx spokeswoman Shea Leordeanu said.

I saw that tonight too--so sad that people behave this way! The thing that disturbed me on the news when they reported the statement--was that they were not sure what they were going to do with the employee. He should be FIRED--period--IMO!
From what I can see, the fence stops at the driveway so the driver had access to walk up the driveway. Knowing how lax employers are, they will suspend the guy for 2 weeks with pay which is like a vacation. And now the driver is famous and will somehow capitalize on this due to the general public being just as idiotic.
There is a UPS apology online - they showed it this morning on GMA.
Also they said the employee is still with them, but not in contact with customers. So, if he does this behavior in public, it's going to be BETTER hidden inside the plant??? 8O
Not to defend this guy, I'm not. It's just creepy how video is popping up everywhere now, I do think we'll slip into a big brother society without even noticing or caring. :lmt:
sheepiezone wrote:
rdf wrote:
It's not a fake. FedEx released a statement:

"This was careless treatment of a customer package by our courier and it will be addressed. We take pride in the quality of service we provide to millions of customers daily and we will not tolerate any irresponsible act that affects the quality of any item we deliver and the good reputation FedEx is known for worldwide," FedEx spokeswoman Shea Leordeanu said.

I saw that tonight too--so sad that people behave this way! The thing that disturbed me on the news when they reported the statement--was that they were not sure what they were going to do with the employee. He should be FIRED--period--IMO!

I started to reply regarding the employee belonging to the union...but I forgot that is UPS not FedEx. So yes, the company has total control to terminate at will.
8O That is unnessecary! :( I hope he did lose his job...
Ooops - Fed Ex (not UPS as I mentioned a few posts ago! :oops: ).
In an article or report about this incident I read that the man who lived there was home and would have answered the door if the guy had just wrung the bell. :headbang: :headbang:

Isn't that what they usually do? I always get a knock on my door and when I open it, no one is there. Then I look down and I see my package.
Baba wrote:
Not to defend this guy, I'm not. It's just creepy how video is popping up everywhere now, I do think we'll slip into a big brother society without even noticing or caring. :lmt:

I think you are exactly right! I think I would be better off--not knowing that this happened-- :cow: I don't want to suspect my FED EX guy for no reason of his own! :twitch:

The camera thing everywhere is just creepy!
Big brother is us. Every mistake we make can be captured. I worry about this for our young people-that they can do something silly when they are young (which is normal, you are supposed to make mistakes and learn when you are young) and the mistake can follow you around forever.

We had a bus driver here caught on video yelling at a passenger. He got fired for it. Turns out he had just lost his wife and a parent. Should he have yelled, no, but the only reason he was fired was so that the bus company could save face. If not on video, the guy would have been reprimanded then hopefully given some support while he grieved. There is no room for error with cameras everywhere, but to err is human.
I try hard to teach my daughter- "Do everything as unto the Lord"

in other words- do your best when no one is watching... because HE IS watching. give 100% when you do something... from the smallest to the biggest things. your actions make a difference

we are entering a new era where every move can be captured. of course some things will be used for the wrong reasons- but hopefully the majority of people will see it as a necessary evil, and will just choose to act accordingly

as parents we need to educate our children than their public pages online are just that... very public and can affect everything from college apps to future jobs

now more than ever our daily decisions determine our future

.... now I actually need to go watch the link.... and mayhap I will use USPS ???
:sidestep: :twitch:
ruforgvn wrote:
I try hard to teach my daughter- "Do everything as unto the Lord"

in other words- do your best when no one is watching... because HE IS watching. give 100% when you do something... from the smallest to the biggest things. your actions make a difference

we are entering a new era where every move can be captured. of course some things will be used for the wrong reasons- but hopefully the majority of people will see it as a necessary evil, and will just choose to act accordingly

as parents we need to educate our children than their public pages online are just that... very public and can affect everything from college apps to future jobs

now more than ever our daily decisions determine our future

.... now I actually need to go watch the link.... and mayhap I will use USPS ???
:sidestep: :twitch:

I like that phrase, it's a good starting point. But for me, from there you gotta do everything to the best of your ability for the LOVE of it.. for the love of others and to always work on improving yourself at every opportunity- love for yourself.

Surely this is a security camera, it's situated on this guy's property boundary? I agree that everything seems to be on camera nowadays which is creepy though.
hmmmm I can do the dishes to the best of my ability... but I certainly don't LOVE to do them! 8O
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