Constant barking

Bloo goes to my nan and grandads house monday - fridays whilst i am at school. I go to nans lunch time 1:00pm to walk him and fed him, then i finish school at 3:30pm.
It is now christmas holidays so i get 3 weeks with bloo at home. BUT... he keeps barking..

i think its because of grandad. He plays with his face with his hands and makes him bark, when he does he laghs, but then bloo bites his hands. (grandads only got thin skin) so thats bad :( But...thats what you get when you grab his muzzle like that.. he doesnt understand that making him bark and bite is BAD! :(
Now whe we are away from nan and grandad, he keeps barking constantly.. he barks when i come down in a morning (hes always done that) he barks for food, he barks for attention, he barks for no reason, he barks if he doesnt get what he wants, he barks at visitors, and he barks at the cats!! He even runs around the gardn barking! He is a complete loonatic!!

Grandad started him barking like this because he keeps grabbing at his muzzle then laughs as hes barking, he cant keep doing this..

How do i stop bloo barking at home!??
On xmas day we have 3 visitors coming (neighbours) bloo doesnt see them often and when he does he does nothing but BARKK and nip them!! I need to sort him out by next week (xmas day) last thing i want is a strressed house! :( :( :( ::( :(

Advice on one noisy dog??
Sam n Bloo
xx :ghug:
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You know Sam, you are well beyond your age! :D Its your Ganmpa that needs some training! He is playing with Boo's muzzle and roughing him up and making him bark...Well, Granparents are like that! Is he barking alot when you are home, just you and him and I imagine your parents? Don't worry about visitors. he will probablt lick them a few secnds and be fine. Just be careful with all the activity at Christmas time, he doesn't run out the front door or get lose or eat things he shouldn't...No mistle toe, pointsettas, oh, there are a few things that are toxic for him...
He will have a hour barking session normally, bu sometimes he barks on and off all day like yesterday.. i dont know what he wants?!
Like now just me and bloo he is fine but if dad and mom were here hed be barking..

When he goes through the front door at nans house he starts woof woof! You can hear him from outside in the car.. Trouble is is that grandad doesnt see what he is doing, he roughs him up makes him bite and bark at him, then once hes barked for 5 minutes grandads like `shut up and shouting at him??` When i am at nans and he starts to bark i put him out the room, and grandad is like `why you locking him out for?` hmm...why because im not having him barking at people, i am trying shard at nans and at home with all the useful ideas from this forum and grandad is ruining them all!!
Now bloo thinks he can get what he wants and wont give in, but no..i wont give in, bloo is my dog under my rules hehe.. :)

Christmas visitors aha yes... they said yesterday a third person is coming, a stranger to bloo, he never seen jay dad that will be fun??
We will be extremely careful with not letting him out the door unlike nan who just opens the door and woosh hes out of it! Its a good job he is good on his recall i tell you!

Anyway thanks for that Diane xx :hearts:
Buy a dog mussle to stop him barking. We have used it in the past as georgi barks when she wants us to be with her all of the time & the dopey lab barks at the wind & when I bring it out they shut up & speak with your patents about your grandad as that needs sorting out as well :excited:
Shock collar!

I know most people are against them, but my 8 month old OES just decided to spend every moment she has outside, barking. The shock collar works, just start out on a low setting.
I think you need to give your grandad the shock collar :go:
haha.. tell me about it he needs one on each limb! :excited:

They only sell water spray collars and pet correcter spray in my town. Shock collars are illegal in parts of the UK.
Ive thought of the muzzle idea, only for when he is excited when visitor come then take it off once he calms down.. moms totally against it though?
Thanks for the laugh Parwaz :lol:
Summer will be shut in our bedroom on and off Boxing Day. She gets too excited if people come to the house. She just jumps at them and as the grand kids are coming I cant risk her nipping then. So she will be fed, walked and then her blanket will be on our bed and the tele will be left on. Thinking about it I like the sound of being shut in the bedroom. I wonder if I start to misbehave..... :yay:
We use a Minty Listerine or Scope or Binaca or something similar spray when Dahlia is excessively barking. You can usually find breath spray at the checkout counter in a grocery store or in the toothpaste isle.

We spray some in her mouth and say No Bark firmly when she is getting annoying.

Sometimes, all we have to do now is show her the minty spray bottle and she stops. She doesn't care for it.
BlooBoo wrote:
He will have a hour barking session normally, bu sometimes he barks on and off all day like yesterday.. i dont know what he wants?!
Like now just me and bloo he is fine but if dad and mom were here hed be barking..

When he goes through the front door at nans house he starts woof woof! You can hear him from outside in the car.. Trouble is is that grandad doesnt see what he is doing, he roughs him up makes him bite and bark at him, then once hes barked for 5 minutes grandads like `shut up and shouting at him??` When i am at nans and he starts to bark i put him out the room, and grandad is like `why you locking him out for?` hmm...why because im not having him barking at people, i am trying shard at nans and at home with all the useful ideas from this forum and grandad is ruining them all!!
Now bloo thinks he can get what he wants and wont give in, but no..i wont give in, bloo is my dog under my rules hehe.. :)

Christmas visitors aha yes... they said yesterday a third person is coming, a stranger to bloo, he never seen jay dad that will be fun??
We will be extremely careful with not letting him out the door unlike nan who just opens the door and woosh hes out of it! Its a good job he is good on his recall i tell you!

Anyway thanks for that Diane xx :hearts:

That's exactly what my dad used to do!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
He really didn't understand that it was him making Rufus all worked up :x Every time I tried to explain, he would stick to his old fashioned ways and not listen to my requests. We had a big argument about it.

In the end, every time my dad was around, we would put Cesar Millan dvds on. This guy does some brilliant training- but the main thing for us was, the general principles he conveys in his dvds. For instance, it's better for you to ignore your dog completely when you enter a room until the dog is relaxed and settled.. THEN you praise that relaxed behaviour by stroking him. Because my dad was watching a trainer be successful with these methods, he began to understand. I'm pretty sure you can order the dvds from HMV if they don't have them in stock. Maybe watching these with your grandad will help him understand.
Ihe has had strokes heart attacks everything my poor old grandad, so he cant really think what he is doing...
But..sounds a good idea, i go to nans at least once a week i could say can i watch my dvd whilst grandad is there, we can all watch it..
Bloo barks much when we watch dogs on tv so it could turn out a bit messy! :) :) :)

Bloo is a nightmare just lately, he wakes me up at like 5am because he barks constantly! For no reason i dont get it? Is he waiting for me to ruff him up like grandad? because I aint doing that! :P
Being honest you need to sort this out. We help a mate out grooming her OESD & showing what too do but she barks all of the time & we might have to stop if we get compliants. She is a good girl but don't stop barking
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