Switching flavors of food.

This sounds completely dumb but I really don't know.
Charm has been on lamb forever and I'm thinking of trying chicken, salmon, or another flavor. It will be the SAME brand.
So do I need to slowly wean her to a new flavor to avoid GI problems, or just start with a new bag all at once?
Charm and I thank you in advance for your guidance.
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I've had this question myself and not knowing the answer, I did the change slowly. But I ma interested in whether I needed to...
Do a slow transition. 75% old food 25% new food...then over 1.5-2 wks keep increasing new food %
Sounds long, but the slower the better. Less chance of the runs or vomiting.

During a transition you can often lessen the loose stool issue by adding a little unsweetened yogurt (for a pup around 1/2 - 3/4 tablespoon). Make sure it says it contains live cultures. Canned pumpkin (not the pie mix) works, too.

Or a good pre/probiotic can help, too. Like Ultra Pet Products Total Biotics or Nzymes Pro Bak Plus.

Great question. I have wondered this too.
I just switch over, but none of my dogs have ever had tummy problems. I try and change the flavor every so often because I can only imagine how boring it can get.
Change causes MAJOR upset to Yuki. Still paying for it.
It depends on the dog. I don't dare do it with MO as she is tender tummy. Jack........could eat a car bumper dipped in salsa and would have no problem. Harry....he never has problems, just eats and wags his tail in appreciation.

When in doubt, change gradually.

You can always spice up what you normally give them with a few shakes of canned grated cheese, a splash of broth, drainings from the tuna can, etc. Only you know how delicate your pups' tummies are.
Dahlia has an iron stomach and can eat anything without ever having upset.... however, I do add in new food slowly.....

She often gets a new bag mixed in to give her new flavors and to avoid boredom.

Right now, she has a mix of 3 different foods....
I am a huge advocate of the sloooooooooooooow switch. :D :D (I've literally done it a dozen times with Oscar.) That way, if Charm does have a problem with the new food, you might get a little tummy upset and some softer stool, as opposed to a "butt and gut" explosion, which is what you risk when you do a quick food switch.

Charm will probably be fine, but why risk it? JMHO.

Laurie and Oscar
I never want to be responsible for a dog feeling poorly and someone having to clean up a mess so I always say to err on the side of a gradual transition to a new food. No digestive issues here so we finish one brand/flavor and immediately feed the next brand/flavor without any transition.
I tend to stick with one kibble, and add any number of different wet food toppers for Tonks and Luna. Because I have several in rotation at a time, we don't see upset stomachs here. Also, it allows for the girls to eat a variety; I know I'd be bored with the same thing all the time! But I think keeping the same dry kibble meal is key to us being able to do this and not see stomach upset.
Thanks for the replies, sounds like "why risk it" is the logical answer for us. I don't know about her tummy as she sustains on kibble and cheese. So, I'll err on the side of caution, especially this time of year :tree:
My poor dogs must be bored to death with their food - although you wouldn't know it by the way the scarf it down 8O We did have ALOT of tummy issues in the past, although it was during that major pet food recall in 06. We've been using the same kibble (Orijen) and the same flavor ( 6 fresh fish) for a few years now. In the evening meal, I do mix in some cooked fresh carrots and crumpled cooked chop meat...and for dessert, they get a sppon or plain yogurt and cottage cheese. They think its just wonderful! We also use a probiotic I like. Garden of Life. Sprinkled into the food in the am and pm. Humans can use it too!
I rotate foods every several months. 8)

We are able to switch "cold turkey" on all 6 dogs....

I used to transition in stages, but they always did well and now I just change over. If there's a bit of the old left in the bin, I mix it, but never do it on purpose.
It may be an acquired skill over time - not sure, but it works!

Just to be safe, I don't do it the day before competitions or when traveling...my luck it would backfire.... :lmt:
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