Alternative to plastic cone? BiteNot? ProCollar?

Based off my previous post about Hendrix's skin issue, he's been in a cone on/off for 2 months. I bought him the Comfy Cone, but it's too short and he can still lick his sores. It's also black cloth and he gets startled easily when he can't see in his periferal vision.

With that said, what is everyones success rate with the other cone alternatives... BiteNot, ProCollar, etc.
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Our house is just too small for a dog to wear a regular cone so I bought a BiteNot collar. Have yet to use it because although it won't take up space like the cone, when I tried it on one dog it just looked so uncomfortable that I couldn't bear to use it. And it did fit properly. It would be nice to know what else may work and be somewhat comfy and space-saving. So far we've been lucky enough not to really need a cone, opting to use socks, shirts or shorts over affected areas.

I was wondering about the inflatable collars. Anyone tried these? :lmt:
is the cone just to stop the licking and scratching??? what about covering the legs with socks or something along the lines of leg warmers??? I am sure those who remember the 80's know what I am talking about. :oops: Similar effect as Bumbles coat/jacket to stop him scratching.
His sore is right on his hip/butt area so a sock or a stylish leg warmer wouldn't cover that.

Someone suggested shorts, but he'll lick right through that unless I find vinyl shorts!
The COMFY CONE is the greatest alternative! Its a cone like the E collar but its soft and padded. They sell it at PetCo and on line. We loved ours and no more bumping around with the huge lampshade look! I think my dogs were more comfortable too.

I tried the bite not and the doughnut thing. Neither worked. I think you and Hendrix will be happy with the Comfy cone.
I've got the comfy cone, but it's too short and when we went to get the bigger one his neck was too small. I agree, if it fits the dog it's awesome!
what about bike shorts or I have a set of workout shorts with spandex so that they are tight fitting. They are long enough to come down to my mid thigh. Only problem is having to take them off for potty breaks. maybe pj bottoms made for kids with elastic at the ankles.
Hendrix's Mom wrote:
I've got the comfy cone, but it's too short and when we went to get the bigger one his neck was too small. I agree, if it fits the dog it's awesome!

Can you get some type of fabric or flexible plastic and sew an few inches of "extension" onto the outer edge to make it longer? Maybe even use part of a regular translucent cone from the vet and stitch it onto the Comfy Cone fabric... :lmt:

It would still have the flexibility but be lick-proof :crossed:
On another sheepdog list a lady has her dog wearing a Bed Buddy. It's a wrap with "beads" inside to be microwaved and then put around the ouchy spot on uprights. She has the wrap around the dog's neck.

Would a pair of children's leggings work? Maybe with a long sweathshirt over the top, knotted to take up extra?

That really is a tough spot to protect.
I'll take a photo and upload it. Children's leggings are so thin he'll get it wet instantly.

All good suggestions!
sweat pants with the legs trimmed? I see a need for doggie "clothing" for these types of emergencies. Pair of jeans with the legs cut off and then slipped over the dog's legs with something like suspenders holding the legs over the back and underneath.....LOL!

When Glacier had her booboo on her back we wrapped with ace bandages and vet tape, around the lower trunk and circled back over legs. Can you do the same wrapping the booboo on the upper leg and securing with wraps over the body?
I have an idea for Hendrix :bulb: Since you say the comfy cone is too big around his neck, how about wrapping a small dish towel around his neck to add an inch or so and the comfy cone over it? Do I make sense? Hate the thought of him having to wear that stupid plastic annoying lampshade!
Ashley wrote:
I have an idea for Hendrix :bulb: Since you say the comfy cone is too big around his neck, how about wrapping a small dish towel around his neck to add an inch or so and the comfy cone over it? Do I make sense? Hate the thought of him having to wear that stupid plastic annoying lampshade!

Great idea!
That could work, I will give it a try! Thank you!!
Did it work???? I was thinking if the towel doesn't do it, maybe a scarf or cut a sleeve off a sweatshirt? Get his head through the sleeve and pull down to the neck and velco the comfy cone around?
So far so good, I had to get thinking material then a dish towl and sewed it to the cone.

Thank you again!
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