WHY does she pace soo much??????

Another question about my old girl, Pearl....

For the last week, she has been pacing ALOT!!!! Just walking from room to room to room,,,,and then finally she settles on one of the tuffets.

Anyone have any thoughts on this ??? I am hoping this is just what old(er) dogs do. She doesn't seem to be in pain, except when she lays down or gets up. With the cold weather coming in, I am thinking that her old bones are feeling it.... :cry:
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it's old age musical rooms. :wink:
it's an extension of forgetting what you came in the room for to which room do i really want.
the kids and i used to wager which room. 8)

Well that makes a lot of sense! I have been doing it for quite a while..... :D

There is a drug to help with old age forgetfulness.....something like Anipryl. Doesn't sound like it is time for that. In mean time add vit e to her diet.......400 mg 2x day. And of course reduce protein as her kidneys are probably not working as well.

If you have a sunny spot.......and the cat isn't in it, make that a special old dog spot. Around here we all gravitate to warm sunny windows.
Sounds like Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), aka doggie alzheimers. Anipryl worked for awhile with Maggie but it took several weeks for the effects to kick in and after about six months it seemed like it stopped working. There's a checklist on this site that gives other symptoms. http://www.cdsindogs.com We first started noticing her getting stuck between furniture that hadn't been rearranged in ages. Not really "stuck" but she'd walk up to something and forget that she was able to just turn or back up slightly to get past it. The worst thing was for her to confuse night and day because if Maggie couldn't sleep, nobody else was allowed to either. Luckily, she never lost control of bowels and bladder and eventually passed of unrelated kidney failure just weeks of 14 yrs. old.

Gentle hugs :ghug: to your dear Pearl. It's so hard seeing our furkids get older but she couldn't be in better hands. :kiss:
:aww: :aww: Hugs to you and Pearl. :ghug: :ghug:
She's OBVIOUSLY doing laps, wanting to keep her girlish figure. :wink: Much love to you all!!! :ghug:
OK, I can't resist...

Maybe she's wanting her curds and whey...

Zoey did this a couple nights ago. I finally got frustrated and let her climb up into bed. From there she settled down for a few minutes and jumped down and went to sleep. I think she had an anxiety thing going on.

If she is not in pain, and is just forgetting things, God Bless her little sheepie soul and so waht if she forgets where she is :hearts: :hearts: As long as she is home and loved and taken care of, she doesn't need anything more.... :ghug:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Pearl :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

I used a heating pad to warm our 12yo Yorkie's bed at night. Just on for an hour before bedtime, she welcomed her warm nest. Probably just made me feel better.
:hearts: oh bless. I go into a room and forget what I am doing in there. Think it is just an old age thing.... :ghug:
My year old does the same thing. Paces from room to room......Not sure why. Finally circles a bunch of times
and lays down and sleeps....... :wag:
My 1and half year old girl does the pacing also.....
I live alone, and mostly when we have company. Is
she trying to tell me something, or possible jealous
that I have friends over?????? Cannot figure out why
she cannot settle. When we are alone, she settles????

What did I miss in my training?????

When the younger ones pace, especially with company over, they are showing "displeasure" at having their routine changed and you not giving 100% attention to her. Nervous if you wish.

More socialization both away from home and at home. Introduce her to the guests, but not initially. Let all settle then.......on your command.......meet and greet. Follow with a down quiet or move to another room if the guests resent having a K9 guest in the room.
It is age related...I do it too!! I walk into one room and forget why I am there...bless her little sheepie heart .
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