Upset stomach

This morning I woke up to the sound of rushing water. I turned on the light and found that Asterisk threw up solid water with a tiny bit of food. Since it wasn't too far off from her morning meal, I wasn't too concerned by the lack of food it in. Needless to say, she turned up her nose to breakfast and to dinner as well. She managed to throw up more water without her gag reflex picking up it was just a single YACK and then the water. After each time, she's drank more water. She's acting normally. I can go outside with her and she'll run, bark, and play.

If I had to guess, I would place my money on Asterisk having ingested something that upset her stomach. Either part of Daddy's sock (which she does every so often, though I NEVER notice till I find it after it passed in the backyard) or the stuffing of plush toy (she was taking one apart yesterday).

It's only been a day and since she's drinking and acting normally, I think she'll be okay for the night. I'll re-evaluate in the morning and see if she has any interest in her food then. Does anyone have an idea of what I can give her to help ease her tummy? Is there an antacid that I could give her?
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I give Mattie Pepcid Ac.
liquid pepto coats the tummy, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea if she ingested a sock or stuffy.

Hope She's feeling better soon.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
my thought is the same as lisa's as it's a natural body reaction trying to emit the object, think i'd wait till morning and see what's happening. i know things can be hacked up 3 days or more later. i'd ask your vet tommorrow if the same and not eating. my clowns never had a problem digesting socks and vs panties. :cow:
We go with the Pepcid AC also...But if you think she ingested a sock, well, thats a big problem with possible blockage.A blockage could be fatal... Attempting to vomit with only water coming out, lack of interest in food, is a sign...did she poop? If its a blockage, time is of the essense and I wouldn't wait until the morning.... Also, a sign of bloat is attempting to vomit with just foamy water coming out and no appetitie too...Things like this are fatal....time if of the essence.....Hope all is better soon....
She ate a bit of french bread that my husband offered her but she has thrown up again. This time it's orangish in color and was pretty foul smelling. She drank water after that. She isn't foaming and she will come when called, but she can't seem to get comfortable. She has been moving to different parts of the house and will lay down and then get up and move somewhere else. When she's eaten something she shouldn't have before, she would puke, not be interested in food for a day or two and after she passed it, would slowly regain interest. I have looked in the yard and have found some stool with stuffing in it (which isn't that uncommon when a plushy is in play with the dogs). Again, I don't know for sure what it is that she ate. I'm keeping an eye on her and if the vomiting continues and her behavior changes, off to the emergency vet we go
If she is having trouble getting comfortable, I would get her to the emergency vet. If nothing else, she might be getting dehydrated if she is not keeping water down, and they can see if she is running a temp.

Hoping she feels better.

Laurie and Oscar
Being uncomfortable would have me on the way to the vet. Here are bloat signs:

Here are a few signs of the dreaded bloat;
Attempts to vomit (usually unsuccessful); may occur every 5-30 minutes-
This seems to be one of the most common symptoms & has been referred to
as the "hallmark symptom".
"Unsuccessful vomiting" means either nothing comes up or possibly just
foam and/or mucous comes up.
* Doesn't act like usual self-
Perhaps the earliest warning sign and may be the only sign that almost
always occurs.
We've had several reports that dogs who bloated asked to go outside in
the middle of the night. If this is combined with frequent attempts to
vomit, bloat is a very real possibility.
* Significant anxiety and restlessness-
One of the earliest warning signs and seems fairly typical
* "Hunched up" or "roached up" appearance-
This seems to occur fairly frequently
* Lack of normal gurgling and digestive sounds in the tummy-
Many dog owners report this after putting their ear to their dog's
If your dog shows any bloat symptoms, you may want to try this
* Bloated abdomen that may feel tight (like a drum)-
Despite the term "bloat," many times this symptom never occurs or is not
* Pale or off-color gums-
Dark red in early stages, white or blue in later stages
* Coughing
* Unproductive gagging
* Heavy salivating or drooling
* Foamy mucous around the lips, or vomiting foamy mucous
* Unproductive attempts to defecate Whining
* Pacing
* Licking the air
* Seeking a hiding place
* Looking at their side or other evidence of abdominal pain or discomfort
* May refuse to lie down or even sit down
* May stand spread-legged
* May attempt to eat small stones and twigs
* Drinking excessively
* Heavy or rapid panting
* Shallow breathing
* Cold mouth membranes
* Apparent weakness; unable to stand or has a spread-legged stance-
Especially in advanced stage
* Accelerated heartbeat-
Heart rate increases as bloating progresses
* Weak pulse
* Collapse

Having lost 2 dogs to this, I'm nervous whenever a dog is vomiting more than once and showing distress.

Really waiting to hear how this situation is today................. :crossed:
I'd worry about obstruction if she's eaten inappropriate things in the past. Or
bloat if she can't get comfortable... Ali shared a bloat video on FaceBook recently.
It's disturbing but they say the dog survived.

Bloat symptoms and info-

Hoping Asterisk will be feeling better soon.
How's your baby this morning, Erin?
I hope she's doing better today.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep most of the night. I spent most of the night staring at the clock and peaking over the bed at Asterisk. She slept the night on the floor in her usual spot by the door. At 4am Levi woke me to be let out, as usual. I let both boys out and went into the basement to check and see if there was any vomit. I had a VERY happy and wiggly girl follow me into the basement and circle between my legs in her happy dance.

When breakfast time came at 5:30 she eagerly ate her food and when daddy let she and her brothers out at 6, she spent an extra long time out there pooping. Whatever it was that didn't agree with her is out and I have a very happy, little girl again!

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
Great to hear! Happiness comes in good poops! :clappurple:
Oh, that's GREAT news! :clappurple:

*I* worried about her too! :lol:
that's a relief to say the least!!!!!

i was a nervous wreck with you. i was wrong. the other advice was right. if you had fallen asleep and she had gone into distress, there isn't time with bloat. i think my goats eating anything without ever scaring me left me a lil cavalier about it.
i would get her checked if had to do over, better safe than sorry. :oops:
Thanks again, everyone! Asterisk's behavior last night was pretty typical of when she's eaten something that has upset her stomach. She has never really been a food driven dog. There are times where she will eat once a day and be happy with it, so her not wanting to eat didn't seem so off. She was pretty alert through it all and when I went into the backyard with she and her brothers the first thing she did was tear through the yard and grab a jolly ball.

She drank water and it was nearly an hour later that she would throw up. I think part of it may have been the warmth of the front room. It always tends to get warm in the evening. I've seen that video before and another like it to be able to identify bloat, and luckily she wasn't exhibiting those signs.

I'm SSSSSOOOO relieved and happy to have her back to her happy, wiggly self again. I love all my pets but there is just something extra special about her!
Glad she is better!!
woohoo! glad you can get some sleep tonight!
We can ALL get some sleep tonight!

Don't be looking for stomach aids. When they are in this state, nature provided them the ease of vomiting to get rid of most problems. I suspect she did eat a no-no and it finally worked its way out, count your socks :lol:

Stomach aids are better for long term MO and her tender tummy and others on the list. Doggies' stomachs are much more acidic than ours to digest the "strange" things they eat. Best to keep it acidic.

Did anything ever come up..or out...from this event in December? Pru has vomited...well, not really vomited, burped with a teaspoon of whole food and water coming up each time. Right after she ate her tummy was making loud gurgling sounds while she slept. She is active and playful. She isn't foaming or anything like the video I just watched on bloat. She keeps drinking too. We had her out today (which was going to be my fun post tonight, but this has come up)...and I can't think of anything large (i.e. socks or panties) that she could have gotten. There is a small chance she ate something we missed on the floor of the car, but that is a mere guess at this point.
She has a bear that she has completely demolished, and I am sure some stuffing or fur has been ingested. I don't have any gas medicine at home.
Again, she is acting alright, wants to play, not whimpering or showing any signs of pain, just has done this burp/vomit thing 3 times in the last 2-3 hours.
She also went to Puppy Kindergarten and got doggy biscuits (Pro Plan...same as her kibbles..yet they are biscuits). We were looking out for diarrhea...but she has poo'd today just like normal.
I just wondered if Asterisk ever actually produced a culprit to her upset stomach?

I will keep watching her and if anything worse than what is going on, guess we will be making out first emergency vet visit (with Pru at least).

Anyone else with thoughts, please feel free to chime in.
Don't like the fact you know she ingested the stuffing of her bear...I would be worried of a blockage of some sort...Hope she feels better soon...Don't wait too long though...Time is of the essense with these things...And I always keep gas - x or phayzme in the house at all times!

Keeping paws crossed all is okay....
I know...this is killing me. I am sure I won't be able to stay calm enough to sit this out. She is playing like her normal self as I am typing this. She just vomited a little prior to that again though. It is watery (and she just had some water) with small amount of food. It's the completely normal behavior that is making me be more calm than I would be normally. The stuffing from the bear is not big enough to cause blockage, but it could cause upset stomach I would think.
I think I am going to send Michael to get some Gas-X, and see if that helps, and if not, off to the ER we go.
I guess I should call them to see how much to give her?
Ugghh....Amber hope your comes that urgent call :roll: ...
Asterisk ended up pooping out some cotton from the stuffing of her baby she had demolished. She had always acted happy and playful. Whenever Asterisk gets an upset stomach, she won't eat. She's never been a big food dog. When Wendel or Levi have gotten upset tummies, they will still eat.

Use your judgment. The one thing I will say, is that Asterisk always will eat inappropriate things. When my husband has been gone for work, she will try to eat half of his socks. Because of Asterisk's desire to gut her toys (which I was told is part of her natural instinct to gut animals for her imaginary children), I have really taken a hard look at any plush that I purchase. They have to be stitched together very well.

I hope your baby recovers quickly! I know first hand how scary this can be!!
Thanks for the update. I read your post from December and it sounded so familiar to what I was seeing Pru doing.

And yep, it was a long night. She never acted different, but did wake up and threw up a little bit of bile (but I think we were all adjusting from her tummy battle last night, and her belly was probably empty). She poo'd without problems (nothing that is still a mystery). The strangest thing is ALL night her belly had the loudest hyperactive bowel sounds. You could even rub her belly and feel the gas and liquid. I just knew THAT was not going to be good coming out the back end...but so far, so good :phew: . I was a little concerned this morning because after her bile emission she wouldn't drink water. I was getting ready to go the vet ...then it's like she knew ...and suddenly... starts acting like every morning, wanting her food, full of energy. I gave her 1/2 cup kibbles to see if she would eat it (and offered it slowly and essentially hand fed her).
Glad to report that she kept that down. After about an hour she was letting me know she was fine and "bring on the food mom :excited: ". So, I gave her her breakfast. It's been over 2.5 hours and she has not had anymore "erps", belly is quiet, and she is active as ever.
I guess it truly was an upset belly. We talked to Amber last night and I think she may have also eaten too fast from being hungry. Her "schedule" was off from our visit with Bentley, she didn't get as much lunch as usual, and she had puppy biscuits from morning training and with Bentley. I guess she got home and was hungrier than I realized, gulped her food in warp speed (which is typical..but this may have been faster than usual)...and then got a good old fashioned belly ache. That's all I can figure.
And, yes, I am exhausted. I woke every 1-2 hours to assure she was alright, slept on the couch so she could have the den floor next to me. Whew...puppies... :phew: ...keeping you on your toes at all times :) :hearts: :hearts:
I am happy that she is back to her usual perfect self!
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