Bees Wax

I'm trying to find a store that would carry bees wax. I want to try making hand lotion.
Does anyone have any idea where I could purchase it?

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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I think they have it at our Food Co-op.
Maybe Hobby Lobby or something with a craft dept?
I would try a Whole Foods, GNC Store or any natural food or supplement store.
I hate going from store to store so I buy 90% of my thing online. Amazon sells it and they have overnight shipping (if you needed it fast for christmas craft gifts or something).
I used to raise bees so know people in the trade. Locally you might be able to find a beekeeper who has some. Or you can buy PURE beeswax candles.......better if they are from rolled beeswax you have a Catholic supply store? look at the menu on the left side for bulk beeswax and also beeswax recipes (for lotions and potions). Maybe some health food store sells honey in comb. Another thought is a sewing store. I always have a block handy for hand sewing, run the thread through...I'd call before I started tramping around. I've never seen it at HobbyLobby but then I don't look for candle making stuff anymore.
SheepieBoss wrote:
I used to raise bees

The people on this forum are such an incredibly diverse bunch. You raised bees?? I have never known anyone who raised bees! How does one even think about starting a bee raising enterprise? A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on bees and I was fascinated and thought the bee people were just so unique and interesting and that bees were pretty neato too!!
Todd's dad used to raise bees too. 8) 8) He had them up until a few years before he died.

And, I was shopping today, and I did see blocks of bees wax at Hobby Lobby - sells for $14.99!
They have all sorts of candle and soap making supplies.
Thanks guys for all of your responses
I found a bee farm about and hour away that sells wax.

I thought for Christmas this year I would make lotion and sugar scrubs for my co workers.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Mady wrote:
SheepieBoss wrote:
I used to raise bees

The people on this forum are such an incredibly diverse bunch. You raised bees?? I have never known anyone who raised bees! How does one even think about starting a bee raising enterprise? A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on bees and I was fascinated and thought the bee people were just so unique and interesting and that bees were pretty neato too!!

I always think the same thing. If I have question about anything, I know someone here has done/experienced it!!
babysheepie wrote:
Thanks guys for all of your responses
I found a bee farm about and hour away that sells wax.

I thought for Christmas this year I would make lotion and sugar scrubs for my co workers.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie

Just make sure your coworkers aren't allergic to bees because something simple like that can cause an allergic reaction (I know from experiance, I'm allergic to bees)
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