Archies been in the wars

My poor old clumsy oaf of a boy has been in the wars lately.

We thought he'd picked up a bruised ankle the other day, after charging about in his normal crazy manner.

No complaints at the time, a bit of licking of his ankle and a hobble the following day When I tried to find any objects he bit me and held my arm firmly but gently in his mouth for 10-15 mins whilst growling!!, thought we'd let him rest.

Thursday night while I was cooking dinner, Cathy called me and said Archies bleeding! :twitch:

He hadn't be five minutes earlier, sure enough there was blood on his toes and his dog blanket - we knew he was unhappy, he hasn't used his crate for probably 6 months (the cats have taken up tenancy!) I had a look and sure enough between two of his toes blood was ozzing out a quite a rate.

Quick phone call to vets (thankfully still open) got an appointment there and then, used the "do you want to go in the car?" trick out he bounds barking like crazy, trailing bloody paw prints in his wake.

At the Vets the vet rapidly diagnosed after having a squeeze of wound and expressing puss (he'd muzzled him) bit of a yelp I have never heard him make, it was thought he has probably picked up a blackthorn between his toes, it was decided that we'd leave him there that night and he had exploratory surgery the following moring and clean it out.

Archie recovered fine yesterday, he came home yesterday afternoon, much bashing and a crashing with his cone of shame, had a snoozy evening, without the cone while he was supervised.

Here he is this morning recuperating sporting some of my old socks over a plastic bag to keep his dressing dry and intact!

He has just come back from a short toilet trip - the daft hound doesn't seem to understand convelesance, he wanted to charge off.

Some boots on order, hopefully will come in time before dressing is removed!
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Poor guy. Good to see he's still thinking like a healthy dog.

Get well soon Archie!

Poor Archie and his bad foot. That had to hurt!

Glad he's on the mend...and good luck to you keeping it clean and dry until it heals. :crossed: :crossed:
Having had guys with the dreaded "thorn between the toes" before, I know how protective they become.....but holding your arm? :twitch: He will be fine but in the mean time looks nifty with the sock!
Well what can I say?! Must be a family thing them both being sedated on the same day!! I had to leave Ru at the vets for 4 hours and was totally beside myself. Ru was dripping puddles of blood from his boy bits :twitch: He's on antibiotics but they couldn't find anything.
I'm so glad Archie is ok. Nothing more frustrating than them not being able to run though!! Poor Archie, big cuddles from me & brother Ru :ghug:
Poor Archie, I hope he heals quickly.

I hope Ru is feeling better soon as well.
Poor boy!! I hope that he rests up and lets himself heal.
So sorry Archie has been in the wars, glad he is on the mend. Summer sends lovely big slurpy kisses to make him feel :wag:
Glad to hear Archies on the mend. Get better soon big boy.
Hope Archies foot heals soon!


Glad Archie is on the mend! Well wishes handsome boy!!
Glad to hear Archie is doing ok.
Get well Archie! I didn't know he was related to Ru. Obviously good looks run in the family.
Quick update after a week of worn out socks and plastic bags, we are managing to keep Archies dressing dry, we bought a pair of Ferplast dog boots, he has already going through the toe! he is so wound up and wanting to bounce and run everywhere - you are supposed to be poorly you daft hound! :clappurple: he sounds like a cart horse clopping about as the boot has a rubber sole.

He has been remarkably good and is not requiring the daft collar of shame, his third dressing change is due on Monday, here's hoping it'll have heeled up some more.

Other night before going to bed he thought I may have been putting his collar on, he went into his cage - the two cats were all ready there, toast the female (read evil one of the pair) hissed and swiped him, which he ignored, Marmalade was fast asleep at the tail end of his cage, Archie goes into the bottom, turns around and settles with the massive effort sigh he makes! :lol: I was thinking erm where's Marmalade :lmt: , a few moments later, out of Archies tailend fluff appeared a pair of Ginger ears followed by his head with a very shocked look on his face with the largest eyes you ever saw :twitch: Marmalade then proceeded with ninja stealth to slowly walk past the rest of Archie and out of the cage (this took about 90 seconds) accompanied by a loving lick from the daft hound.

It was all I could do not to wet myself it was so funny.
That is funny! So it seems that Archie is back to himself, which is wonderful!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good one!

Great story. Glad he's on the mend.

Kristine 8)
:lol: :lol:

Bless Archie :hearts:
:hearts: :hearts: Yeah Archie! :hearts: :hearts:

Hope the vet visit goes well tomorrow.
It's healing nicely, but erred on the side of caution and went for another dressing, which will be removed Thursday, he;s as crazy as ever, somehow this morning after the vets, in the back garden in the frosty air he managed to get his boot rotated 180ยบ so the heal was on top???? he did however come in and bark at me to show me how clever he was! :lmt:

His poor shaved leg looks like a stick!
:kiss: well done Archie, keeping Dad on his toes!! glad he is on the mend
He must be getting better if he is being so silly!
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