sarcoptic mites

I took Bella to the vets last night since she has been itching without any relief from the benadryl. When there I noticed that she had developed little crusty areas along her ear edges. I have been over her head to nub and haven't seen anything like a flea. She has also been licking her elbows. At first the vet was thinking allergies until I showed her Bella's ears. She said that the only other thing could be mites but those come from coyotes and fox. Oh stupid mommy....I mentioned to the vet that yes my other dog did trap a fox in the barn and had gotten it and I found the carcus in the yard 2 months ago. She said that it may have taken that long for the infection to overcome their immune systems.

One big injection SQ every two weeks for 6 weeks just to be sure we get all the mites. Has anyone had this before and is there any value in a good cholrohexadine bath? I was planning on giving her a bath and would use that at the elbows, tummy and ear edges if it would help.
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i'm a bit surprised vet didn't suggest the bathing also. last dog i had to the vet for mites was bathed repeatedly and shots. sure can't hurt from what i understood.
Oh great sarcoptic mange......pick a hard one. Yes, bathing is part of the treatment since the bast*** mites do come up from under the skin to mate and then down they go again. You should bathe and maybe dip every 5 days for 8 consececutive treatments....while also taking the shots. For years lime sulfur has been the recommended a 2% solution. Problem is it stinks like rotten eggs!

It is also recommended you clip the hair away from the infested parts, reducing the highway to new sections but also so as to get to the infested parts with the bath.

Also time for a serious house cleaning...but I assume you already do. Fortunately the larvae die within 24 hours being off the dog, they dry up and die.

Finally.......this is contagious, it will move from dog to do and can get onto humans! We had one lady call us who the docs thought was a hypochondriac. One doc had mentioned in passing, mites so she called Extension Service to ask if the doc was nuts! We told her sarcoptic mites did indeed get onto humans, especially on the arms, waist and less often legs and cause the red bumps and intense itching. Sure enough, a different dermatologist who was willing to do some serious skin, bloody and there were the buggers.

I wish you success and not getting infested yourself.
think ya covered it, not a funny subject at all, but somehow now i'm picturing gail running around with her hair on fire. 8O i apologize.
That was exactly what I dealt with when I adopted Kahlua. Didn't know she had sarcoptic mite until the rest of my dogs and cats, plus myself started scratching as well. I need to run out now but promise I will share with you what I've learnt from my battle later tonight when I have time to sit down and write more...

More later...
I have been dusting and vacuuming non-stop since we got home from the vets. It is off to the doggy wash tomorrow and a trip to the vets for the other pup and a bath for him as well. So far we are all clear. I hate to tell hubby about us getting possibly infected since he already has a thing about fleas and such. I'll just tell him "Fall cleaning" 8O
Pre Thanksgiving cleaning, post Thanksgiving cleaning, Pearl Harbor cleaning, Winter solstice cleaning and of course Christmas cleaning.................Kwanza cleaning??
now I am paranoid since I was reading about the ivermectin and OES and most of the sites are saying they can't have it. She was given a shot of it yesterday at the vets and is supposed to have a shot every 2 weeks for a total of 6 weeks. The vet didn't ask about testing her for the gene and Bella's itching has improved some. Should I do the genetic testing, continue with the shots or just do the dips which sound pretty toxic as well. anyone that has dealt with this HELP!!!!!! Please
None of my sheepdogs have been bothered by ivermectin, but you should discuss this with your vet. If there is an alternative treatment until you can make certain your dog isn't carrier, do so. Of course is she (dog) already on Heartgaard? That's ivermectin + something else..??

Here is what I have done to cure the sarcoptic mites.

-Medicated dip, oral medication and medicated shampoo on the dogs and the cats
-Disinfection in the house every other day
-Boost up their immune system

All my dogs and cats got two medicated dips at the vet 7 day apart and then they were prescribed 3 rounds of Interceptor 10 days apart.
My vet would not use Ivermectin on my dogs even though I had them tested by College of Veterinary Medicine on their drug sensitivities from mutation in MDRI. This is a test you can order by mail. Thanks to Jaci (6girls) who told me about this.

In the meantime, in between the medication, I felt like I had to do something to help them feel better faster. So I did a lot of research online and decided to try out a few remedies I found online.

Finally I settled with bathing them with a medicated shampoo called Defendex every other day.
Here is the description about this shampoo on their website
Naturally rid your pet of mange and scabies infestation
Address infestation at all stages of life cycle, including eggs
Protect yourself and your pet from chemicals and pesticides
Safe for kittens and puppies – contains no pyrethrins/pyrethroids
Enjoy peace of mind with no negative side effects*

As for the household, it was A LOT more work. I removed all the seating pillows from the couch, everything that was fabric and could be moved, were put into a room that no cats or dogs allowed for two weeks to quarantined. Good thing about this mites is that they will die without a host in 10 days.

Whatever fabric items I cannot removed, the couch, the carpet...etc other than vacuuming them every day, I sprayed them with a mixture of hot water, Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax. All my clothes and the dog bedding are washed with Borax added.

I also put them on Omega 3 fish oil to make their skin stronger, so they can heal faster and sustain the mites' attack or fight any infection better.

Check out this link where I got tons of advices from forum members when I was fighting the battle (you were one of them that gave me advice too, Gail :kiss: )

Consistence is the key. It may be harder for you to do all those major disinfection in the house without causing your husband's suspicion. Perhaps do it when he is at work? It is a lot of work but you can do it. It is not really that bad because you do not have more than one furry baby cross infecting each other. I had 4 dogs and 3 cats at that time and it was quite a nightmare 8O

Good luck, Gail...I hope Bella will feel better soon :wag:

Kahlua'a Mom
I just ordered the defendex shampoo and should have it in hand on Wed. Did you shave Kaluha down? Bella has not lost any hair but does have little crusts along her ear flap. She has a little skin thickening along her left front elbow. The person on line was helpful and said to massage the shampoo in for 15 minutes before rinsing her off. We have mostly leather furniture in our house so that should be easy to clean. did you spray your carpets with anything or just vacuum them to death??? The only bad thing is that Bella sleeps in bed with us and I don't think I will be able to break her of that.

I can have the blood drawn for the MDR1 testing and sent out today but the results probably won't be back before she is supposed to have another shot. Should I just go the shampoo route and not risk the ivermectin shot???? I know it will be tough to wash her every other day for 6 weeks unless I trim her back or shave her. Maybe I can get away with a puppy cut or only 2 inches? not sure if that would be ok with all the baths.
Gail - A friend's rescue dog had to be treated, my vet tested for MDR1 status because G/A warned us another OES who had to be treated for mange at the same time had died due to treatment, presumed to be mutant/mutant MDR1 dog (no direct link between the dogs except they both came from IN and both had mange). Anyway, my friend's dog came back mutant/normal, which means they can be sensitive, but it's not as serious as having two copies of the gene mutation. They successfully treated her, though I forget what they used.

As for MDRI testing, have them e-mail you the MDR1 results - it's just a cheek swab, btw, no blood needed - it's faster.

I'll PM you my friend's contact info in a moment. I'm sure her memory is a lot better than mine.

Her poor dog was horribly affected, no immune system to speak of, and yet no humans caught anything and dog is fully recovered with no reoccurence for something like 4 years now.

It'll be OK.

I just got off the phone with the my vet and we have decided to go the interceptor route. With the holiday coming up and by time they got the sample from us Washington couldn't say for sure that the results would be back before next Thursday. Talk about poor timing. The vet said that most owners who's pups can't have ivermectin go the dip route although I was ready how toxic that can be. the interceptor is $$$$$ and that is why most don't choose it but I don't want to risk anything. The Defendex shampoo has no harmful chemicals and they recommend baths every 3 days. I should have that by Wed at the latest.

The vet did think that if I took Bella back to a short puppy cut of 1-2 inches I should be okay with the medicated shampoo.

on the up side hubby said how nice the house looked after my cleaning spree. Up vacuuming at 5 am after they went out hunting and now more complaints about the dust bunnies and leaves Bella seems to bring into the house with her.

I did have Kahlua shaved down because they said by doing so, the medicated shampoo will have better contact with the skin, rather than losing over 30% of it absorbed by the hair. The shampoo came in a small bottle, I diluted it with water in another squirt bottle, so I can apply easier and not to waste the shampoo. At first I thought I would need to order more since she is so big (I ordered the buy three get one free package) but I ended with still have 3/4 of the last bottle left.

Kahlua's condition was a lot worse than Bella. Her previous owner thought it was allergy causing her scratching and losing of fur. According to the vet record I obtained from her previous owner, she started scratching since she was 5 months old, and after one very toxic dip and terrible reaction, she was then being treated as allergy case for the next 12 months until her previous owner couldn't deal with her anymore and put her up for adoption. That's why by the time I got her, she was so badly infested and got secondary skin infection from the scratching that she looked really miserable. :|

I also agree with Kristine that it is really safer to take the test, I had both my herding dogs tested just for future reference even though my vet used Interceptor.

I vaccumed the heck out of the carpet and the couch and then I sprayed them. I got a really nice spray bottle that have a nice range and sprayed the carpet with the mixture everyday.

To be honest, I can't be sure which of the methods I used really helped and which one didn't. I just did everything within my knowledge to tackle it. I meant if someone told me dancing around the infested dogs and chanted while holding a sage stick would work, I would have done that as well :?

If Bella sleeps on the bed when you guys are not in it, try covering with a sheet and wash the sheet everyday with hot water and borax. I had 4 dogs at that time and I bought 8 beds. Alternating them for every other day washing, so they still have something to sleep on while I am washing the other 4 bed covers and I sprayed the filling with the mixture as well.

My cats get on the bed with us too, so I safety pinned a sheet over my duvet. And I washed the sheet every day.
"I meant if someone told me dancing around the infested dogs and chanted while holding a sage stick would work, I would have done that as well"

the above will definitely work if you videotape and post on forum. 8)
Well, there have been too many babies on the forum having health issues lately. I would definitely post a video clip of me doing this whole ritual, even in the most hideous outfit with unmatching shoes (gasp) if someone told me that would help those babies to be back to health :?
and i'd join ya in disguise of course if it would make everyone better. :)

great idea about the sheet. I can pin it to the duvet cover after I have washed that again. does regular laundry soap not kill the mites??? does it need to be the borax??? I did all the laundry the first go round with just regular soap but can get the borax if need be?? not sure where you get that. Did you spray your carpets with anything special?? I know they said that you can use the defendex on furniture and carpets but it is so expensive. one article I found also recommended a mix of borax and hydrogen peroxide which can be used to wash animals and carpets but it seems the peroxide might hurt clothes, furniture and carpets let alone the dog. did you worry about getting infected yourself and did you do any of the special soaps that I have seen??

I HATE these stupid @$&*((%&&))^%$) MITES. I cant wait for them all to die :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
[quote="sheepiegail"]great idea about the sheet. I can pin it to the duvet cover after I have washed that again. does regular laundry soap not kill the mites??? does it need to be the borax??? I did all the laundry the first go round with just regular soap but can get the borax if need be?? not sure where you get that. Did you spray your carpets with anything special?? I know they said that you can use the defendex on furniture and carpets but it is so expensive. one article I found also recommended a mix of borax and hydrogen peroxide which can be used to wash animals and carpets but it seems the peroxide might hurt clothes, furniture and carpets let alone the dog. did you worry about getting infected yourself and did you do any of the special soaps that I have seen?? quote]

I got the borax from a regular grocery store...I believe it was either Von's or Ralph's. You can find it in the laundry section.

I only added borax to the wash along with regular detergent when I washed the clothes, beddings, Kahlua's tee (for covering her raw skin from scratching) I didn't add hydrogen peroxide when doing the laundry.

As for the mixture for spraying furniture and carpet. I diluted the borax with warm water, ratio of 3% hydrogen peroxide to water is 1:1. The amount of hydrogen peroxide is not enough to damage the furniture and carpet. My carpet is light color and it was fine, no discoloring or anything but of course, I do recommend you to do a small patch test first to be safe. I also added Dettol ... 00_details
which actually may not do anything to the buggers but I figured it is also used as an insecticide, fungicide as hydrogen peroxide and it didn't do any harm to at least make them more miserable :twisted: I didn't worry about the peroxide being too harsh for my body because it is not really a lot of it getting contact with my body (as it is diluted with 50% water and distributed in mist form) and after all people use it to clean wounds anyway.

The spray bottle I got is from Chris Christensen ... sizes.aspx I chose the "mist" function and so the mixture will be distributed evenly, won't be too concentrated in one area. I believe you probably can find something similar in Lowe's or HomeDepot's Gardening Section.

I didn't get any special soap for myself or my husband. I showed signs of getting infested as well in the beginning (added to that were my other dogs and cats also started scratching and that's how I knew it wasn't allergy, it was something else) but we human actually are not a very good host for these buggers.

Talk about hating that bugger...I was "lucky" that vet actually caught that bugger when doing a skin scrapping and he showed me how it looks under the microscope.. :evil: :evil: ugly evil thing!!!!

Kahlua's mom
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