Carting - a longer, better video

This was Monday - 3 dogs and 6.5 miles.
We worked on a nice ground covering trot that they can maintain for miles and worked!
They did great - when we stopped they were still ready to keep going. :clappurple:
And 2 people were on the cart too - Donaven and I.

Here it is - Chewie, Gabby and Biscuit doing their thing!

Man, this is so addicting!! :lol:
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I guess I thought there was a lead dog and then a dog behind that one and a dog behind that one???

Is there different ways of 'running' them??? Do you run differently in the winter?

It looks like fun!!!
sheepieshake wrote:
I guess I thought there was a lead dog and then a dog behind that one and a dog behind that one???

Is there different ways of 'running' them??? Do you run differently in the winter?

It looks like fun!!!

The lead dog(s) can be what's called single lead or double lead. In this video Gabby and Chewie are running double lead (they are job sharing!).

The gang line (the line after the lead dog(s) and back to the cart (or sled) have double hookups at every spot. You can run one dog alone there, or have one on each side. To make it longer, you add sections - each section hooks 2 dogs side by side.
We only had Biscuit (who will NEVER be up front, he is too crazy) left to hook up (only 3 dogs went with), so he ended up by himself.

Here's an example:

Gabby and Chewie are out in front in double lead. They each have their own line that goes to their harness loop in the back, and hooks to the gangline section; and they lead the whole thing.
Then the 2 black dogs are on a section together - they are hooked in on their collars and they pull with a line hook to their harness.
Same with Biscuit and the little border collie closest - they are on another section and hooked at collar and harness. Then the gangline closest to the cart/sled hooks onto the cart/sled and away we go!

And here is the same thing on snow with a sled!

Here is Chewie in single lead:

And one of my favorite pictures, Pam and her team with her lead girls in double lead :

You just keep adding gangline sections however long you want (and how brave you are!)
Here is Chewie in a 9 dog team at Helen's in ND - her 2 mal's in double lead, and then 4 gangline sections added for the rest of the dogs. Note that one is running single:

Another option is the "fan" - all dogs are run on separate lines right off the cart/sled - here is Chewie, Martha and Abby:

And this next one I have framed! It's Chewie on his 1st big team run out at Helen's in 2008. He is running single in the team...Helen had never met me or Chewie (I was with Linda and her Gabby is one of Helen's pups - we got a courtesy invite!), and she could NOT wrap her head around the fact that a OES "show dog" could possibly do this! So to be safe, she put him alone on his gangline section.
Linda rode with Helen on the 4 wheeler, they went 5 miles and were gone over an hour (rest breaks)...I was going crazy waiting back in the yard... :plead: wondering how it went.....
They came back into the yard, and that was the day Helen became a Chewie fan! :cheer: She was so impressed, and said that Chewie could run with her dogs anytime. :cheer:
Here they are, finishing up 5 miles:

This is incredibly glad this grandma got to do it before I got too old!! :clappurple: :go: :D
very very cool. :clappurple:

I would love to have Cambridge pull Hezekiah in a wagon or something when he grows up.

very very cool. oops already said that!
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