October snow Denver?

I still get a kick out of October snows in Denver.......thankfully now 460 miles further south. Here's hoping our Colorado sheepies are all ready for another snowy ground for Halloween trick or treating (remembering many Halloweens where I had to wear boots and jacket and some years where no jacket was required at all!)

I see my old mountain home could receive upwards of two feet.....skiers rejoyce!

Stay warm, dry and safe!
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Yep, it's coming in fast! Maybe snow day tomorrow for kids, we are in Evergreen. I love it, bundle up!
Have fun in your snow...but please keep it out west! Not rady for it here yet in the Northeast!
We may see some snow here on Thursday.
Hope not.
Boulder sheepdogs are ready to play! I hope it is alot. . .
Looking ahead, 50's by weekend. So just a brief frozen margarita today and then gone. Not one of those October surprises where you get 2 feet.
It seems so funny to think of snow in Colorado when yesterday my Honeysuckle started to bloom again. :D
violet wrote:
It seems so funny to think of snow in Colorado when yesterday my Honeysuckle started to bloom again. :D

I know! It is funny for me too! It was 80 degrees on Monday and you can see in this picture that my hanging baskets are still blooming:

The snow was wet and heavy and there are branches down all over the neighborhood.
Hearing about the snow makes me want to bring out Christmas stuff (yep... I've become the person people hate).
That's the problem with October snows, the limb breakage! I loved honeylocust trees because they were the first to drop their leaves and usually missed the snows...except the year they had snow Sept 3 or was it the 6th? Well, the tree people will be busy.

Mrs. J, come decorate for me! I actually enjoy seeing decorations in the stores. I do miss the really elaborate decorations of years past!
And here I thought I was about to get slaughtered for saying I'm ready for Christmas!!!

I get excited too when i see Christmas stuff. Now I do want to enjoy the stuff before, but.... I can never get enough "prep" time :)

...and I'm a terrible decorator. We'd have to get someone like darcy to help us both ;)
Joahaeyo wrote:
And here I thought I was about to get slaughtered for saying I'm ready for Christmas!!!

I get excited too when i see Christmas stuff. Now I do want to enjoy the stuff before, but.... I can never get enough "prep" time :)

...and I'm a terrible decorator. We'd have to get someone like darcy to help us both ;)

I was just thinking about the Christmas deco....I only put my one pumpkin and two porch kids out for Halloween this year, so was thinking about pulling out Thanksgiving and making plans the for Christmas decor soon. Each time I go into the stores I look at all the holiday decorations, they just make me happy.
I'm the odd contradiction. :lol:

I want the snow (once it gets cold - my theory being why not?? Cold without snow is just a waste!) but don't want the Christmas decorations yet.

I love the fall colors and the cozy feeling they give. :D
I love fall too and used to decorate like crazy for halloween but not anymore, put a few things out and that's it.

Not ready for Christmas but once again I used to be ready to go after Thanksgiving, now I don't even care if we put up the fake tree.
I love it, cold without snow is a waste :excited: You'd be bummed here in winter!

I too am considering not putting up a tree, but then I'll miss seeing all the ornaments we have collected over the years. I will do the outside as there is something stately......on this very unstately house....having wreaths by the doors and on the front gate. Lights? Ladder days are over.
I have some nice ornaments too but since we go down by the kids and don't entertain it's rather a waste of time. Carl always decorates outside. Not stately so much but fun, you really don't stately up a trailer.
:twitch: I didn't notice the gate ornaments in your picture Val :banana: :banana: I was too busy looking at the snow and trees.
SheepieBoss wrote:
:twitch: I didn't notice the gate ornaments in your picture Val :banana: :banana: I was too busy looking at the snow and trees.

LOL! Was wondering if anyone would notice them. 8) They are so happy playing in the snow. It is melting fast today. Tree limbs are down all over the neighborhood. As my neighbor said, it was a bad day to be a tree.
I guess that's why big, really big trees, are rare along the Front Range. If the early or late snows don't get them, there is always the down slope winds off the mtns.

it was a bad day to be a tree
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