
Bloo is 7 months old now
he goes training classes each week, to learn new things. At the moment we are doing food refusal, recall with distractions and loose lead walking with distractions.

At the park i cannot let him off as he will run to other dogs, and he is really boustrous! We have to go in the tenis courts when they are empty. :(
He has a friend cassie whos goes training too, live in same area and sometimes will see her up the park. Cassie is a retreiver doodle. They have the same energy and will play for ever and clajaws, but today he was tugging her coat and pinning her on the floor, looked like they were just playing but i brought him off the park as i didnt want either of them to get hurt.

Bloo is going through the toddler years of biting and barking and nipping, its getting really annoying. i have tryed being a tree and ignoring him, skating rocks in a bottle and shouting NO. Nothing is working.
As he is a male dog and is 7 months old he is being dominent. Bloo is going to be neutered but the vets said that his bit shavnt dropped yet and that he is a slow maturer. Now he is 7 months i am going to take him to vet asap to see if he is ready to be chopped. If not then we will have o put up with this until he is ready i suppose:(

Has anybody got any tips on how to make him play nice and to stop being dominent and biting and barking at peopel and other dogs.

Any help would be much appreciated thankyou all
XXX :wag:
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What you have there is a teenage dog. The time between 6-12 months is a hair wrenching experience. The dog has selective hearing(like forgetting their name), has forgot everything you've trained and is genuinely a knothead. Stay firm, calm, and remember this too shall pass.
Neutering isn't giong to necessarily change this behavior. As a matter of fact, it rarely does. This age, they seem to have forgotten everything you taught them. Like, their brains fell out of their head. 8O Keep up with the training & let him play with other dogs. Generally they (especially the females) will put him in his place better than you can. He undrestands their language better :D Of course if you see it escalatingto more, you need to step in & separate & call a time out. Be patient too....it will just be a matter of time before not only do the brains return from vacation but the light bulb goes on upstairs too :lol:
Thankyou for the help. :)

I will keep up with training, i think he is being rather stubborn as he doesnt do heel as good as he used to, seems to be getting bored now :( Bad as we have to pass the silver course :P

I let him play and mom will get bloo off when hes too boustrous, thanks for letting me know im doing the right thing about that. I want hm to play but when he has them pinned down and tugging their coats i get scared of him hurting them :(

Thanks anyway i will let you know how he is getting on later in the year :)
The breeders I know all recommend not neutering until they are at least 12 months old, earlier than that can adversely effect their bone growth. In fact, our contract suggests not neutering before 12 months.

The 4 breeders I am reffering to are all OESCA referrede breeders and each has been breeding OES for more than 30 years. I respect their opinion though do not plan to neuter Dexter for quite a while.
I appreciate your opinions. I have heard about the early neutering, i only go from what the vet says. ` they havnt dropped yet` :P
At the moment he is being quite over the top with certain things which is why we want to neuter him, also we arent breeding from him. :)
By the time we get round to neutering he will be about 9-10 months old. We have to get money to pay for neutering, and new microchip as the other ones got lost apparently hehe... all vet money has been spent on my cat. Im hoping sometime jan-feb next year. Probably wont but some say itll calm him down??? :P

Thanks for the advice txbart. ill take it onboard ;P
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