What's the longest you'd leave your dog at a kennel?

I may have to do some travelling for work at the end of this month and my company wants to send me to 4 different locations around the world.

I'm a little concerned with having to leave Brick. We've left him at a kennel for 5-7 days before but that's the longest.

This trip could be around 14 days or so. Is that too long? Is there a rule of thumb? How long would you guys leave you dog at a kennel for?

I hate leaving him at all. I just don't know anyone responsible & knowledgeable enough to care for an Airedale for that long.

Advice welcome.
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From my experience seeing dogs boarded at The Paw, I'd say it's not so critical the length for most dogs. The hardest on them are the 1st couple days, then they usually settle into the routine. So days 3-whatever aren't so bad.

We have many dogs who do extended stays there, and they become like family. They do daycare usually, and stay active and busy. There are several regulars who stay 1-2 weeks at a time d/t their human's work travels. Send him on over to MN!!
I wouldn't leave Mady in a kennel, but not because she wouldn't be ok, mainly because I know of no kennel which could manage her coat and grooming. This is part of the reason we're leaving Mady with Amber for our trip to Europe. We only left her in a kennel once, when we got married last year. She was in for 3 days, she had a fabulous time, but her coat was an absolute disaster after only 3 days. So I don't know if there are grooming issues with Brick, I assume not so much. I imagine a kennel like the one Allison often leaves Tonks & Luna would rock.

Where are you off to? I wish my work sent me off travelling around the world!
I totally don't think that's long at all. Of course I never would want to leave my dog that long BUT...nowadays kennels aren't "kennels."

...finding the right place is everything. I trust my dog will get so many tummy rubs, socialization, and all the suites have tv's (God knows why???) ...so if I look at it that way, how bad can it be? ;)

We schedule for grooming mid week!! And then before we come to get her.

We're leaving for a trip too, but yuki has anxiety, so vet told us to keep her on her medicine to calm her down. Or else, she'll never stop chewing on herself!
got sheep wrote:
Send him on over to MN!!

If I lived closer to you Dawn, I would send Brick to you in a heartbeat!
Baba wrote:
Where are you off to?

It could all fall apart once they see the price tag.
I think it's rediculous to spend that kind of money for something that can be done via the web.

But they're talking Sydney, Australia first, then on to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, then on to Jungingen, Germany, then Navan, Ireland, and then back home.

I'm apprehensive. I'm not much of a traveler. I've never been abroad before in my life.

And I WISH there was a kennel around here like the one Tonks & Luna go to.
Maybe I'll check with our rescue group.
I wonder if one of the volunteers would mind watching him.
CamVal1 wrote:

But they're talking Sydney, Australia first, then on to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, then on to Jungingen, Germany, then Navan, Ireland, and then back home.

Wow, all in one trip? You'd likely fly west and across the Pacific, and keep flying west and cross the Atlantic from Ireland, so really circumnavigating the globe. I think that's pretty cool.
That sounds like Josh. He usually spends a month traveling to India, China, South Korea, and soon, to Russia. Fortunately, I stay with the dogs.

I worked at a kennel for awhile, really, it mostly depends on the kennel you go with. It's safe to say, people that work at kennels really are dog lovers. We all had our personal favorite dogs that stayed with us.

Tour the facility you're thinking of going with. Some kennels are more about shoving as many dogs into their facility rather than being attentive to their client needs. I worked at a place where small dogs were crammed into cat condos and the poor cats that were sharing the cat room were beyond stressed by all the noise. If a kennel is full to capacity, sometimes dogs don't get out quick enough and they have accidents.

I've seen places where you have the option of watching your pet through a webcam. It gives you a peace of mind knowing that he's surviving fine without you, but also to know he is being cared for. Some places offer independent play time where you can opt to pay a little extra and have a good solid 15 minute one on one time with a kennel aid.

There is a real possibility that I will go with Josh abroad in the future for a business trip. We've decided to go with a pet sitter. There always seem to be some in the area that are bonded, licensed, and have references. Another source, is your vet. There may be some Vet Assistants who offer pet sitting services. When I worked at a vet years back, a lot of our vet assistants did that. The benefit is, they tend to know your pet and are equip to act if your pet sustained an injury while you were away.
There is a great facility upstate but I think it might be in Saratoga and not Syrcuse...but check it out. Its called Mahogany Ridge, New York. There is another in VA. My friend owned it and brought it down to VA but the woman who bought it, kept the name only nuses the "NY" part to distinguish. Great facility run by great dog people. I go to training camp with them every year and say the place is worth looking into if close enough.
Can you work with a private petsitter if you aren't comfortable with an actual kennel for that long? We have a family that does doggie day care in their home during the day and will keep dogs (in their home) with them overnight. No, they don't groom but I trust these people completely to take care of my dogs like they take care of their family. In fact, I found out the last time I picked them up after a weekend stay that Clyde sleeps in bed with their grandma when she comes to visit! I suppose from that viewpoint, they treat our dogs better than we do since no one sleeps in our bed but us!
The longest we have left these dogs is 7 days. The set we had before that was 9 days.

I am never comfortable leaving them in a kennel because you don't really know how they are treated. We try to plan our vacations so they can come with us but even then we want to do some things that they can't come and we plan ahead for a kennel stay of one to two days in the area we are in.
You could also explore other options. I know that one of the vet techs at our vet will take in the odd dog for boarding. Young woman, full of energy, experienced with dogs etc. The groomer that we used (before she insisted on shaving Mady's nose) also would board dogs. As for kennels, do your research. Apart from the grooming issue with Mady, the kennel we had found was fantastic. It might be worth driving a bit further to find a good one, since you are going for so long. Heck we are driving six hours to make sure that Mady is somewhere safe and sound. Otherwise I would not enjoy the trip at all.

As for the travelling aspect, I am jealous. I love to travel. Do you need an assistant???
Mady wrote:
Do you need an assistant???

Yes, I do.
I'm a little concerned that the company is sending me overseas alone for such a long trip. It's shaping up to be about 3 weeks (I hate leaving my boy for that long :( )
I've never travelled abroad before, so I'm a real noob at this sort of thing. I have NO idea what I'm doing.

The airfare alone might cost $20K to $25K U.S. Yikes! 8O 8O
Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but there is a kennel that we've used before for Brick and we liked it. I called them and they said longer stays are no problem. They had a dog stay there for 3 months once. The owners went to Florida for a month and the wife broke her leg down there and they ended up staying for 2 more months.

I would just feel better if he was in environment where he had regular human contact. He's a pretty social dog and likes to be around people. Still need to check with my rescue group to see if one of the members would mind watching him.
I'm pretty particular about where I'll leave my "children". We've got some nice Doggie Resort type places here now. The longest I have left mine have been 10 days when we left the country, but I was completely comfortable with the place and considered that they had a vacation themselves. It was cageless, free roaming and playing and 24 hour supervision. I would be worried to leave mine in a traditional kennel though, Copper was adopted from a kill shelter and I think being kept in a cage would devastate him.

Do you have petsitters there? There are national alliances of credentialed petsitters. You could probably google and get more info. Some vets have petsitter info as well. If you'd trust someone in your home.

Good luck, you'll know what's best for Brick and will make a great decision.
My dog was sick with MRSA last year and was at the hopsital in ICU solitary confinement for ten days. He did okay there. So, being at a kennel, if its reputable, should be okay for your dog. The first few days, yes, they will be miserable and missing you. Maybe won't eat as much...but if its a good kennel, they have human contact and fun things during the day and nice sleeping quarters at night. If my dog made it through such a rough time, I think your dog will do okay at a fun kennel! The important thing is to be safe from running away or hurt and someone available if he gets sick. I think its us humans who get more stresed out then our dogs!

I sent you a pm about a place I recommend upstate NY...
One month when we were between cities and houses. They had been in kennels before.....the longest being 13 days so going the extra 17 didn't seem to harm them...........well, no not true. Basil poked his eye and it became ulcerated and they didn't call us.
Did you find a place for Brick?
Ashley wrote:
Did you find a place for Brick?

While I still have his regular kennel as a back-up, I would rather him stay with people who own & understand Airedales. Don't know if that's going to be possible.
And the trip is still up in the air.
CamVal1 wrote:
I'm a little concerned that the company is sending me overseas alone for such a long trip. It's shaping up to be about 3 weeks (I hate leaving my boy for that long :( )
I've never travelled abroad before, so I'm a real noob at this sort of thing. I have NO idea what I'm doing.

I travel overseas a lot. I've been to Sydney, Ireland and Germany. Never been to KL but have been to other areas in Asia. Send me a message if you want to talk about travel.

I agree with you about human contact. I'd either find a kennel with lots of space and play time, or find a dog sitter that will take Brick into their home. I have a friend with a kennel in Long Island, but that's probably too far from you.
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