EXCUSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Just curious......my Charlie has the loudest, most frequent burps I have ever heard. To be honest, I don't think I ever heard a dog burp before until Charlie came around. He sounds like his been in a bar room all day. He walks right up to your face and belches just like human - and loudly too! Is Charlie the only one with such bad manners? :?:
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No he isn't!!! My breeder told me that boo's mom also had the habit to burp. And I found out: very loudly!!!! The breeder felt he had to tell me in case Boor started burping, she's only ten and a half weeks old and as of yet hasn't done it!! :lol:
Drez is a burper, too! And the same thing - she'll walk right up to you and burp right in your face, then turn and walk away! What a piggy clown!
Very ironic, as I was going to start a post about dog burping, Max burps very loudly after he eats and drinks, maybe once a day or so!! I find it quite funny because he sounds like a human!!
Both of mine are burpers. Lucy's always been terrible with the walking up to your face and burping thing. I'm so used to it that Clyde's seem tame by comparison.
Pooh's sounds like a "puh...hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhhh" And it's always in your face. So funny.
Pud is a burper too! Loves it even better when he is right in your face. What gets me when he "burps" from the end other than the mouth. :oops: That sounds just like a human too. Most of the time he will at least keep that out of your face. Please note: I said MOST of the time. :wink:
My Cody, whom has crossed the rainbow bridge use to not only burp, but was rude and selective about who was going to be honored with this action. I have two sisters that he would always pick out, to burp loudly in their faces. Once, he walked up to one of them and burped in her face and then barfed in her lap. The other one was sitting on the floor and he walked behind her, burped over her shoulder and then barfed down her back and long hair. lol They didn't seem to see as much humor in it as I did. I felt bad about it, but at the same time, the reactions they had when they seen him coming toward them after that, was as comical as his expression after accomplishing his goal. It was a riot. Now, if it'd been someone out of the family I would still be apologizing. (yes, I apologized to them also, but sorry to say my laughter didn't make it seem geniune to them). But thankfully, he either outgrew this behavior or discovered manners. My sisters continued to love him despite his rudeness.
Joan and I are howling with laughter!!!

Jake used to be a burp in your face kind of guy.... if I were to describe the noise in letters, it would probably be something like what Josh posted about Pooh: A short beginning followed by erlease of some pressure.

Maybe they feel it coming; maybe it's just lifting the head up to see you that puts everything in the right position to free the errr, winds?
Thank goodness I'm not alone! All your posts made me laugh so hard! Charlie also is not very polite with the other end either! Not to be disgusting but it was so funny the first time it happened. This noise came out from behind and it startled him and he kept looking around trying to figure out where it came from. My lab just looked at him like "Hey, stupid! That was you! Please excuse yourself!" TOO FUNNY!
My last OES was a windy dog. She'd sit at the front door staring out the window (there was a window on wither side of the door at just the right height) and she's poot, then quickly turn from side to side to try to find out who dun it. They were stinkers too.....
Oh man, the gas! It smells like something died inside those dogs and it lingers! You know it's bad when they get up and move. :evil:
My granddaughter calls this action a "ribbitt" - like the sound a frog makes. She told me the other night, "Hey, Truman ribbitt!!" Poor little kid was just at the right height...... or should I say wrong height!
Henry likes to come right up to me as soon as he has finished eating to burp in my face. As for the other end (a/k/a the pointy end and the stinky end), the BF and I fight at night about who has to sit closer to the stinky end--Henry is quite odiferous. LOL
haha i love it.... walter also burps in my face all the time, and if its not in my face he stops and gives me this look like 'what the hell just happened?'
You guys are making me and my husband laugh too! Mopsy is guilty on both counts I'm sorry to say. We often refer to the back end as the "secret weapon" it can be so deadly. The worst part is if you ask her if she "tooted" (paraphrasing) she gets upset and goes in the other room.
I like how my boyfriend will blame them for every smell or noise now. Since we got Clyde it's always, oh it must have been one of the dogs. Sure :evil:
Now that Mopsy has gotten older itis worse. Unfortunately, I think its often a sign that her tummy is upset which means that she gets restless at night. So she will jump up every five minutes and pace the room. Finally around 5:00 am she will fall asleep out of exhaustion - just when we are getting up "bleary eyed" for work. The vet says that sometimes there is an imbalance in her stomach now that she is older and has given her antibiotics to combat it when it has gone on for a few days. We feed her dry food normally to keep her weight down due to her bad hip. But when she has a "bad tummy" she gets Science Diet ID. She loves that! So we keep cans on hand and that seems to keep it in check before it gets too out of hand.
The worst are the silencers. The dog is sleeping....and the fumes start rising :lol: sometimes so powerful they wake themselves up,
Or the fumes wake YOU up! Don't know if it's the meds, but Drez's backside has been a lethal weapon lately, during the night especially. When my husband came to bed last night, he said it smelled so bad that 1) he didn't know how it didn't wake me up, and 2) there was no way he was sleeping in there! He grabbed his pillow and headed for the spare room! :cry:

Gotta love them! :?

We can simply refer to the backside, the part under the tail, as "The Vent". :roll:
Drezzie's Mom: Years ago when I had my 2nd OES, he liked to sleep behind the headboard of our bed. I worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken at the time, and would sometimes bring home left overs for him as a treat. WARNING: NEVER feed a dog chicken livers a couple nights in a row. We went to bed that night and all of a sudden my husband and I both woke up at the same time to the most awful smell you can imagine. Took our breath away!!! Like your husband, without a word, we grabbed the blankets and pillows, abandoned our bed, left Samson in there alone (with the door open - I didn't want to sufficate him) and went to our sons room (behind closed doors). That was the LAST time that "VENT" got liver treats. lol
HEHEHEHEHE, I thought Tasker was the only burpin, foofin old man!!!!! Sometimes both ends practically at the same time!!!! He makes the "man" of the house jealous :D
Geez! Y'all are crackin me up!! :lol: :lol: So far, my little boy hasn't burped at all an isn't "venting" either - at least not that I've been able to notice. Apparently I have much to look forward to! 8O :lol:
Boy, can we bring up some topics. I like the thought of calling it the "vent", sometimes it blows like the a/c. :wink: It's nice to know that we are not the only ones that have to abandon the room or pull the covers over your head.
I think it is only appropriate since the entire "Oprah" show on Tues was devoted to matters of the Colon.......... I know in my house all "ill wind" gets blamed on the poor puppy and I suspect that there is often another "source" :?
Pooh usually foofs while he's chewing on his nylabone. It's always in the family room when we are watching TV, usually with me lying on the couch and him just below me...it's a killer and my wife always say "Stop blaming the dog!"

I tell ya, I get no respect....
Betsy wrote:
Boy, can we bring up some topics. I like the thought of calling it the "vent", sometimes it blows like the a/c. :wink: It's nice to know that we are not the only ones that have to abandon the room or pull the covers over your head.

At least the a/c is cool and doesn't carry the stink like the "warm" vent that the dogs have. Don't forget, heat rises :twisted:
We have a Golden that's CONSTANTLY burping. But my OES lets it out the other end. ALWAYS! I can't tell you how much Maggie farts! She has a gentle stomach and we've finally found a dog food that she can tolerate, but oh my gosh she's such a farter!
my favorite is the burp with a side of wet face at night when I am in bed.

maybe he just likes to share. who doesn't like a nice burp before you go to bed?
ElGato, you MUST be a man!!! :wink:
El Gato wrote:
my favorite is the burp with a side of wet face at night when I am in bed.

maybe he just likes to share. who doesn't like a nice burp before you go to bed?

I usually get the wet face as a main course...
Very first OES used to sleep under our bed........until we discovered her reaction to Purina food, or any food with soy meal, gave her terrible gas.........not nice having the green air coming up through the matress.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
ElGato, you MUST be a man!!! :wink:

Like owner, like dog!
:lol: LOL
:lol: :lol: :lol: what a topic.... :roll:
:lol: Kobe belches and.... He can clear the room better than a group of frat boys after a kegger. :lol:
I thought Max was the only one!!!
First of all, I am just appauled that you all think it is so funny that your dogs burp and fart all of the time. If you were a responsible dog owner you would know that they are signs of some medical problems; ie., IBD, GIRD, bloat, or allergies to food and etc.

Why don't you step up and take charge, take your dog to the vet and get a professional opinion instead of laughing at your suffering dog.
blond_001 wrote:
First of all, I am just appauled that you all think it is so funny that your dogs burp and fart all of the time. If you were a responsible dog owner you would know that they are signs of some medical problems; ie., IBD, GIRD, bloat, or allergies to food and etc.

Why don't you step up and take charge, take your dog to the vet and get a professional opinion instead of laughing at your suffering dog.

Sure can tell blond isn't blessed with a Sheepie.
Laika also burps after her feeding. Then starts licking her chest. Which I think gives her more air and burps all the more. Prissy I think the licking after burping like she got something on her. WEIRDO!
Some one needs a nap and a big wet kiss from a sheepie......
blond_001 wrote:
First of all, I am just appauled that you all think it is so funny that your dogs burp and fart all of the time. If you were a responsible dog owner you would know that they are signs of some medical problems; ie., IBD, GIRD, bloat, or allergies to food and etc.

Why don't you step up and take charge, take your dog to the vet and get a professional opinion instead of laughing at your suffering dog.

I'm pretty sure everyone here has had their very loved OES checked out by a vet on more than one occasion. And I agree with the others that can detect no sheepie in your life.
Humans pass air everyday, why on earth would you think it unhealthy for a dog to have normal amounts of air passing. sheesh!!
blond_001 wrote:
First of all, I am just appauled that you all think it is so funny that your dogs burp and fart all of the time. If you were a responsible dog owner you would know that they are signs of some medical problems; ie., IBD, GIRD, bloat, or allergies to food and etc.

Why don't you step up and take charge, take your dog to the vet and get a professional opinion instead of laughing at your suffering dog.

blonde? I guess YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only do you not know what you are talking aobut but you have dredged up a post that is so old it has cob webs.

Burping and fart may indeed be a sign of problems but it is also very normal human AND animal behavior. If you spent any time at all on this forum you would know that most of us take our animals to the VET more often than we take ourselves to a Dr.

So get off your high horse.
My husband always says that Rheba thinking..."Not bad manners...just good food!" The burping typicaly occurs right after food. At first I was worried because I thought she might have a a bubbly/gassy (spelling?) stomach although I learned the she occasionally burps throughout the day but after eating is her favorite. She loves to eat and breathe her nasty dog food breath in my face then let out a burp.
I'd like to say "On the other hand" but unfortunately I need to say "On the other end" as she wiggles her booty she also plays the trumpet! She has no manners. It was the worst when she is sleeping near the table and the insurance man was filling out paperwork for me then suddenly she let loose...her rear end was speaking to us. I then had to explain that my dog has a flatulance problem!
If you spent any time at all on this forum you would know that most of us take our animals to the VET more often than we take ourselves to a Dr.

So get off your high horse.

Very well put. Blonde has no idea do they? We do not own what some people call "dogs" we have best friends, companions, babies. If for 0.00025 seconds I thought something would be wrong with Oliver, I would either be on the forum, on the phone with the vet, or at the vet's office. All of us would be.

I would now like to quote my father:

"You can't teach stupid".
Sounds like someone needs a nap or a time out or a wakeup call. I was sitting here giggling at all the posts, agreeing wholeheartedly, as George is rather musically inclined to put it kindly, lol. His very favorite is to come up while I am in the bathroom using the facilities and belch in my face. The other end is quite active at times....he and the cat compete, I swear!!! Gotta love our babies!! 8O
obe is right there with charlie
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