Being an overprotective mommy is expensive

Hi all.

Sorry I haven't been on much lately. With my two new jobs I basically come home, eat dinner, and fall asleep. But the last few days we've had some Rudy excitement.

I'll not make this suspenseful. He's fine.....but it cost a lot of money to prove it. I'll also point out that, although I'm definitely overprotective there is past precedence for my freak out. One year ago Oct 8th we nearly lost Rudy to that nasty habit he has of swallowing socks.

So, yesterday morning he woke up, seemed a little slow/out of it, ate his breakfast, and threw it all back up.

Mild red flags go up. I start to panic.

We watch him for the next two hours, and he gets more down, whines a little, and is walking that funny walk. I cannot contain my panic. He starts doing the "in pain" pant.

Hubby and I both have to go to work but we have someone to watch him until noon when hubby can come home and get him to the vet. I call and tell them that I'm probably wrong, but I don't want to wait in bringing him in in case it IS a repeat performance. He's only ever thrown up and acted like this once before and it ended up in nearly losing him.

Hubby takes him to the vet who examines him and says it's probably just an upset tummy. (Not our regular vet, but she's also really good.) Our regular vet peeks in (it's his surgery day) and agrees that it's worth digging deeper due to past history. He also calls him a sock eating turkey...which is fair.

So, barium goes in (which the bozo loves) and x rays are taken...two sets spaced apart. When we go for the third set she says that his tummy is quite large (he ate barium in a whole can of dog food...but that doesn't account for the size) and only a little barium has gone through. She can't promise us it won't go south but there's no reason to think that the full tummy is obstructed. We go home with some pain meds and something to settle things down/reduce any gas and a promise to bring him back in the morning...or to emerg if anything goes south.

So Bozo comes home, curls up happily, and sleeps contentedly. By eight o'clock he's like his old self. I do not sleep at all of course.

Then the vet calls. She also checked his blood and his platelets are super low. But we'll recheck in the morning. It could just be a bad sample.

Then she calls back half an hour later to check on him and to say that she rechecked the sample they already had, and that it IS clumping so try not to worry. (Sure, because I'm great at not worrying.... :roll: )

Bozo sleeps blissfully, has a little boiled hamburger and rice, goes out in the evening and poops out dayglo white messy poop.

But, being thorough we do go back, just to be sure. It's all cleared, his stomach is back to normal sized, and his platelets are well within the normal range in new sample.

I won't even begin to tell you how much that all cost.

And I probably wouldn't have gone to such extremes, but I just kept flashing back to this time last year and I could NOT go through all that again.

So all is well with Rudy. He did not eat anything that got stuck, and if I could have just remained calm I'd be a much less poor woman.

But, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
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Glad he's ok but sure can understand your concern. He's lucky he has such good parents.
I can completely understand why you would want to make sure he was ok. I am surprised you even allow socks in your house!
I applaud your commitment to Rudy's health. :clappurple: I would have done the same thing.

Then again, I did just spend 3 vet visits, extensive blood work, x-rays, and finally a urine culture to diagnose Millie's last UTI :oops:

:cheer: :cheer: Welcome to the club :cheer: :cheer: Seriously, I'm truly glad to know I'm not the only overprotective sheepie mommy out there.
Glad Rudy is well and I'd do the exact same thing!

Without hesitation, I think we'd all urge you to take "our" Rudy to the vet. Thanks for picking up the bill, Tracie. So glad he's okay :hearts:
you poor thing it is the weekend you deserve a nice bottle of wine :lol:
Ah Rudy. He is a lucky boy to have you. I understand all too well.
Glad Rudy is okay! All I will say is, if they found something, you would be thrilled you took the time emergy and money to follow up. Only when we find nothing is wrong do we question why we spent the money! You are a good Mommy!
I would have, and have, done the same thing! Better safe than sorry with these babes.
From past experience, it's the times that you decide to wait that come back and bite you!

Glad Rudy is fine.

Laurie and Oscar
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