
as some of you know, Tecumseh had gotten into some D-con mouse poison last night.....

well, after calling 7 vet's emergency numbers and not getting a call back from any of them... i had to do some fast research on the net, for mouse poison (because its non corrosive) make them throw up as soon as possible, and as much as possible, one way is to make them drink peroxide, for some reason this is suggested instead of syrup of ipecac.

Vitamin k1 is anecdotal for d-con mouse poison, but... this is not something you can find in the store,

so after a couple hours of going out of my mind, and being extremely iritated with the "emergency" numbers to call, i jumped on OES chat to see if anyone was around, Thank heaven for everyone in there!!!! They were just what i needed, maxmm gave me a number so i could find an emergency vet.......lol our fearless leader even jumped in and offered support.

well long story short, after an hour drive, a shot of vitamin k1,vitamin k1 pills to take for the next nine days, and then another blood test, we play the wait and watch game.....
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You have my sympathy. Tasker got into decon TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once when he was a puppy and I was gettting ready to move I had forgotten there was decon in the crawl space, I was pulling boxes out and all of a sudden there he was gobbeling the stuff down. The second time I wasn't sure but better safe than sorry. I lived in a mobile home at that time and somehow a piece of skirting came off, he was under the house like a flash and came out with a box in his mouth. Doubtful that he actually got any but better safe than sorry.

I now live in a DECON FREE house not matter what. It was VERY expensive and scarey. I am glad you were able to get help because it really is an emergency.

Hydrogen peroxide is great to make them vomit. This past Valentinesday I had bought my sweetie a bag of chocolate kisses and a bag of peanut butter cups, we were both down with the flu and they got put on a counter and forgotten :oops: . A few days later we got home and dicovered that Tasker had been counter surfing and scarfed up both bags. Off to the vet who calculated the actual chocolate consuption and determined that it was non lethal for his size. But since he'd eaten wrppers bag and all it was decided to make him vomit. Home we went with 2 syringes of peroxide.

MAN was it effective!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The peanutbutter cups came up whole, wrapper intact!!!!!!!

Our little angels, gotta love em :?
What a scary night! Just for future reference (hopefully it won't be needed), here's the number to Animal Poision Control. (888) 426-4435.

If you lose that number and need one quicker, you can call regular poision control also for animals. 1-800-222-1222.

So sorry to hear about this episode with Tecumseh,
how frightening ...

How is he doing now ??
Very Scary!! Please keep us posted!! 8O
Tecumseh is doing fantastic now!!!
Got his test back and his blood is clotting normally, so everything is just fine, omg what a scare that was 8O

after the injestion, as i posted before, had to make him swallow some peroxide so he would vomit, over and over and over, and just when you think he's done and cant vomit anymore.....yep, all over the living room lol, after a trip to the emergency vet, where he recieved a vitamin k1 shot, and k1 pills, which he had to take 2 a day for 10 days, all the while, having to keep him still so he wouldnt bump himself and cause bleeding... not an easy thing to do keeping a 3 month old sheepy still lol, we were told to watch for any bruising or any lumps, which he never developed any. So Tuc is doing just fine, again, ty for all the support :wink:
Thinking of the TV show Emergency vets........when do they give the charcoal....when the dog gets into antifreeze? Of course they make a slurry and then pour it into the stomach using a tube.

Hope puppy is OK.
they actually had the charcoal ready when we got there, but....since he had vomited at home, and it had been so long before i found an emergency vet, too much time had passed between ingestion and then for the charcoal to do anything
They make the dogs throw up first to get rid of the bulk of the material and then use the charcoal to absorb whatever might be left. The charcoal binds with the 'bad' chemicals and renders it inert so that it can be safely transported out of the body.
As the cut and dried version goes.
This is the time of year when mice and other rodents begin to move indoors in search of shelter from colder weather. Many people, myself included, opt to eliminate these rodent pests through the use of rodenticides. D-Con, Just One Bite and other similar products are hazardous and extremely dangerous to family pets as I discovered recently.

I used the product carefully and placed bait traps where I thought they were out of reach. However, my Border Collie, Katie, ingested some D-Con over the weekend and became gravely ill. Thus, I had to make the terribly difficult decision to have my beloved pet and companion euthanized. Please do not let this tragedy happen to you; keep all rodenticides out of your home and keep your pets safe.

Mark I am so sorry for your loss..............................
Whenever any pet gets into decon take them to the vet asap for induction of vomiting and fluids and vit k injections. There is also a product, unfortunately I cant think of the name, that isnt toxic to animals but will still get the rats and mice....
Charcoal is given so that it does absorb a lot of the "bad chemicals" but it is also used because it absorbs through the intestines and makes its way to the kidney where it intercepts the free radicals from harming the kidneys and dilutes them out so that the kidneys can handle them.
We will give charcoal with ratbait but also with antifreeze.
Antifreeze pretty much causes marked lethergy, drooling, seizures and wrecks the kidneys and shuts them down. Antifreeze is something to deal with as fast as possible and a lot of the time at the clinic for dogs we give them alcohol to conteract the antifreeze because antifreeze is ethelen glycol and alcohol stops its affects. I know it is a wierd solution but it works and save so many dogs lives. With cats what we can do is anticonvulsants, fluid therapy, pain meds and serious monitoring and hope that they make it.
We also use charcoal in cases where animals have gotten into day a bottle of deramaxx or carprofen. We had 2 huskies a couple of weeks ago and the owners didnt know which one had eaten a whole bottle of the highest strength carprofen. They were hospitalized for a week on IV's, antiemetics and the one who ate the carprofen, her liver was shutting down but we got it back in time and with a lot of fluids. We gave them a lot of charcoal. It acutally comes in premade bottles so all you have to do is force feed it to them or put it in vanilla ice cream.
My dog may have ingested some D-Con, but I don't know for sure. Are there symptoms? She seems fine, but we found D-Con that looks like it had been chewed on by a dog. I didn't see her get it, but can only assume she may have gotten it. Should I take her to the vet?
Please read this post about animal poison control and decide asap whether you need to take her to the vet.

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