My Mighty Cooper is gone.....

Cooper has gone to the bridge and we hope and pray we catch up some day with him there so he can play with us and have no pain. He had 4 1/2 yrs of pain, more toward the end. We did everything we could to help him.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Thank you to all of you who followed our posts of his medical problems. I can't stop crying, don't know when I will.

I do know one thing for sure, I will someday have another sheepie!!! Our dear Simon and Cooper filled our lives with lots of love, joy and antics, the whole nine yards. We lived our lives around our dogs, never sorry for one moment, the good with the bad.

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My heart is breaking for you.

:ghug: :ghug:

Laurie and Oscar
I am so very sorry, you gave it your all.
Thank you Laurie & Ilene.
My heart is broken also and a piece of me went with him.
Losing a dog takes a toll. But it's nothing compared to losing a Sheepie. I know this first-hand as do many here. Know that you're not alone.

God speed Cooper. Job well done.

I understand completely. All dogs are special, but some dogs are just extra, extra special. Their loss is simply devastating.

Sending you hugs.

Laurie and Oscar
So sorry for your loss :(

You did all that you could and in the end made the hardest, kindest decision of all. *hugs*
I'm so sorry you had to say bye to copper for now...
He's probably running around pain free waiting for you to meet again soon.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Vance and Laurie, thank you, also Stacey and Joanna.
You are so right about our sheepies. I loved the 2 I had and I have the pleasure of loving my sister's 2 that she has, so I was blessed with all these sheepies around me.
Cooper was that one extra special guy. When we got him I fell deeply for him and to this day remember telling my husband if anything ever happens to this guy I will be devatsted. Four years later my heart breaks. Such is life but it still hurts.
One consolation is that our caring vet offered to come to our house today, keeping Cooper comfortable in his own surroundings. Then we let him go peacefully.
I am so sorry, too. :cry: :cry: :cry: I still can't remove Pooh's picture and we had to put him down in June. I still tear up when I think about him. But deep down inside we know we did the right thing even when we wanted to be able to keep them around longer. It's hard....I sorry.... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
What an AWESOME vet!!! We need more compassionate and passionate doctors like that. You're so very lucky.

Dear Germany,
I just read your post about Pooh, I am very sorry. I cry easily also and dread work tomorrow, everyone will want to talk to me and I'll be bawling over Cooper.
I hope things are working out with Angus. You are a good person full of love to give to another dog. Pooh knows how much love you have and would want you to share. Coincidence, Cooper's daddy's name is Angus, small world.
Good luck and thank you for thinking of me and Cooper.
So sorry to hear about Cooper.
He was way too young.
Vance wrote:
What an AWESOME vet!!! We need more compassionate and passionate doctors like that. You're so very lucky.


Yes, she cried with us and helped ease our minds over what we had to do. I hugged her and told her that words will never express how much she helped us and Cooper. I told her what goes around, comes around and she will have good things coming back to her someday.

Mark, yes he was too young. That's what's so hard to deal with but we know we gave him as many happy times as we could as he did for us before things got worse. Totally out of our hands, almost afraid to do it again but I think we will when we are ready.
I'm so sorry :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: There simply are no words except to say he was so lucky to have you, and you him. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

So sorry for your great loss..I too had two wonderful Sheepies and feel your problem now is knowing Rosie has had Cushings at least a year and the average lifespan with this disease is 18 months..I'm praying she is anything but average...we really are trying to enjoy each day more but every time I see Maggie snuggling with her and the granddaughters loving on her I worry about them dealing with her loss...still looking back the pain is worth all the love we share in the time we are learn to live with loss, you never really get over glad your baby had so much love.
padolphan wrote:
Dear Germany,
I just read your post about Pooh, I am very sorry. I cry easily also and dread work tomorrow, everyone will want to talk to me and I'll be bawling over Cooper.
I hope things are working out with Angus. You are a good person full of love to give to another dog. Pooh knows how much love you have and would want you to share. Coincidence, Cooper's daddy's name is Angus, small world.
Good luck and thank you for thinking of me and Cooper.

Now you got me crying. It was very difficult going back to work after we lost Pooh. I cried constantly. I couldn't talk without the tears flowing. Unless you have one of these dogs I don't think anyone understands the depth of that loss. Angus is a sweetheart and I still am amazed how he came into our lives. He has filled a big hole in our hearts, but Pooh will have a permanent place there without a doubt, just like Cooper will for you. One of the things about this forum is we know everyone understands how we feel, especially the hurt associated with the loss of our dogs. Again, I am very sorry about your loss of Cooper.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so so sorry for your loss, Cooper was lucky to be loved as much. :cry: :cry: :cry:
:ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for Cooper and he knew that. He may be gone but will always be in your heart.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that Pooh met Cooper across the bridge and that the pair of them are running around healthy and plotting and planning some sheepie mischief together, along with all of the other precious ones there. :ghug:
And now the sobbing starts since I can visualize Pooh meeting Cooper there...............
Something tells me Pooh and Cooper are mis-behaving together, having fun...

Thanks to all for your support, the camaraderie here is something else.

Gotta go and cry some more.
I am so, so very sorry. I had a feeling it would end this way. I am crying right along with you. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Tears at your loss of your baby, run free cooper and thinking of you all at this sad time, 4 years is so short but cooper will forever be in your hearts and memories, the impact there he had will flow strong forever once the sadness susbsides a little in time.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Bless your special man :wag:
I have shed a few tears over Cooper and Pooh as well today. Our first OES, Quincy Bear, died unexpectedly at the age of five, and it took two years before I could look at pictures of him without a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I cried rivers as well. Just to let you know that so many of us here have been there, and share your loss, and your burden. Hopefully we can help you carry the load.

And for those who don't understand why you are so upset?? Eff 'em. (Sorry Ron. I know this is supposed to be family friendly, but there are no other words.)

Laurie and Oscar
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Cooper. I know how much you love him and hold him in your heart. Too many of us have felt the loss of that special sheepie.

I know you will heal in time, and we are here to chat and listen when you need us. We understand.
Pam, Lisa, Laurie, Ron and anyone else I missed, you are so kind. I wasn't going to come to this place but I came anyway and posted because I wanted Cooper to be remembered. In between melt downs I come here for comfort.
About pictures I can say I have over 1000 of him on memory chips. I have 2 of my favorite pictures of him at work and it is going to hurt like heck to look at them tomorrow. I was thinking that today before I left the office to take care of him.
I think I better try to chill out some, gotta get myself ready for a new day without my baby Cooper.

p.s. it is so hard right at this minute because he always sat by my side while I was on computer and waited for me to go to bed. He never went without me. (sob, sob)
:cry: :cry: :cry: sorry to hear of Cooper's passing. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry about Cooper :cry:
:ghug: :ghug:
I'm so terribly sorry to hear that Cooper has passed on. :cry:

We bring one of these wonderful dogs into our lives and never know what joy, frustrations or sadness might come with him or her. One thing is certain though... we’re assured of heartbreak at some point and for some it sadly comes sooner than others. Some will suffer from a terminal condition that they were destined to face whether they were with us or someone else. But in a different home, a dog might have suffered without needed medical care, pain relief and compassion. Cooper was SO fortunate to have you at his side... loving him, standing by him, making sure he was kept as comfortable as possible as everyone journeyed through this illness. It may not seem like much consolation except when viewed from a dog's perspective. I'm sorry for your pain. Wishing you peace...

i was away for 2 days and just saw the topic i cryed so very sorry for your loss
I too am sitting here crying You gave him all you could and then some. There are no words I can say that will help you with the pain . Just know I understand and you are in my thoughts.
Jennifer, Kathy, 6 girls, suzptcruise & Cindy or anyone I missed, thanks for your support, I'm gonna need it to get through the day. Gotta go to work, ugh, not looking forward.

Thank you for all your kind words, understanding and thoughts. Sheepdog people are the best.
Thank you for sharing your adventures with Cooper.......your photo album shows a very happy dog. I'm sorry his time was so short and painful. Know he loved his time with you as much as you with him. He would be devastated to know his passing is causing you such pain. His job was to make you smile. While it is difficult to do now, think of the fun times, how you laughed together. I suspect another sheepdog will enter your life and Cooper will be happy and proud.

I'm sorry for you loss.

I feel for you with all my heart for the pain you are going through...

As hard as it is at this time, please remember that true love is absolute, eternal, omnipresent, and wise. You shared that kind of love with Cooper. There's no way you can be separated.

I ran across this post this morning at work and had to compose myself. I'm home now and sobbing. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Cooper.
He knows how much you loved him. You'll always have the memories of him, as hard as that is right now. Any time I've lost a dog, the girls I work with have had to take my pictures down, so I don't completley loose it when I return to my desk.

:ghug: :ghug:
to you and your family

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
:cry: I am so sorry for your loss. I am afraid I havent been able to read all the way through this thread as i cant see the keyboard. You did all you could for your baby, he was far too young. We lost our last sheepie too young and it still hurts
:cry: :cry: :cry: The tears are streaming down my face. I am sooooooo sorry for you and Cooper. My vet has always said, it's a love decision. I don't know how long it take for the tears to stop because I still cry for my Gracie who passed away in June. The time is never long enough but love lasts forever. Again, you have my sincere condolences :ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts:
Oh my goodness, all of you have such impact with your words. So wise, kind and graceful. I get all and every point made, loud and clear. Everything said really hits home and I thank you all for it. I can't put into words how to explain how all of you get exactly what we are going through now, gives a chill up the spine, in a good way.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If the time comes for us to share more love with another special sheepie, you can bet I will share all of the experience right here.
So very sorry for the loss of your sweet Cooper. Special thoughts for you and many... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
We have been there to share the grief and reach out to others who have been there and understood our pain and I think that is how we know what to say. When our precious babies leave us there is such a void that only this forum seems to understand how long it takes to heal. I knew that Pooh wouldn't be with us for too much longer, but I never would have know how deeply I would have been affected by his passing. I am thrilled with Angus, but I still grieve for Pooh and I know I will for a long time. I miss you Pooh Bear.
I only get here (this section) when I am in a certain state of sorry I'm late at sending condolences.

Your Cooper was lucky to have you, and you were lucky to have him. The exchanged love is priceless :hearts: :hearts:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
got sheep wrote:
I only get here (this section) when I am in a certain state of sorry I'm late at sending condolences.

Your Cooper was lucky to have you, and you were lucky to have him. The exchanged love is priceless :hearts: :hearts:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Please don't feel bad, it's never too late to extend your heart and hand to someone in need. We appreciate you thinking of us.

So young, I can't begin to imagine the pain you are enduring. I am so sorry! We live our lives around our dogs too, they enrich your life so much. Every moment is a gift.
Las Vegas Sheepie Lover wrote:
So young, I can't begin to imagine the pain you are enduring. I am so sorry! We live our lives around our dogs too, they enrich your life so much. Every moment is a gift.

You just described our life exactly. Thank you for caring.
awwww that picture of cooper in the snow,his sweet little face :hearts: I know you miss him so. We never have them long enough but he was taken from you way too soon. I just don't know what to say except we are all here for you and share in the pain of the loss of your mighty cooper.
What a beautiful dog.
4dognight wrote:
awwww that picture of cooper in the snow,his sweet little face :hearts: I know you miss him so. We never have them long enough but he was taken from you way too soon. I just don't know what to say except we are all here for you and share in the pain of the loss of your mighty cooper.

That picture is why I called him Mighty Cooper. He looked so strong and proud to be who he was, but he really was my baby. :hearts: Sorry to my hubby, but he knows Coop was always at my side. I'll feel him with me now and forever.
I am so sorry to hear this :cry: :cry: Sending our prayers to you and your family :ghug:
padolphan wrote:
4dognight wrote:
awwww that picture of cooper in the snow,his sweet little face :hearts: I know you miss him so. We never have them long enough but he was taken from you way too soon. I just don't know what to say except we are all here for you and share in the pain of the loss of your mighty cooper.

That picture is why I called him Mighty Cooper. He looked so strong and proud to be who he was, but he really was my baby. :hearts: Sorry to my hubby, but he knows Coop was always at my side. I'll feel him with me now and forever.

I felt that way about Pooh, but he was always at my husband's side. He was the breed of dog I always wanted even since I was younger. My son and daughter in law surprised me with him 12 years ago. He was my husband's side kick. But I am the one that has had experiences with him after he left us. Can't explain one in particular, another was just a moment I knew he was there. He was my baby and always will be mine.
So sorry for your lost :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Thanks Diane & Monica.

Germany, I was the same when I was little. I was stuck on sheepdogs. There was a woman in town that had a sheepie and as she would walk by I wished one day I would have one. This was a rare breed to see in our little town and I never really saw anymore around us but I never forgot that lady with the sheepdog. That wish was a long time ago but I made it happen with my Simon. I have always been drawn to the breed, just a special feeling, can't explain.
My family always had mixed breeds running around and when I was first married we had puppies from my parent's dogs. They were great, but when one of my dogs died I decided it was time to start my mission for a sheepdog and there was no turning back.
I even got my parents and my sister hooked, we brought home brothers for our first. And my sister got another one after that, so I have sheepies at my dad's house to love too. It kind of helps, I can go to their house and give Rufus a big hug and kiss while I am missing Cooper.
that photo is so beautiful...xx
KTB wrote:
that photo is so beautiful...xx

:wink: thanks
I'm so sorry The Mighty Cooper had to leave you and leave such a huge hole in your heart. We all know that time will fill that hole with precious memories. He knows how much he was loved.
:ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry about Cooper.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:) thanks, Cindy & Carol....
So sorry to read this. I have not been on in a while. He was so handsome!
Again, so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry to hear about Cooper. Sheepies grab a piece of our hearts and don't let go.
He will always be with you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Carley sends hugs. :ghug: :ghug:
thank you Carol

schoolmarm wrote:
I am so sorry to hear about Cooper. Sheepies grab a piece of our hearts and don't let go.
He will always be with you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Carley sends hugs. :ghug: :ghug:

It's the truth Carley, we are missing him soooo much. He took some of us with him when he left. Thanks.
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