New complication for Cooper

On Sun eve. Cooper had a seizure, he's never, ever had one before. I am in contact with the vets and as we were awaiting instructions about Thurs MRI he had another seizure tonight.

Wow, just when you least expect it things seem to get worse before they get better..... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Now the game plan is to see the Neuro specialist about the seizures at the same time as we discuss whether the MRI is going to happen at this time????? :headbang:

We are having discussions about the meds he is on and if any connection w/seizures????
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I hope they can sort Cooper out soon! :ghug:
Me too!!!
Thank you.
Aww man! Poor guy! I hope they can figure out what is wrong with him and then treat him successfully. Sounds like a rough and scary road for you too. I will be hoping for good news.
If he has anymore seizures before you see the Dr. be sure to write down when they happened and how long they lasted. So far it sounds like he's only had two. Hopefully that will be all. Some Dr's like to put them on anti-seizure meds when they've only had a few seizures and as my Vet explained unless its quite a few seizures they won't need meds.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can find out what his problems are and get them fixed or at least handled so he can live a long and healthy life. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Thanks Val.

Good advice Pam. You are on par with what my vets are going with. Long and healthy is what we are trying for.

We are in the process of trying to fix a delicate problem with his back end and now this. Go figure. But we will take it one step at a time, seems the only way I can think now to keep myself calm and semi in control. :pupeyes:
Poor Cooper! I understand what you are going through. Just when you think you are seeing the light of day on one issue, another crops up. I hope you get some answers soon.

Laurie and Oscar
Thank you Laurie.
:ghug: :ghug:
I'm sorry cooper is having seizures,, :(
I hope you get some positive news with the Neurologist soon,
Thank you Joanna. It's hard watching my fur baby be sick. :(
nothing to add just big :ghug: to all of you..
Thinking of you and Cooper this morning.
How's he doing?

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
He had a quiet evening, we'll see how the day goes. Thank you all for your concern and warm wishes.
padolphan wrote:
He had a quiet evening, we'll see how the day goes. Thank you all for your concern and warm wishes.

Good news, hope it continues. :crossed:
Just following this post now...Sending sheepie good thoughts and prayers your way :ghug: :ghug:
Im sooo sorry your pup is sick. I know from personal experiance how scary it can be when your dog seizes. My hound has epilepsy.

I hope that you find out whats causing this soon.
I hope you get some good news from the tests.
To the neurologist tomorrow, and also investigating the MRI possibility for his back problems.
Thank you all, it really means a lot to me how you show your support for Cooper and us.
One day at a new mantra.
Prayers for you and copper!
Thanks Carol, love the pic of your sheepies in the car. Looks like they are havin fun.
Hugs to you and Cooper- :ghug: Hoping for a good outcome for you all!
Sending healing thoughts your way for Cooper.


:) Cindy, :) Karen
Thinking of you guys today.
Hope you get some answsers at your appt today.
I know how difficult it can be when your babies are sick.


Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Unfortunately we have bad news. His back pain is caused by a mass that is growing around his spinal cord and most likely can't be fixed. Was probably there from a pup and kept growing making discomfort worse. I am wiped out, can't see straight thru my stinging eyes from crying. I thank you all for the love and support, you have been there for us at this lowsy time. I've gotta call it a night and take care of my baby while he recovers from today.
Thanks again, I'll try to keep in touch.
That is not good news.
What, if anything, can be done?
Will he be going to a specilist for treatment options?
Will be thinking of you & your baby during this difficult time.
The specialist is still consulting with other depts and will let us know if any other possible options. I can't say much for now. Thank you for asking.
Oh noooooo :cry: :cry: Words cannot express how sorry I am for you all. Lots of love to you and Cooper :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I really hope something can be done to heal him. :plead:
Thank you Jennifer.

I'm waiting for him to bounce back from his long day yesterday, anesthesia, stress and all. I'm scared & holding my breath but giving him time to get back to himself. He is eating, taking ice cubes but mobility is awful. I have a call in to the vet but I'm not good at watching and waiting when I'm scared. Thanks to everyone following my posts for your concern and for helping us through whatever may be.
Cooper and all of you are in my thoughts. I hope and pray that something can be done and am so happy that he is in a loving home while he goes through this. :ghug:
Mady wrote:
am so happy that he is in a loving home while he goes through this

Thanks for your kind words Kim.
When I am down and worried my husband always says there is a reason sick animals end up in certain homes, ones where they are loved and cared about as much as possible, no matter how heartbreaking it turns out to be.
Poor fellow, I am thinking of him. :ghug: :ghug:
I hope they can come up with something, so sorry to hear this terrible news.

He is lucky to be with people who care so much about him.
just a thought if necessary, they have pulled off a few miracles for members of our family over the years.

I am so sorry. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Brain tumor nagged at me when you mentioned seizures, but spinal tumor never crossed my mind. :(

He is indeed very, very lucky to have you.

Hugs to all of you. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

guest56 wrote:
just a thought if necessary, they have pulled off a few miracles for members of our family over the years.

This is where I would take my dog if my vet told me there wasn't much they could do.
Thanks David, Ilene, guest, Kristine, Mark and anyone I may have missed.

I called Cornell, they don't do small animal MRI. Thanks for suggestion.

Our dr suspects possible lesion in brain since seizure started maybe related to the kind on the spinal cord? That would require another MRI which is not only costly but potentially dangerous to put him under anest. again for a long time. What's the point of putting through more???

Spinal tap found nothing specific, infection, lymphoma or anything weird. Just a growth in the worst place. If it were lymphoma he may have had a chance of shrinking with possible chemo and they have had successful remissions but not the case here.

We have been working with an outstanding team of professionals at the learning hospital we took him to. I feel comfortable with the team working with us. We are fortunate to have a good connection with the specialist in charge of our case.

What will be is not up to us at this time so we take it one day at a time and pray to stay strong for Cooper. We did what we could to find an answer and try to help. :(
This is a long shot and perhaps completely inappropriate in his case, but did any of the docs you're working with mention the possibility of giving him prednisone?

It's not a cure, by any means, but with certain cancers it seems to help lessen symptoms and make dogs more comfortable without putting them through a lot of additional stress and procedures and what have you.

For instance, though prednisone can be part of the chemo cocktail used in treatment of lymphoma, in some cases pred is given alone - not because it is expected to lengthen survivial time, but because it can lessen symptoms. A woman I trained with who had a Dobe with (cardiac) hemangiosarcoma nonetheless lived months, almost a year, longer than they expected on pred alone (though that's probably a real rarity - I know she was pleasantly and gratefully surprised, as were her vets)

What I'm suggesting may not be at all applicable in his case, so if you choose to ask the question be prepared for some strange looks and just blame it on weird internet friends with bizarre ideas :twitch: 8)

Either way it sounds like you have excellent vets. I'm sure they'll help you figure out what's best for all of you.

I am so sorry to hear this What about the University of PA vet school in philadelphia I have taken several dogs there and have been very pleased with the care they recieved. Hugs to you and cooper
4dognight wrote:
I am so sorry to hear this What about the University of PA vet school in philadelphia I have taken several dogs there and have been very pleased with the care they recieved. Hugs to you and cooper

Cindy -both Cornell and the PA vet school in Philly are fabulous, but one of the things you always have to look at when you're dealing with illnesses of this nature is the decision if heroic measures, even if available, are worth putting a dog and yourself through.

Maybe I'm a little too raw on this particular topic, still, even if in human rather than canine terms, but the one thing I've learned is that it's a very personal decision with no right or wrong and unfortunately there are still a number of canine cancers for which genuinely effective treatments are not yet typically available.

Well, I know with your background you know all this. But some times I have to remind myself what we're trying to accomplish on the HRC, because otherwise I just feel too damn helpless.

The OESCA board has just approved funding of another cancer related research study, this time treatment oriented, but most of our focus is on the big three in our breed: lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma. Some day hopefully more pet owners will have better options when faced with these and other cancers, like Cooper's.

First I want to say you are not weird for caring enough to make what might sound like unconventional suggestions. I for one appreciate them all. I like to hear other ideas because you never know what someone may have experienced and it might be helpful to my situation.

I come to the OES forum for a lot of reasons, mainly because of the love lots of you have for your dogs. I am an average OES owner and I absolutely love my sheepie. :pupeyes:

We are being treated by a wonderful specialist at PENN/Philly. I know what you mean about heroic measures and carefully determining what is best. You have to be strong and know your heart and mind try to make the best decision based on what you have to work with. This is why I am fortunate to be working with someone who sees things by all perspectives, good, bad, what might work and what might not work. I like to hear all angles and options.

Kristine, he has been on Pred for quite a while now. Changing doses as his symptoms changed. The dosage has been increased, he takes Gabapentin and Tramadol also.
Sending you and Cooper the biggest
Thank you. :)
Sending you and Cooper and your family our sheepie thoughts and prayers...and hugs :ghug:
:) Diane thank you for your kindness
Sending all our love and support for Cooper.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Cindy & Teddy
I'm so sorry for what Cooper and you are going through.
I know this is very difficult but he's SO lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive family.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: just to let you know we are thinking of you.
:( I'm really sorry you got such bad news. :(

:ghug: Cooper has the love of your family surrounding him, and all of us here for him and you as well. :ghug:
Thank you all for thinking about us and staying in touch.
I'm sitting here trying not to cry, but it helps to know there our others that care and know what is happening here.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Cooper is lucky to have you.

Laurie and Oscar
I have been reading this every day and hoping for some turn of good news. I'm very sorry you are going through all of this and I am still hoping for a spontaneous miracle cure. :plead:

Thank you Ron, spontaneous miracle would be a welcome change.
we all have been readin this post my heart goes out to you :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: try and hang in there you need to do what is best for cooper
Thank you, that's the hard part..........
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