Next Up...Hurricane Irene!

Heard they are already evacuating North Carolina coastal area - the Outer Banks and some outer islands...We will be preparing here on Long Island...I live one house from the water!!!
Be safe everyone and remember, better to be prepared and not needed than to be left stranded without supplies...
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fl got lucky on this we will still have rain i have an outdoor art show fri and sat!! am i dumb or what!! good luck to all in the northeast
Stay safe everybody! Looks like we are kind of in the line of the storm :cow:
I thought we were getting passed by but, I spoke too soon!
Everyone be safe and take the necessary precautions!! Things can be replaced, not people or pets!!!!! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :hearts: :hearts:
Stay safe, everyone!
Kathy, I saw that this morning!! :cow: :( :(

Do you evacuate??
got sheep wrote:
Kathy, I saw that this morning!! :cow: :( :(

Do you evacuate??

No, we have attended many a hurricane party!
Of course it is just us and the dogs :lol:
The outer banks are probably going to get the worst of it but, we are watching. :crossed: :crossed: that we all just get the outer band!
Well, I wasn't sure how close to the coast you are....
(I know Wilmington is coastal - where your house was...)
and no comment from here - we stand out and watch storms and tornadoes!!! :roll:
This is a picture of Quin at the beach when Ophelia was coming in, he was not impressed!
Beautiful picture!

Bracing down here...If this sucker goes to a category 4, we are in deep trouble here.......Stay safe down there in the Outer Banks...stocking up on water for the doggys..just ordered their food so good to go on that...have extra meds...and got some extra wine for Mommy! C'mon, we're ready!!!!
Ashley wrote:
Beautiful picture!

Bracing down here...If this sucker goes to a category 4, we are in deep trouble here.......Stay safe down there in the Outer Banks...stocking up on water for the doggys..just ordered their food so good to go on that...have extra meds...and got some extra wine for Mommy! C'mon, we're ready!!!!

:lol: :lol:
Too bad we are not in the same area...we could have some sheepie fun even though it may be in the dark :lol:

Stay safe! We are actually about 10 miles from the ocean...I hope Marty doesn't decide to dust off his surf board again :roll: :roll:
Batten down and stay safe all of you in the line of the storm!
Just seen on the news Irene approaching, stay safe everyone and if mandatory evacuations issued just go, not worth a life lost if a warning is in your area to go. :wink:

Houses can be re-built, lives cant !!!!
lisaoes wrote:
Just seen on the news Irene approaching, stay safe everyone and if mandatory evacuations issued just go, not worth a life lost if a warning is in your area to go. :wink:

Houses can be re-built, lives cant !!!!

More concerned for Diane...she is more in the direct path :(
Stay safe girl!
We're lucky not to be in the was a close one. Our weather peeps are disappointed. Thinking of all of u up the East Coast....hope Irene misses you.
We're in Myrtle Beach, SC right now and earlier in the week it looked bad for us. 8O We're right on the shore so we made hotel reservations about 1-1/2 hrs. inland in case things started looking really bad. Sounds like we may be safe to cancel them now.

Several years ago my boss got stuck during evacuation from this area and ended up spending a couple nights in a shelter. :headbang: Talk about a horror story! He and his wife were not exactly the types that would feel at ease in a shelter situation, to say the least. :sidestep:

Stay safe, everyone! :ghug:
Stay safe and be prepared for no electricity,water,food and gasoline, nor phone service,even cell phone service.
I am saying prayers for you guys that this hurricane does not strengthen into a Cat 4 and if it does please take this very seriously. :plead:
Getting a little worried about Boston! Looks like the bad side of the storm will hit there according to ABC. Of course that can change in an instant! Stay safe all!
So many of my people--friends and family in the line of this storm! Concerned for ALL!
We are bracing for the worst storm since the famous hurricane of 1938 here on Long Island...In fact, Jim Cantore from the weather channel is here in NY - and if you watch the channel, you know whereever he is, its bad! Taking it very seriously...have everything in place...extra dog food, their meds, lots of water...flashlights ready, extrra batteries, phone charged...anything else I need to do? I have no place to evacuate to that will take my dogs so even though we expect a mandatory evacuation, I am staying with my babies....

Be safe everyone...this is one for the books...take it seriously and get prepped now...
I haven't been on the forum in a few days, but have been thinking and concerned about all of our sheepie friends in the line of the storm.
Be safe and careful.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Ashley wrote:
We are bracing for the worst storm since the famous hurricane of 1938 here on Long Island...In fact, Jim Cantore from the weather channel is here in NY - and if you watch the channel, you know wherever he is, its bad! ....

Some people here were discussing that if Jim Cantore showed up here they were going to bail out pronto! That's not a good sign, Diane. :sidestep:
Stay safe...prayers that Irene will just go on her way and avoid any of you!!!!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Well. my son just moved to Silver Springs, MD less than 2 weeks ago. Just what a I needed. Something new to worry about! :headbang: :headbang:
From experience with hurricane Katrina, I had to stay away from home for 4 weeks because there was no electricity,gasoline,grocery stores,nothing. There was a mandatory evacuation in place,I left with my children and dogs,but my hubby stayed.After the hurricane was over we were able to come back and pick up anything we may have left behind but could not stay.There were curfews,National Guard's everywhere,it truly looked like a ghost town,with a tremendous amount of destruction.
In the end, hotels did open their doors to people with pets in other states at no charge.This was a life saver in a time of need.I was very grateful. :phew:
I went to Destin,Fl with my Sheepies, for a month, a Holiday Inn, specifically.
My point is,if Irene, causes living conditions like Katrina did,there will be places for you to go and stay with your pets,of course, in another state.
My advice, would be to start calling around now and make a reservation,you can always cancel the reservation if need be.
I am not trying to put fear in your head,just speaking from experience.
Good advice, Robin.

Thinking of all you east coasters. Stay safe!
We are hunkering down here, as well. I live in lower Westchester County just north of NYC, but my parent's live out at the end of the North Fork on Long Island and I am trying to convince them that they should come in to me. We have a generator and I think we will not get hit as badly as my parents will be.

A piece of advice given to me by a friend in Florida, who went for 3 weeks without power after Hurricane Wilma. Run your dishwasher and do your laundry before the storm hits. She said it was pretty bad without clean clothes for almost 3 weeks and you will not have to deal with a yucky dishwasher after the power comes back on.

Be Safe!

We are preparing also here in NJ. The beach towns are evacuating and although we live inland, we are still considered high risk. We live in the woods, and the problems are always the trees falling! We are securing everything around the house and preparing with flashlights, camping equipment, and of course, extra water. I will also run to the bank today to get some cash should we need it. All of our tanks are full with gas.

I just hope it isn't as bad as they are predicting! Be safe everyone!
I hope everyone stays safe, it has to be hard trying to prepare for all situations and actually not knowing how serious it may be.

At least there are warnings so people can make other arrangements.

I really don't know how people start over after some of the devastation that we've seen from these storms.
Sending prayers and good wishes to all in the path of Irene :ghug:
The Mayor has declared a State of emergency for the City and I believe the entire state as well is under one. The storm didn't even happen yet! But I thinbk they do that to keep roads cleard for emergencys only, etc...

As of now, they are asking, not mandatory yet, that everyone south prepare to evacuate...Sort of a joke really. Long Island is only about 25 miles wide and is a true island surrounded by water...exactly where would we evacuate to? "Inland" would mean getting trhough NYC, also expected to be hit and over a few bridges that are closing...So I ask the infamous powers that be...exactly where would you like us to go????? :lmt:
Ashley wrote:
infa...exactly where would you like us to go????? :lmt:

Just like I told my son..............HEAD ANYWHERE NORTH WEST :sidestep:
Good luck everyone and keep safe. We'll be thinking about you all weekend.
WET!!!!!!!!! It has been raining for about 12 hours and the wind is picking up!
I still am worried about our buddies up North!
Really, seriously if you are in an area that may flood LEAVE!
This gal is leaving a lot of rain!
Thanks for the update on the rain so far. We are expected to get about 10 inches or so. We don't live by the water, but, every little brook/stream/creak and river is expected to explode! I went out and bought lots of stuff for Dahlia today to keep her busy...lots of Bully sticks and extra yummy peanut butter etc. Poor thing has been couped up for a week anyway since she was spayed last Thursday. She is so bored...and now, it is just going to be worse since she won't even be able to just "hang outside" or go on a drive.

We have secured our property and we are just hoping that the trees can hold to the wind. We live in the woods, so it is always scary when the weather is bad. We did have a tree hit our house 2 years ago, so I am always a bit worried about it again.

Take care everyone! Be safe!

We are waiting on the back side of the gal and we are pretty much wading through the yard :(
You all be safe, take all precautions!
Donner's Mom wrote:
We are waiting on the back side of the gal and we are pretty much wading through the yard :(
You all be safe, take all precautions!

:lmt: Prayers to all on The East Coast! Stay safe.......!!!
...time for hot chocolate with cream, candles and a good book inside.

:tea: Does everyone look so good before a storm is building up?

:aww: Beautyful picture, kathy!
Maryland has declaired a state of emergency too We have gas for the generator, propane for the grill and are moving everything that could fly in the winds in...I have dog food and meds I have crates for all if we have to move (I don't think so) If we lose power thru the weekend my sheepdog gathering may be canceled but who needs power 8O I even pulled my crazy acres farm sign down because a lot of places loose their signs with high winds. Everyone be safe and move to higher grounds if need be. We are in the line for hurricane/tropical storm Oh yeah I baked an apple pie and bought vanilla icecream You gotta be prepared :twitch:
maryland state police pulled over a man dressed as a sheepdog doing 95mph. when asked what was in the carton on his passenger seat, he opened it to reveal 12 cans of whipped cream. he kept repeating, crazy acres farm? she took the sign down? :excited:
Guest wrote:
maryland state police pulled over a man dressed as a sheepdog doing 95mph. when asked what was in the carton on his passenger seat, he opened it to reveal 12 cans of whipped cream. he kept repeating, crazy acres farm? she took the sign down? :excited:

:excited: :sidestep:

Wrightsville Beach i North Carolina. FOTO: REUTERS ... 210157.ece
No flights Oslo - New York.....not that it matters to me;
Just hope most people - also those who are dressed like sheepies - stay inside! :tea:
Hey crazy acres is on lockdown 8O all hounds have peed, barn locked up and we have a big bucket of Kentucky fried chicken on the table :excited:

cathy I hope you are not getting pounded!! You should have headed north We could have a hurricane party and then you all would be here for the sheepdog fling!!!!
Thinking of all the people and pets on
the east coast. Keep safe everyone! :plead:

4dognight wrote:
You should have headed north We could have a hurricane party and then you all would be here for the sheepdog fling!!!!

You crazy lady, Cindy... glad you've got a bucket of food and dessert anyway! :lol:
Well, she is here! Pouring rain but, no real wind yet. It is due to come later tonight.
We just got the call from a friend who lives next to a river and his house is going to flood. We are taking in his 2 dogs and his cat while he tends to his home. I feel so bad for them. I am glad we are able to help with the pups, although, we have to keep his female separated since she is older and doesn't particularly like bouncing 8 month old puppies. We just can't risk having a dog fight here tonight----or any night for that matter.
Stay safe! We didn't get the wind until about 16 hours after rain started!
The wind today was pretty gusty but, I slept through that since I was up all night worrying!
Oh yeah and playing with the kids in our new lake in the back yard :roll:

I do hope you all are as fortunate as we were and I hope your friend makes out ok!

So scarey and there is absolutely nothing you can do but, hope for the best
Everyone stay safe. Our friends arrived here in Michigan last night from Long Island.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Please all stay safe. Nice to hear how people pull together to help each other in a time of need.
Kathy I was so worried about you guys!! So glad you are safe and have a new pool We lost power and are kinda locked in with downed trees on the roads leading out But no damage to our property Power may be out for a while but who cares You all in NY take care and be safe. I guess the guy in the sheepdog suit is headed your way :yay:
Well, we lost power for a little while but it is back. The weather is still bad---but, better then the night. Our friend sadly did lose his house since the power went out and flooded his whole house. His pets are all safe here and hopefully, he can get here later to be reunited with his critters. The dogs and cat are all feeling sad and miss their dad. I am sure it was stressful for them having to leave a flooding house.
NJ was hit very bad. I stayed up all night and we were lucky here.... but, many rivers aren't cresting until tomorrow and so there will still be so much flooding and destruction.

I just wanted to check in and let you know that we are OK and helping out a friend in need.

Now, I wish Dahlia would just relax since she is overtired, overstimulated and being an 8 month old BRAT! Ugh. She is just being so ill-behaved. She needs a GIANT time-out.
She needs a nap and so do I.
The outer rain bands of Irene rolled into Syracuse about 4:45 AM EST this morning.
No real wind yet and when it does pick up, it won't be major (20-30 mph).

We'll just see the outermost effects of Irene here. Nothing major.

Of course Brick heard the rain first, which woke him up. Him waking up, in turn, woke me up.
i stopped when i saw a kfc, but alas it was closed. warning*** do not eat 3 cans of spray whipped cream without apple pie and ice cream. :cow:

i believe from checking on con-ed, diane is without power, hopefully otherwise ok.

back to the sheepie cave. :sidestep:
WE HAVE POWER!!!!!! and no more apple pie..................
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