East Coast Earthquake- everyone okay?

I just read about the 5.9 earthquake that was centered in Virginia, but felt as far away as NY. I didn't notice it here in Atlanta- but thought I'd post:

Everyone okay?
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I was curious about this too! :plead: Hope everyone is okay.
Been checking on my people in that area--
most all say 'dishes rattled--and we really FELT it" --but no one has reported any damages. I have spoken or texted or emailed with about 22 people- mostly in Virginia.
I also heard it hit Washington DC. I hope everyone in that area is alright. I have family near there so I will be calling tonight. Everyone in all locations, be safe.
Jen works on the fifth floor of an office building in Dayton, OH and felt it. She said that flowers in a vase started spinning in the vase just as it started. She thought at first it was her pain meds from her hand surgery last week playing games with her mind until someone else started yelling about it. Kinda funny... No damage, just a bunch of freaked out office types. I didn't feel anything but I'm on the ground level in a factory.

From what I saw it looks like it reached up into Canada too, any problems there?
We felt it here in Central NY. I thought the puppy was bumping my chair, until I noticed the pictures on the wall moving and my hubby sitting across the room said he felt it.

I have 3 brothers in VA - one said his desk and the ceiling of his office were shaking. I'll be checking in with the other two after working hours. Fingers crossed for little or no damage!

We felt it here in NJ. I was sitting in my office and everything just started to shake and rattle. I went into the bathroom across from my office and it was rattling too....and I thought---What the heck is he doing on the roof to make everything rattle! I go and yell outside....What the heck are you doing on the roof? And, there is Brian standing in the garage looking at me very confused saying everything in the garage was shaking and he wasn't on the roof! I was like---Oops, I guess we had an earthquake?
My very first!
I talked to Cindy(4dognight) and they did not feel it where she is in MD but, I told her I thought her phone was out for a whlie since I couldn't get through!
While the east coast was shaking, southern Colorado was shaking with a 5.7 in Trinidad....just north of the NM border. People for 150 miles around said they felt it. I'm about 230 from it so nada.
I missed it. Some of the folks at work were talking about it.
I was sitting at my desk, listening to AC/DC, and already bouncing with the music. And my office is on-grade.
Probably why I didn't feel it.
I thought it was Zeke grumbling against my chair, but it
lasted so long I was able to see it wasn't him. I thought
for a few minutes that I was possibly losing my marbles, but
then Vic called me from work.
All the phones were out in this area, especially cell reception but
that wasn't until a few minutes after it happened. Immediately after,
I had no phone trouble, but by 15 minutes after everyone was trying
to get through on phones.
We've had very minor shakes before that I felt, but this was sort of
unnerving anyway.

We felt it in Manhattan. My work building evacuated everyone and we all got to go home early. Everyone's safe and no reported damage though thank goodness!

Oh and apparently Faye Faye slept through it!
Hmmm...my son just moved to that area 9 days ago! I talked to him last night to warn him to watch the weather because Irene was due to head up the east coast this weekend. So today he called me to tell me not to worry about the hurricane because they just had an earthquake!!!! 8O I think maybe he should move back to OHIO! :wink:
My kids are both in VA but thankfully both are okay. They felt the shaking but my son, who is closer to DC than my daughter, said it was really no big deal (to him, of course). We're in PA, and my mother-in-law (who lives about 12 miles away from us) called and said her house shook pretty badly, as did all her neighbors. Various areas around us felt it, but where we live - not a quiver. Just glad everyone's okay.
I didn't feel it here, but I was asleep. Joan said she did not notice anything either.
Heard about it on the news and saw some damage. Wow
And hurricane coming too.
Everyone take care and stay safe
NJ_Sheepie wrote:
We felt it here in NJ. I was sitting in my office and everything just started to shake and rattle. I went into the bathroom across from my office and it was rattling too....and I thought---What the heck is he doing on the roof to make everything rattle! I go and yell outside....What the heck are you doing on the roof? And, there is Brian standing in the garage looking at me very confused saying everything in the garage was shaking and he wasn't on the roof! I was like---Oops, I guess we had an earthquake?
My very first!

I love how the first instinct is to assume he was up to no good on the roof!!
My brother is in Leesburg, about 80 miles north of the epicenter. He said not only did he feel it (he's in a corner office on the top floor of a 5-story building), but could actually see the walls of his office flexing. When he got home to check on his 2 kitties, they were both freaked out. One (who is very cuddly) wouldn't let him touch her, and the other was hiding under a bed and wouldn't come out to see him for another 15-20 minutes. These girls are normally attached to him like superglue!

Keep safe, all!
My family called last night and said their glass cabinet doors opened and dishes rattled. One of their St. Bernards slepth thru and the other was a pocket hugger. They said it lasted about 60 seconds I was surprised to hear this AM the top of the Washington Monument was cracked and it's closed indefinately. Glad I wasn't in it when it happened!
Didn't feel a thing in MN!! :sidestep:

sorry, couldn't resist...... :lol: :lol:

I did hear on the news this morning that people should text instead of calling on their cell phones, as it uses less bandwidth and won't clog up the system so bad....interesting. :lmt:
I'm super late to this one, but we're about 20 miles from the epicenter and it was pretty strong here. Not strong in a CA earthquake sort of way, but I guess any earthquake in VA seems strong! No damage to us, but it was really unnerving to not have cell phone or phone service for quite a while afterwards since so many people were using the system. I actually heard what had happened b/c my brother in CA texted me about it!

What I find worse than the original earthquake are all the aftershocks...I hope those stop soon. Just as soon as I think they have, here comes another one...

Oh, and then a couple days later we got Irene and 75% of our area was without power for almost a week! Luckily ours stayed on for the most part. Been an interesting few weeks out here.
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