Separation Anxiety?

So, I need an opinion from all you sheepie people out there as I'm not entirely certain what is going on with my beloved, yet troublesome Harriet.

By way of background information, Harriet's dad is in the Coast Guard. He's about 5 days into a 42 days trek through the Arctic and since he has left Harriet has been acting strangely...most notably, barking in her kennel at night, something she's never done before (for example, last night she barked around 11:00 shortly after she was put to bed, barked at 4:30am, barked again at 5:50am...I'm tired today). :twitch:

She's also been seeking more attention, jumping on the furniture, nipping...

Is she experiencing separation anxiety because of dad's absence or did she magically hit the doggy terrible twos the day he left? Thoughts?
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has dad left her before for long ?
Guest wrote:
has dad left her before for long ?

A night or two at most.
well then,
i'm gonna call it separation anxiety. hopefully it will level off a bit. they miss their loved ones.if i had video of wth my two did when their mom was lifeflighted out of town, everyone else who's ever come home to a mess would feel better. much luck and maybe she'll wait till he gets home to start terrible two fun. 8)
I hate to even suggest this, but, um, are you a bigger pushover than her dad is? It could be that since dad is away she feels she can get away with a bit more, or that you need her protection. I might be wrong, of course, I just know that at first with Mady, when David went away for an evening Mady would feel like she had to protect me. I had to step up and be more of a leader. It doesn't happen any more, since I am sooooo tough now! :roll:
Same here - even if my OH goes out for the night my oldest sheepie 'steps up' to protect me :roll: She has got better over the years but usually the smallest noise (like someone daring to drive their car past the house) will set her off. Now, Saxon would probably knock me over running away than protect me, but as soon as Inca barks, Saxon joins in even though he has no idea why he is barking. Recently, the OH didn't get home until the early hours, and Inca started howling - yes howling - at 1am :cow: . I've never heard her howl in her life.. and of course, Saxon joins in. I'm sure my neighbours loved that :oops:

The OH doesn't get the same odd behaviours - I've gone away for a week before and the most they do is not eat for a couple of days - guess I know my place..!
Mady wrote:
I hate to even suggest this, but, um, are you a bigger pushover than her dad is? It could be that since dad is away she feels she can get away with a bit more, or that you need her protection.

I think if anything, between us, I'm the stern one. Though, I have myself to blame for her getting on the furniture. I've possibly been soliciting evening cuddles on the couch, recently :? Though, it hadn't occurred to me that its some sort of need to protect. I devised a plan to displace her extra energy...doggy daycare is possibly the greatest invention of all time. She passed out after work yesterday and barely moved until 6:00 this morning. :clappurple:
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