How to get free puppy sitter

So yesterday afternoon I left all the dogs in the house in the livingroom, with all the doors to all other rooms shut before I went to work. My fiance was an hour away hunting. So work went fine, talked to the fiance on the phone a couple times during, came home and I'm greeted with a "Where's Lily? What do you mean she's not with you?!?!?!"
At this point I completely freak out, she didnt have her collar on. We posted online, called every vet clinic, called the human society, posted on craigslist. I started freaking out even more because last yr on the 25th (my birthday) my dog got out, got hit by a car and had to be put down. Six months ago a neighbor pitbull was found shot.
I was a crazy mess all last night. Trying to go over how she could have gotten out. Well my fiance left a back bedroom window open and guess who opened the back bedroom door and jumped through the window and opened the front gate...yea Lily.
So this morning I was going to make posters and put them around town but I figured I would stop by the nearest vet clinic (next door) to see if she was there and she was. They took me into the back and she jumped into my arms and was crying. I cryed too. I was so happy she was safe.
So I talked to the receptionist who said a very kind lady saw her running down the road, pulled over and Lily jumped in her car. She didn't know what to do with Lily so she called the vet clinic right next door to my house and they took her. She had an adventure before that cuz she had some yellow yucky stuff on the top of her head and burrs everywhere.
I thanked them, brought her home, played with her, fed her (she had 2 breakfasts this morning) and walked back to the vet clinic with cupcakes I made for my bday. Orange cupcakes with fresh huckleberries baked in them with an orange buttercream with a huckleberry drizzle. The staff at the vet clinic hope that Lily makes more unexpected over night visits now.
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I'm so happy your Lily was found. :ghug:
:phew: :phew: :phew:

So glad Lily is OK !!!
Oh my goodness! You poor thing. I would have been a mess! So glad you got her back safely! How scary.
:phew: :phew: :phew: :phew:

Glad she's home safe and sound!

Poor you, know just how you felt but it was wonderful that someone actually went out of their way to make sure she was safe.
You play this right you might indeed have a pet sitter.

Pretty spooky the one open window and she finds it. What a paniced dog! Hmm, crate for Lily.....with a big bone to gnaw away time.

Our vet has 1 spot for guests. Watching the vet tech with the visiting lab x dane and I thought, I doubt most kennels put that much effort into keeping a dog happy: games, treats, rubbies. OK the lab x dane is beloved by the entire staff.
SheepieBoss wrote:
You play this right you might indeed have a pet sitter.

Pretty spooky the one open window and she finds it. What a paniced dog! Hmm, crate for Lily.....with a big bone to gnaw away time.

Our vet has 1 spot for guests. Watching the vet tech with the visiting lab x dane and I thought, I doubt most kennels put that much effort into keeping a dog happy: games, treats, rubbies. OK the lab x dane is beloved by the entire staff.

She's just a tiny bit panicy but extremely clever. She'll calm down enough to find a solution to her problem. There's a saying that has been modified for her "Where there's a Lily there's a way."
If she truly thinks.......she's cut out for some work. Maybe Nose Classes? Of course herding.
Glad everything worked out and better to hear there are still good people out there.

Now all we need are photos and a recipe!

How scary!! :twitch:
So glad Lily is home safe and sound! How very scary for you!
So glad she's home safe and sound.
I bet the vet staff are hoping to escapes and ends up with them more often.
That is my number one WORST nightmare!! I'm SO happy your baby was found safe and you got her back! :ghug:
been there done that, what a gut wrenching experience. glad it turned out like it did. if she even thinks about it again, put a gps on her collar. my sheepie never ran off, the affie and lab made up for him with a dozen excursions. there are alot of good people out there yet that go out of their way to help though. 8)
Vance wrote:
Glad everything worked out and better to hear there are still good people out there.

Now all we need are photos and a recipe!


Easy Orange cupcakes

1 package yellow cake mix
1/4 cup sugar
1 tblsp of orange zest
1 cup canola oil
1tsp vanilla extract
4 lrg eggs
add Huckleberries, raspberries or blackberries into center of cupcakes before baking
bake 350F until golden in color and tooth pick test comes out clean (about 22-25 mins)
Freeze before decorating, makes it WAY easier (I used to be a cake decorator)

Orange buttercream frosting
1 cup butter, very soft
1-8 cups powdered sugar
1/4-1/2 cup orange juice
1 tsp grated orange zest
Add 4 cups of sugar then 1/4 cup of juice, butter and zest. Gradually add remaining sugar 1 cup at a time until icing is thick enough. Add more juice if needed.

Berry Drizzle
Blend berries, boil in sauce pan, add small amount of sugar and flour (for thickness). let cool off (so it won't melt the icing) then drizzle on cupcakes.
SheepieBoss wrote:
If she truly thinks.......she's cut out for some work. Maybe Nose Classes? Of course herding.

Yes! She does need some sort of job/work but unfortunately I live in a small area and the only training facility in town is open exactly the days and time I work. :( (There is a petco in the next town but I would rather not train her through petco.)
Til then I can only teach her tricks which doesn't really satisfy her. She already knows Sit, Stay, Spin, Shake, Touch, Play dead, Come, Leave it, Drop it, Up, Off, Load up, Fetch, Kisses and masters any treat ball or treat puzzle I give her to keep her busy within minutes. Treat balls/puzzles only keep her busy as long as I am there to keep filling it up with treats. :roll:

(she mastered the kong wobbler 3 mins after I filled it up with treats and she was only 9 weeks old, our other two dogs STILL have no idea how it works)
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