Bed Time?

What time do your dogs go to bed? By 9p[m, mine are stalking the bedroom door, pacing around, staring at the door to get in...I usually take them out for the last time about 9ish. we get up in the morning by 6:30 or so...and by 9ish, they are looking for their bed...But I always wonder, how the heck do they go from 9pm until almost 7pm and not have to pee???? I might add, when I take them out at 7 am the latest, they are not running to the door to go pee...they saunter out and stand outside a while before doing ehri business!

wish I could go so long without peeing :cow: :cow:
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Mine are night-owls like me! They go out the last time at about 11:30 +PM. I am usually up by 7:30 AM but they typically sleep in until around 9 or 9:30 AM.

I have been amazed this summer as to how long they can 'hold-it'--there have been some really hot mornings that they simply refuse to go out--there have been a couple of days that I finally FORCE them out around 3PM when they haven't gone out in the morning.
There have been no accidents--but I have been really surprised that they have not had one on a few days. Our weather is still not great but somewhat back to normal and they are more willing to use the normal routine! I worry when they won't go out--but they have been troopers--just hate the heat!
Millie also goes to bed at around 9 and sometimes doesn't go out for a pee until 9 or 10 the next morning :twitch: Maybe that is why she gets so many uti's :lmt: or maybe she just has an iron bladder and is too lazy to go out for a pee!
Not so long here. Last potty is 11-ish pm and out by 6:30 am at the latest (on a non-work day) - 5-5:30 am on a work day.
I'm not so sure how long the rest would go, but Simon with his kidney disease is not able to hold it that long. So when he goes out, they all want to go out.... :roll:
Mady puts me to be at 10. Even when I don't want or need to go to be at 10. She doesn't seem to mind how late David stays up. Drives me crazy.
Dahlia goes out between 9 and 10pm and then she doesn't go out until about 8am and that is with us pushing her out the door. For a puppy....She has been wonderful!
DH's last call is between 9:30 and 10 pm Then they get up with him at 6. Some mornings I hear Jack walking around the front door or laundry room door around 5:30 so I let him out. He rushes out, does his business and then curls up on a dog pillow on the front porch waiting for the others to come out. Where upon he barks at them, "Where ya been?? I've been out here waiting for you to come so we could harass the neighbor dogs." And they promptly do.
my boys are in by 7pm they hate the heat right now have no desire to even go out of course in bed by 9 not by my choice lol
Archie (and the two cats) is simply put to bed when we go to bed, no hard and fast time table, as I work shifts it's the only thing that works as he likes to have an hour or so with me when I get home late, so him going top bed at a fixed time wouldn't work.

Mind you snooze time however can be any time of day - he's currently crashed out in the doorway between the kitchen and utility room it's 10 in the morning here we got up at eight.

Archie is very accomodating with us, if we get up late there isn't a peep out of him, until we go down stairs.

Yet on earlyshift he is equally happy to have a walk at 5 in the morning, I find it a bit of a strain I must admit :lol:
Overnight Chowder can hold it for 12 hours. She gets sleepy around 10:30 but and sleeps all around the house but we let her pee before we go to bed anytime between 11:30pm and 3am depending on if we went out that night. She can sleep in until noon easily sometimes later if we go to bed later. Its amazing! If only that was true for the work day too.
You mean you actually go out until 3 am? Wow...I must be getting old :pupeyes: :pupeyes:
Bob gets home from work around 11:30pm and then he takes Chauncey out for a 30min or so walk. Then the two of them are off to bed to watch TV for an hour or two. I sqeeze into bed sometime around two or so. First pee is usually around 10 or so.
During the day if I not feeling well all I have to say is " do yo want to take a nap " and Chauncey is waiting on the bed for me :hearts:
last call is at 9 pm in our house. Panda starts with her morning potty whine at about 530 am...we try to ignore her till about 6 am....
We have a doggy door, so the girls, including the cat, come and go as need be. Around 8:00 they start looking to go to bed, but Chuck and I watch tv in bed anyway...Chuck is up at 2:30 a.m. to go to work. My daughter and son are up at all odd times, I don't think there is ever a time, at night, that everyone is sleeping at the same time. The girls start trying to get me up around 4:00 but I try to get them to hold off until 5:00 or 6:00 if possible.
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