Picky eater or sick puppy?

Ever since Millie's first heat cycle in June she has been a bit of a picky eater. She would only eat her kibble if I mixed in some canned food or ground turkey with oatmeal. It was sort of a pain,....but now I really wish for those days!

A couple of weeks ago she started eating less and less each day and I thought it was just her way of dealing with the hot summer weather. But last week she was down to eating only 1/3 of the food she used to eat and would skip some meals totally. I was told that she was probably just being picky and I should offer her kibble only 2xs a day and pick it up after 15 minutes and she will eventually eat it.

Well, after two days of no eating I said, "she is going to the vet." She was diagnosed with a UTI and struvite crystals. She had lost five pounds which is not what is supposed to happen to an eleven month old puppy. :twitch:

She is on antibiotics and a prescribtion canned food that she ate well for the first day and a half, but now will no longer eat! I am so stressed out and have cryed many times just from wanting my baby to eat. I broke down tonight and cooked her a chicken breast and sweet potato. It is this first meal I have not had to had feed her and borderline force her to eat in the last week.

So, she has been on meds for three days now......should she be feeling better? What should I do? Do you think she is being picky or is her illness affecting her appetite? :plead:
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All I can offer you is my deepest sympathy. I do not have any experience at all with what you are going through.
Sending a ton of healthy wishes your way for your sweet puppy.The only advice I have, is if you are not totally satisfied with this vets advice please get another's opinion.
Hugs to you and your baby,
Antibiotics can upset their tummies, making them only eat the bare minimum & then as a last resort. They can also cause loose stool which to many dogs is just as bad & they will avoid eating to avoid having to poop & get their butt washed. I would check with the vet again & let them know exactly how much, what & when she is eating. They may be able to give her something to settle her tummy or you may put a probiotic on her food which would help with any loose stool (won't negate the antibiotic). My dogs have always had their food down for no more than 30 minutes. If they don't eat it by then, up it comes until the next meal. If it happens a 2nd time in a row, off to the vet we go. Granted it happens very seldom here as with multiple dogs they tend to put their heads into the bowl & not come up for air until it is all gone 8O. Occasionally we have a guest & they learn pretty fast to eat when the bowl goes down. Mainly because Mariah sends out her mental telepathy messages to them that she's waiting in the wings to gobble up whatever is not consumed :lol: Avoid changing food too often unless instructed to do so by your vet. Believe it or not, dogs are totally content with the same diet on a regualr basis & don't require the variety that humans do.
welcome to the boat. Glacier has been a problem child this last year. She's not a pup, she's old. Like your pup, intially it turned out to be pseudomonas UTI, rather serious. Expensive meds which aboslutely bottomed out her appetite to where getting the pills in her was all we accomplished every day. We found feeding whatever she'll take about 30 minutes before pill time settled the tummy enough my DH could then sweet talk the girl into a piece of hotdog with the pill. This went on for 5 weeks. As soon as the meds finished, her appetite returned to where she was eating 3 times a day. She lost 5 lbs during the ordeal.

Now we are back to no feed again. All I can say is be creative. Look for a can of mackerel in the fish section, not all stores carry it. They contain four fish, one fish was often a meal for Glacier. She also liked canned salmon.......until a few days ago. Dog food isn't critical right now.......just think protein and carbs. chicken and sweet potato was a good thought. Ground beef and rice. Only give 1/2 cup. If they want more they will lick the bowl.

Ask the vet if a Pepcid AC or something else might help settle her tummy enough for her to eat. We try to give Glacier one 2x a day....if we can get food down her.

She may turn out to be like Paige who from the moment her breeder weaned her until her last breath was the most stubborn eater. But all her life it was, "Oh Paige please eat." Mackerel once a day saved my sanity. She'd never take it more than once a day.
Robin thanks for the :ghug: I really needed one. Good thought on getting another vets opinion. We are lucky to be at an office with five vets so we can easily get another opinion at any time......and we will if she is not coming around soon.

Marilyn thanks for suggesting a probiotic. This is her fourth UTI and I always forget about giving it with the antibiotic, but I will go get some today. And when she is well I will be sending her to visit you in Ohio so she can learn how to eat!!!! :lol:

Susan I will ask the vet about the Pepcid AC because she has been burping a little and if it will help her want to eat again then I am all for it! :cheer:

She did eat about 6oz of her Hill's c/d after I placed the first piece in her mouth and did not let her spit it out. Then I hand fed her pieces that she reluctantly took but did eat after countless "yum yum" and " good girl" comments from me in the most embarrassing baby voice imaginable. DH shot me a look like I had definitely lost my mind :roll:
She did also eat 6 oz of a/d as a reward. Hopefully she will eat more later. :crossed: :crossed:

Thanks for responding to my post. Feeling like I'm not alone in this keeps me from turning into a complete nutcase :excited:
Listen, we ALL lose our minds the day an OES puppy walks thru our door. :wink: So don't feel embarrased about how you act. You do what you need to do to get them to eat. I've sat in a kennel, on the floor, with baby food on a spoon to get Melody to eat when she was near the end. And a few weeks ago, I slept all night in Isaac's kennel with him. And yeah, I had to explain the rug burns on my elbows from trying to turn over during the night without disturbing him! :roll: It's "matter of fact" to me anymore. And my husband gave up asking questions years ago. He's now to the point that he tries to find ways for me to be more comfortable on the tile floor in the kennel! 8O

And for the tummy....might ask your vet about giving 1 Tagament a day until she's feeling better. That's what my vet suggests.
Nothing at all strange about nursing your precious baby when she is under the weather. :wag:
I can not offer any advice sorry, but I understand what are you going thru.

I used to hand feed my Anastacia to try to make it eat :-( so don't fell about it

They are our fur kids and we do everythng to keep the healthy.

I will keep you and Milli in my prayers :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Please let me know if you or Milli need anything :hearts: :ghug:
Not sure what antibiotic she is on for the UTI...We suffer through chronic UTI's...I find giving a pepcid ac about 45 minutes before feeding helps coat the stomach..

I also found if a dog isn't eating for an extensive peiod of time, they are not being picky. They are not feeling well...Been there and went craxy trying to add things to food to get my dog to eat...finally found the thryoid was out of whack and my dog had a major MRSA infection...Once all that was fixed, we never had a problem eating again...

Keep an eye on your baby...If appetitte does not imporve in a day or so, call your vet back for further instructions...Hope things improve soon... :ghug:
Oh I've been in your place. When Simon was nine months old he quit eating. We went to the Vets numerous times and he lost about 10lbs. He would eat a few bites and he was done. He was acting normal and drinking water.

I never did figure it out but I started to give him the best and stinkiest food I could find. Adding a little of the dry stuff every day until he went back to normal.

I think it was the vet threatening him with force feeding that go him thinking :bulb:
I too have been in that situation. Have you checked her gum colol? Just asking..............
I had a dog b/4 that had nonstop UTI's and was treated with antibiotics. The cycle was every 6 weeks for months. All along I kept asking for a culture. They found she had strep and staff and when she got the correct med that would hit both, it finally cleared up. :yay: Also, I found 2 of mine had problems with Keflex, upset tummies. They closed thei mouths tight and actually shook their heads 'no'. Obviously, they knew something and I listened. My sheepies have always been very sensitive to the Science Diet/Hills perscritpion foods. Throwing up and diahrrea.
Millie actually ate well yesterday!! :cheer: I think she could sense how excited I was about her birthday and was giving me a gift back (actually eating). She was a bit reluctant about eating her beautiful cake, but did eat a couple of bites. :bdcake2:

Today she has not eaten a bite and has clamped her mouth shut every time I have attempted to put the food in her mouth. :pupeyes: I am waiting for the vet to call back and I will ask about the urine culture. I love all of the great advice I get on this forum.....and the supportive words. :banana: :banana: You All Are Awesome!!! :banana: :banana:

Please say a few prayers for Millie's appetite! :cry:
Hoping for Millie's appetite to improve.
Hey she can have some of mine - FREE :D
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