An example of why my sons think Dexter is spoiled

We live in North Texas. We got our first rain since May a couple days ago. Dexter has had little exposure to rain in his 8 months of life.

It was still raining when his highness woke up. My wife took him out, his first time in about 8 hours so you know he had to go bad. He stood on the covered patio, looked at the rain and refused to go out from under the cover. My wife coaxed and begged but he would not consider going out in the rain. She finally got an umbrella for herself walked out in the rain. He followed, stood at her feet, under the umbrella, peed then waited for her to return to the patio so he could walk with her under the shelter of the umbrella. Yes, he's spoiled and we did it.

BTW, he's not allowed in the backyard alone or he ends up in the pool. He won't get in the pool without asking first but to him us missing the request is as good as permission. His asks by walking to the steps, looking at the water then looking at one of us.
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Didn't you know that his every wish is your command? :wink: My Sammy girl hated the rain and would hold it all day if we didn't push her out to do her business. She would tiptoe on the wet ground, squat then run back. It's a Sheepie thing! Gotta love it! You probably won't have to worry about the rain for another few months.
I is a sheepie trait.
I don't think they consider themselves much as DESERVING special perks~~~

Let's face it.....

THEY think they are as cute as WE think they are, so why wouldn't we want to grant every one of their wishes
(AND commands) ...... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
I really would like to poke fun at you about this, but if Mady refused to pee in the rain I would do exactly the same thing! I think that many of us have secret lives where we wouldn't dare tell other non-sheepie people how much we spoil our dogs for fear of ridicule. :wink:
I don't know about the rain being a sheepie trait. None of mine have ever cared about the rain. Maybe because they were all kept in full coat. I don't think they even knew it was raining unless it hit them on the nose!

Ususally, I have to yell for them to come in because they are getting soaked. And as far as snow is concerned, they have all loved it! It will be fun for Teddy to see his first snow this year! :hearts:

I agree that being spoiled rotten is a sheepie thing, and if Dexter doesn't like the rain..........then of course he shouldn't have to get all wet while doing his business! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Millie however, loves the rain and would stay out in it all day if I would let her. :roll:
My 3 boy OES have never cared one bit - in fact I think they enjoyed it for the coolness. :clappurple:

Chewie LOVES to be drenched wet - from a lake, a pool, or rain.

However, he does avoid puddles at all cost - so I LOVE that trait!
Those of you who saw him herding in the awful wet outdoor arena last September at OESCA Nationals will remember this behavior.... :lol: :lol:
You can always go and buy rain slickers. Mine each have 2, one red, one yellow. When they wear the red ones they look like Little Red Riding Hood :lol: Oh yeah, PawTectors from PetSmart will keep the feet dry. :rimshot:
I can't imagine spoiling my dogs!!! :sidestep:
Anything falling from the sky is evil:rain, snow, leaves. Mo is the most extreme, she will hide if she hears rain. However in times when it has rained hard and flooded, she's all for splashing about afterwards.......or was. Age is creeping up quickly. Others just refuse to go out but don't hide, instead they plaster themselves against me.
Erm that is what these thatched cottage dogs were bred for!

Archie will lie fast asleep in the rain if I let him!

When he really gets wet it's quite funny with his dredlocks hanging down, until he comes inside and then decides to shake it off! :pupeyes:
Archie is truly English!! Mine are desert dogs.......if there isn't sun, they panic.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Archie is truly English!! Mine are desert dogs.......if there isn't sun, they panic.

And mine are (near) artic dogs. Snow? Can't get them in. Windchill advisories? Ah, life is good.

Otherwise they are split between two related lines: though frozen precip is enjoyed by all, in its unfrozen state, 1/2 love the rain and won't come in, 1/2 have to be SHOVED (literally) out the door to potty, and even then they slink along the overhang. I don't do umbrellas or slickers. Just push them out the door.

Unless there are sheep. All bets are off if there are sheep. But for potty purposes they have very specific requirements, thank you very much :roll: 8)

One can guess which half Chewie takes after ;-)

Tiggy doesn't mind the rain but she is like Chewie and won't do puddles so she slinks along under the overhang as well.
Also unless there are sheep or dogs to chase then she has no attention left for noticing puddles.
what part of North Texas are you in? I live in Denton, havent seen rain for sometime now but would love to see another sheepie. :clappurple:
We are in Weatherford. I was considering posting something on "Play Dates" to see if there are other sheepdogs in the Fort Worth area that would like to get together.

Let's set something up.
I must disagree.

Dexter is not spoiled. After all, he did SHARE the umbrella.

We have had two die hard rain haters, and there is no sharing. If it rains nonstop for longer than an average pee holding period I will be seen out in the front yard, with a dog on leash, holding the umbrella directly over HIM while I get drenched. I am not coordinated enough to handle two umbrellas and a dog, so I get wet.

Which still beats steam cleaning a pee soaked carpet.
Hopefully her 2nd winter will go better, but Abbey has issues going to the bathroom in the snow - it takes forever (sometimes 30 to 45 minutes). But, she has no problem sticking her face in it or playing in it. Also, Abbey will not step in big puddles, she walks around them. Her groomer says she likes to be pretty. Dublin doesn't care, but she does have a rain jacket which she loves. Abbey has one too, but runs and tries to hide when we try to put it on. I guess it's something about being embarrassed...
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