Cloverton the deaf dog

A few months ago, Mim sugested a FB page to me : "Cloverton the deaf dog" . I went and check it out and is a very interesting approch about having a deaf dog and working with them. He is a busy dog and do visits to the deaf childrens schools around were he lives, also he was very busy last month he participate on the Bike ride for the cure for MS, him and his dad bike for 150 miles to raise funds for the Colorado MS foundation.

Yesterday he posted this:

Cloverton The Deaf Dog
‎"Deaf doesn't mean dumb. Just means I can't hear the dumb things you say."

That's what my dad said to the lady at the park yesterday that asked us, "Poor Doggy. Shouldn't he have been put down when they learned he was born deaf?"

Dad gave her a copy of my DOGumentary on DVD and told her, "Watch this and you'll realize just how ignorant that statement was. I hope you change your mind."

I was very upset about the ignorance of some people, I think that some people had to check if they had there brain connected to there mouth before saying such cruel thing.

Is just not fair for the dog not to have a chance to do every thing a deaf dog can do, I understand now how loving and caring they can be, they have so much to offer, so much to give, I never imagine me having a deaf dog I have to admit, I was reluctand to get one, thanks to the advise of some people of the commond fears that everybody has, but I got Tilly after all and accept the challenge.

Is a challenge to have Tilly, trying to teach her something or get my point accross to her, is frustrate , but at the same time when I fianlly get my point across the rewards are much much satisfactory. It feel you with pride and a sence of acomplishment. I know that together we can do everything we set our minds to, she can be the best OES ever and I can be a much better person, a much patient person.

Is not really about teaching her odidiance or agility or hearding, we can do that later, right now is about learning the everyday things, and get closer and closer .

She has so much to offer and to give and I want it ALL LOL :D :D

Dogs like Cloverton show us how us people can be better and how to love and work for good causes and to love life.

Thank you Cloverton and Dale for all the things you do to eduacted people and show them how much love and respect you can get from a dog that is different :clappurple: :clappurple:
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I think Deaf Dogs are awesome and Tilly is incredible, she is so lvong and caring.

Cloverton is her hero and mine too!!


:wag: :wag:
Yeah there are ignorant people everywhere. I love Cloverton and deaf dogs!

As a deaf person, I see ignorant comments everyday. Our current major issue is sign language. Parents thinks speech therapy is the easiest method and "least restrictive" method for their child but they're setting up the whole family for failure. Why is it ok for hearing babies to learn sign language but not deaf babies?

but anyway point is, kudos to your dad for giving them the dogumentary- it's all about educating!!
I simply adore my deaf dogs!

People always make that "Poor Baby" face when I tell them!
I don't pay them any attention..Finn and Georgie don't care
In fact when we take them out it is nice they do not act crazy with the tug boat horns, harleys, trucks etc....
Downtown area here is very noisy and most dogs don't tolerate it well.
Mine do!
The closed minded people that do not connect their brain before they speak have a handicap that cannot be fixed,unlike a deaf dog.
A deaf dog is ahead of the game and has so much more to give than the people who are closed minded.
My opinion and I am sticking to it! Cloverton and all deaf dogs are hero's along with the people who take the time to earn their love and trust. :wink:
I also just recently found CLover the deaf dog and he and his owner are awesome! Love the little wagon the owner had made for him to do the marathon for Alzheimers I think it was! Awesome owner and awesome dog!
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