Just about to head ot to the vet with Rudy

He's been eating very slowly for about a day. There have been a few, minor incidents of "tooting," and none of that seems too concerning.

Yesterday he went rollerblading, and as always pulled hubby like crazy. When he came back he was very winded, and stiff. We figured he might have overdone it, and he slept a lot the rest of the day. He also peed in the house, which hasn't happened since December, and was a little surprising. He came toward the outside door, encountered a closed door on his route, did not whine or complain, and just peed at that door.

He's drinking, eating slowly, etc. On the other hand, he's laying around a lot, and not really hanging with us, which is a little unusual, but Rudy's been changing and growing so much lately. He's also four months into being on calming meds, so it's always hard to judge what is and what isn't normal for him.

This morning I was snuggling him on the bed, and noticed a single, small puss filled area on his belly. I could not find any others. It's oval shaped, about a half inch by a quarter inch. The skin on top is quite strong, so it really doesn't feel like a zit. We've had two dogs with allergies (staph) on their bellies in the past, and this is a very different looking thingie.

I'll be seeing the vet in an hour, so I need to go get ready, but I was just wondering if it sounds like one issue with all these symptoms, or more than one thing at a time. Any thoughts?
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I don't like seeing titles like this when I look at this forum. I hope he's all OK and maybe non-harmful side effects from the drugs if anything. Crossing my fingers. :crossed: :crossed:
and toes. Keep us posted.

Sure hope Rudy is fine, let us know as soon as you can. Love that little guy.
I've got nothing to add, other than we'll be thinking positive thoughts for you guys!
Just got back.

It's looking like three separate issues. First, his tummy is a little upset, so we're going with metronidazole to settle it.

The sore turned out to be a staph infection, which surprised me. We've had dogs with recurrent staph infections that looked very different from this. He cleaned it up and we're treating it topically (with something we actually had at home...yay).

The third issue is the stiffness, lethargy, eating issues. The eating could be because of a sick tummy and will come back as his gut settles, or it could be tied in with the other two.

Rudy had a tick a few weeks back. I didn't worry about it too much as we got it when it was still fairly small, and the ticks that cause Lyme disease are very rare in our area. The vet took blood and he's sending it out, to check for anything that a tick could cause.

So he's geting a CBC full, Chem 4, CPLI Canine Add on, and a 4DX Snap. I've no idea what they all do, but it's probably a good idea regardless. Getting dog aggressive/terrified Rudy to a vet appointment is traumatic enough, especially when I'm on my own with him, so taking blood while he's there is always a good idea. I prefer to not have to take him back later for the same thing.

We waited in the parking lot, in my car, and of course he had all the energy in the world to throw himself against the windshield, doing his best impression of Satan on Acid very early on a Monday morning.
hugs to you and rudy hope he is ok !!
The 4DX is a fairly instant test - you should have that one's results back right away.

Hope things are OK with Rudy :ghug:
I think they sent the whole lot out to the lab as a package. But we'll see if I hear anything else right away. He's acting okay, just a little lazy. He's not walking funny anymore either.
Hope things are OK with Rudy. We just had Carley to the Vet on Saturday. She has very dry skin and seems to be itchy all of the time. He said it was just allergies. I hope Rudy has something simple also.
Hope everything turns out okay for Rudy!


Hugs to Rudy and you guys too! :ghug:
Hoping Rudy is doing better.
Fingers crossed for Rudy :crossed: :crossed:
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