RAE...one leg, down...ONLY 9 more to go~~

Yes, dear friends, Heart did it :yay:

My motto for this journey will be....ONE STEP AT A TIME...((and cross my fingers :crossed: ))) :roll:

The EX. rally course was not a difficult one, except for the 3 steps back, which Heart has never been consistent with, :oops: and the off set figure eight, which I have never been consistent with. :oops:

WE Q'd with a 70~~~ NOT the best score, but I will TAKE IT!!!!

Then, of course we had a wait for the Advanced class, so I decided to take her out to pee and maybe if I was lucky, to poop.

As soon as we got outside, she pooped... :excited: :excited: , as I was taking the bag out of my back pocket, she started to poop again, which is not unusual for her, but she was in that 'position' for a while, so, of course being a good mom that I am, I checked to make sure everything was OK....well,,,,it wasn't... :oops: :oops: :oops: She was 'messy' if you get my drift...VERY MESSY!!!!

So, I tried to clean her up as much as I could with my 'bags' and ran her inside to her crate and my bag to do the rest.....

THANK GOODNES..... :plead: :plead: :plead: Heart's Aunt Judi (Harry's mom) was sitting right next to us 'relaxing'.When she saw my panicked face,she knew something was wrong....In an instant, we were both on the floor, with baby wipes, trying to clean Heart's tusch as quick as possible. Believe me when I say SHE WAS A DISASTER!!!!!!
(Of course neither of us had scissors, or we would have just cut it all out and be done with it.... :x ).

About this time, they were calling 1820, (our number) into the ring...so, I grabbed Heart's lead and ran to the gating. The nice Judge told me to calm down and breathe....(RIGHT..... 8O 8O :? :? )

LONG story shot.....(I know,,,too LATE)...

We began the course, and I did remarkable well!!!! Heart?????? The only thing I can say is she must have pooped out some of her GRAY MATTER!!!! Because I don't think she made eye contact with me the whole course.~~ 8)

The DOGGODS were with us and we Q'd with a 72~~~~

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YAY HEART!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Glad you got her cleaned up and did well! :oops: These things happen sometimes...lol

I'm so happy for you guys! One step at a time! :cheer: :cheer:


Congratulations!!!!!! :clappurple: (for the 1st leg!)
congratulations, they always pick the best times to do things like this.
:banana: :hearts: :banana: :hearts: :banana: :hearts: :banana: :hearts: :banana:

:banana: Yay Heart & Val!!! :banana:

It wasn't the most uneventful day for a first attempt at two times in the ring :twitch:
but alls well that ends well
Yay Heart and Val!!!

Val, Tiggy does these things to me as well. I think it must be nerves.
OMG, nothing like a poop disaster to put it all in perspective...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It may not have been pretty, but it's still a leg!! :high5: :high5:

Now you know what needs work and you can go for the better scores and placements!!

:cheer: :clappurple: :cheer: :clappurple: :cheer: :clappurple: :cheer: :clappurple: :cheer:
:bow: :bow: to the two ladies who cleaned up Heart!

:clappurple: :clappurple: :high5: :high5: :go: :go: for the score!
:cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer:


:cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer:

At least you had time to take Heart outside to poop AND get her cleaned up in time to go into the ring! :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I bet even Heart all poopy and messy is still cute. That girl can pull off the messy look and make it look fashionable! Congratulations!
So sorry about to poop but good job on the leg!! :excited: :excited: :yay: :yay:
:kiss: :yay: :yay: :yay: :kiss: :ghug:

AND :twisted: to the poop. :wink: Pssst cant do everything "perferct" :wink: :lol: :lol:

Big sheepie huggie bears to Heart :clappurple: :ghug: :hearts:
Yay to Heart :hearts: :hearts:

She was able to overcome the "obstacles" put in her way and still earn a leg :high5: :high5:
Oh I know all about that, I am SO thankful Mady avoided having ANY messy poops this past weekend (though she has, um, delivered in the past)!

I'm so proud of your little butterball! I love her! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
I love it!!!!!!!!

Courage under pressure. With odds against them, team prevails and yes! Success!!!

Congratulations, ladies!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

As for the "situation". I bring a spray bottle with self-rinse and a small towel to trials with me. I find that if you bring it you won't generally need it, but you can make good friends bailing out handlers who have had their dog, say, roll in something stinky right before going into the ring.

(And, yes, I had this happen to me once, which is why I started bringing an emergency kit with me. Belle. She smelled so horrific I not only ran her from half way across the ring, and she was not a distance dog, I also threatened to tie a crate to the roof rack for the ride home....I can't believe we don't have a PU/gag me emoticon given how often this theme comes up on this forum. :roll: :mrgreen: )

Nothing stinky about an RAE leg, though. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Yay Heart! :high5: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :go:
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