I guess Hudson just owns it all.

Sigh. That dog and his little 'tude.

I battle with him all the time to NOT pee on the deck. I will direct him every single time for a week, have one hundred percent success, and then his DAD lets him go out, without keeping an eye and that little bugger pees on (and kills) my deck plants.

He will even run off the deck, hang out where you're supposed to pee (but hold it in), then, on his way in to the house, he'll turn and make a desperate run for the plants, and if you yell NO, he freezes in place, slides on his toenails across the deck, makes a grunting pig sound, and stomps over down the ramp.

The ramp is, technically, part of the deck, but it's also part of the ground level, and at this point I'm usually okay with it, and I've decided fine...whatever. JUST NOT ON THE DECK.

The ramp goes down, turns ninety degrees to the left, and then meets the ground. There is a wall/fence along the outside of it that's about three feet tall or so.

We've put a now dead plant in the corner there (no one uses the ramp...there are three steps right beside), and the space between the inside of the corner and the plant pot is maybe sixteen inches. He stops right in the middle to pee there.

Except all this week he's been doing the weirdest thing.

He lifts his left leg, pees on the corner part that juts out, with his front paws on ground level, and his bum higher up. Then, a third of the way through, he puts his left foot down, and pees for a bit straight down, without otherwise moving. For the last third of his pee he then raises his RIGHT foot, shifts his body just a little (the other three feet remain in place) and he pees on THE DEAD PLANT POT.

The flow is in no way interrupted. At all.

It's a full on, one hundred and eighty degree pee....each and every time UNLESS someone isn't paying attention and lets him pee on the deck (and by someone I mean you Gordon).

I guess it's important to douse as much real estate as possible when you are sure you own the whole freakin' place!

That dog. I love him, but man he can be exhausting. Meanwhile Rudy sits beside me, in perfect form watching, and I know he's thinking, "Just give me a command. I'll do anything you want. Anything at all." He loves to please.
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maybe that is why rudy does not like tomatos hudson is peeing on the plant :banana:
Oh Hudson :lol: Thanks for the laugh, and making me feel better about Jack (my bichon/shih tzu) peeing on my deck. The only way to stop this behavior in him is to go out on the deck with him and yell "in the grass!!" while pointing to the yard. I'm sure the neighbors all think I'm completely nuts. :oops:
Gotta claim your space!!! :wink:
I am so liking my boy dog more and more every day. Doesn't pee on his legs, doen't pee on plants or things I don't want him to pee on and even stopped peeing on his sisters :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mad Dog wrote:
I am so liking my boy dog more and more every day. Doesn't pee on his legs, doen't pee on plants or things I don't want him to pee on and even stopped peeing on his sisters :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


hmmm, must be related to my boy.... :lmt:

Simon is the only one who gets peed ON, but that's because he sticks his head where it doesn't belong. :roll:
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