Chewie agility video - open JWW

Chewie and had a very nice day at an agility trial today. It's at my favorite place - Soccer Blast. Two rings of agility in the 2 indoor soccer areas. Super cushy astroturf and AC!! It was another really hot day - I think 93F today. It was in the 80's in not super cool, but way better than outside. :D

We had a hectic start. We are in open for jumpers, but excellent in standard. So we had a conflict.....
I ended up walking my jumpers course, and then racing to the other side and walking my standard course. The walk for standard had just a couple minutes left, so I got once through it, and 3 obstacles into the next time through, and the judge yells "Clear the course!"...darn :( :(
But - jumpers is more complex to memorize, so it was best to get that one down really well.
And then I had to go BACK and run the jumpers, and then go BACK to the other side and run the standard...oy!

I have been having some vision issues with sudden head turns (like in a quick front cross), so I have been redoing some stuff in practice. In this run, I did all rear and blind crosses. Our practice paid off - Chewie read them all and we made it!
Our 1st Q in Open JWW!! It was also a clean run (we got all 100 pts) and 1st place in our class :D :D

Our weaves are suffering from the other focuses - they never are super fast, they are worse with heat (home and class outside in the heat are beyond pathetic :| )...just watching them today are painful to me. That will be our next focus!!

The comment on the end is from Donna, she was running the camera and also happens to be one of my I felt double happy to get a teacher compliment - recorded! 8) :clappurple:

The Standard course coming later - upload is going super slow onto Youtube :(
But it is entertaining :D
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Very nice job, Dawn. The crosses were gorgeous and he read them perfectly :-)

Congratulations! :clappurple:

Does he have no interest in weaves or super concentrating? The boy prefers to fly so ground work is painful.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Does he have no interest in weaves or super concentrating? The boy prefers to fly so ground work is painful.

He never has been a demon in them, but this is way worse than normal. And yes, he still is in the deliberate thinking stage with them, but usually has some bounce and rhythm.
I attribute it to the focus on other stuff, and the heat. He hates heat and just turns into a drudge. Practice is only outdoors now, both at home and he labors through them.
Even his runs and jumps were less exuberant than normal today with this heat, but I'll take what I can get.

We have plans for revamping those to execute!!
Congratulations on an excellent job Dawn and Chewie! :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana: :banana: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Chewie is a cold weather dog. Yes, take what you can get in summer. He's still a :hearts: :hearts:
Congrats Dawn and Chewie :cheer: :cheer: and thanks for sharing your video!
Susan - his sister, Macy, is a lot like him in the weaves. Very deliberate. MUST...GET...THIS...RIGHT. You can see her thinking her way through and it drives me a little nuts, but they will usually pick up speed with encouragement and experience.

Speed comes with confidence. At trials the dogs can tell there's more at stake (handler's adrenaline level is different and so on ;-) ) and a lot of handlers stop breathing just about when it comes to the weaves. ;-) We think we don't handle things differently at trials, but we do and it puts a lot of pressure on the dog.

Dogs will exhibit stress in ways like slowing down, Chew and Mace - or speeding up and going a little amok (Harry? Not in the weaves, though - he has to die for weaves, single striding and charging through, gorgeous) depending on the type of dog. And some are like Sybil and can go either way depending on the phase of the moon etc :roll:

When Sybil was just starting out she seemed to think the command 'weave" meant drop and roll in the grass...this went on for 3-4 trials and I wanted to crawl down a hole. :oops: Spectators thought this was very funny. Me, not so much. :twitch: A friend's novice Sammy responds by stealing number cones and running around with them ;-) Both of those approaches (rolling, cone theft) are avoidance behavior.

Another thing you'll often see are dogs who are normally very good at hitting weave entries suddenly start missing for a while. Chewie, like Mace, hasn't been competing for very long. And Dawn, like me, doesn't trial very frequently. It takes a while. So, yes, cooler weather will help, but so will more trial milage, i.e. experience.

:aww: :aww: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

I love to watch Chewie jumping...poetry in motion!!!!!!!

:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
I enjoyed that tremendously! I will show Mady later so that she can learn how it is done.
For contrast on the weaves and speed - this was our last trial and what they looked like - and I was thinking these were too slow!

Ha! This vid is speedy compared to the run earlier this week. Glad Macy has the same work ethic as her sibling.
And I forgot Chewie's reward picture!!

We stopped at Burger King and he got his very own BK Stacker - beef burger with bacon and cheese!!
He LOVED it very, very much!

Well he certainly deserved it! :yay:

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