pee and poo on side walk?

Hello all,
My sheepie charlie is almost 5 months old.
He doesnt pee or poo in the house. but when i take him out he will just pee on the side walk right after we get out of the front door.
We live in a condo building in Downtown toronto, very busy street, lots of ppl walking on the sidewalk, so I do not think its nice to have charlie pee on the side walk, and they might step in the pee.
So the question is, is there any way that i could train him to pee on the tree just by the road? or hold for another minute until we get to the grass?

Thanks in advance for any advices.

this is him aka Pee Machine
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What a cutie! And such a good boy, waiting til he gets outside. Maybe he goes immediately outside the door because it is urgent. How long does he last overnight before the morning outing? Could you take him earlier, until he learns where to go? Or maybe you could take him out again a few hours later in the day (after the morning outing) and briskly walk him towards the area where you want him to pee and reward him with treats if he goes there?

In the interests of full disclosure, I've been trying to get Henry to only pee in the dogrun so he gets treats for going in there. But the guy still has a few choice areas he likes to hit too. He just doesn't get treats and he's ok with that. So it may not work. But at least it gives them a clue.

If it doesn't work and he really is going right outside your door, you could bring a pitcher of water to wash it away. . .
a pitcher of water to wash it off is a good idea.
the thing is i dont control his water. He has a potty park on the balcony that he can pee on during the nite and day. I usually take him out around 7am, and that is usually the big one. we will walk for an hr, then he stays home and i go to work. The dog walker comes in around 1pm to take him out play. he usually does his business, not sure where tho. i will walk him again after i get home after work.
But ya, the morning pee is the big one, and i feel bad for the pedestrians because they have to walk around the pee.
What great arrangements for the pup! Maybe just try briskly walking him and not letting him stop right outside the door. Zoom to the spot you want him to use. When I am zooming, I tend to chatter (let's go, let's go) so they do not have time to think about peeing. I sometimes give a quick tug to keep them from going in neighbor's gardens and it seems to disrupt their thoughts and they hold it til we get to a better spot. With Henry, it is sort of easy because he still circles before peeing or pooping so that gives me time to qive a quick tug and a command ("not here") and relocate him. Maggie is also predictable from her slow and careful sniffing. Your pup might find it confusing at first but if you reward with praise (or treats), he will probably get the idea.

I do think it is a good idea to change this because they hold more pee as they get older.

Who else has ideas?
We have to tell Yuks no and PUSH her to the grass. ...walking fast enough not to give them a chance to pee/poo.

Yuki is 6 and she still hates going in the grass. :lol: She does b/c she knows now she's supposed to, but many times if we don't push her to the grass... she has lazy days and will go on the concrete. Like Valerie said, we water it right afterwards. ...or at least Mr. J does. I just say "good girl... come inside yuks" :D

I don't mind and it comes in handy when it rains. She doesn't get all wet!!!
I must say you have very cute kids both 2 legs and 4 legs your profile pic.
I guess i will have to walk fast then. i should drink my coffee before i take him out. I can barely walk in the
Thanks your peemachine is adorable too. Reminds me a lot of Yuki as a pup *same markings*
Okay, this may sound weird.

What if you walked him to the door, picked him up and carried him, on his back (you know, the way you keep young puppies from peeing when you hold them), to the spot you want him to pee? At five months he's big, but not yet huge.

Then you put him down, tell him a "pee command" and praise him like crazy for doing it. After a few days, and a few successes, then try walking him out quickly to the spot. He'll have more of an idea that way.

I don't know, it may look goofy, but it would prevent him from continuing his routine, and start a new one with a clean break. And by the way, I really do suggest a "pee command" if you don't already have one. You start by saying it whenever they start to go, and then the dogs connect the words and the actions and it becomes a command. It's very helpful when you have a schedule to stick to, or if you're at the vet and they want a sample, or you need them to go somewhere specific.

Good luck.
ya, i actually thought about it. he is a big boy tho...and im scared of him peeing on my work clothes. lol
Yes a pee command should be useful. i dont have one yet because i simply do not know how to implement it. lol now i do, thanks for letting me know.
I will prob do that tmr. carry him out and say "pee" when he pees.
^^^ I would be extremely surprised if he peed while you were carrying him, I think this would work pretty well.
Lol, i wouldnt be too sure of that. this boy has his own mind.
my puppy class instructor gave him the name of parents abuser last night :twitch: you get the idea. lol
hows ottawa? you should come down to toronto for a visit.. i will let you meet the pee machine. hehe
I do just as Val said - be on lead, hurry up and get to the correct spot, then say your potty word.
They really are creatures of habit, so if he learns the correct spot is the sidewalk, he will keep peeing on the sidewalk. :(
If he learns the right spot is 10 feet away and onto the grass, he will learn to make a bee-line for that spot. :D

I have a friend who lets her male pee right outside of doors after they go outside (this is a therapy dog too! 8O ) and I find it horribly offensive and disrespectful of a facility. I have mentioned it, but it falls on deaf ears. :evil:

On another note - I adopted Simon my basset as a 6 yr old. He came from Chicago, and lived in the city. So, no grass and he had been peeing on pavement or whatever his whole life.
1st day I got him, we went out in the morning...he peed on the very edge of our sidewalk. .......We live on a FARM - this is the ONLY paved surface within a couple miles!! (Except inside the garages) I immediately started a retraining program!! We have acres to pee on, NOT on my sidewalk right out the door... :roll:

He rapidly did learn, but it took me literally bringing him to a grassy area and praising him for awhile. :wink:
Good advice from all. We trained both our sheepdogs to pee on command. (As Oscar is deaf, we sign the word "toilet".) Here's what I did. From the second the dog started peeing, I repeated the word "potty" over and over and over continuously, until he finished, and then a "good boy" and a nummy treat. I knew he understood when I asked "Potty?" and then gave the command "speak", and he would bark if he had to go potty. (We use the word doo-doo for the solid stuff. :D ) So if we have to leave Oscar for any length of time, I can get him to empty his bladder before we go. Very helpful.

And if he wanders off sniffing, like, say, in a torrential downpour, I can give him the "potty" sign and remind him of why we are outside in the first place. :roll:

Laurie and Oscar
If you carry a dog tummy side up they won't pee in your arms. If they did they'd wet their own bellies. A breeder told us this a long time ago and it came in handy with all our pups.
No advice except to carry a large bottle of water in case the concrete peer strikes.

I've got one who will not get his feet wet to do his duty....actually now it is both sheepdogs. If the lawn is wet from irrigation or rain (whatever that is??) they do right down the middle of the driveway.

Actually it is a generation thing, Fox (bless his memory) would go to the edge of the porch and shoot out if there was rain, snow or sprinklers running. He was not going to get wet!

Your pup will be indignant the first few times you drag/push to the preferred spot and will probably pee a trail to get there, but praise at the end should turn this around quickly. Remember, boy pups, like upright boys, do not have control of their peeing as early as girls. This controlled peeing is a hard concept for some dogs. Be the upright leader and don't give up, stay positive and eventually Mr. Concrete will change his ways.

Is he peeing in about the same spot? Could be the concrete is carrying his scent at that spot?
he usually just pee right after we get out of the door. so its like right in front of the door.
So i did what you guys been telling me to do.
i carried him tummy up this morning, and he just lie in my arms like a baby...he kind resisted at the beginging, then he was calm. he did pee right after i put him down and peed on the grass! and i was repeating "pee pee" when he was peeing.
another note, i dragged him to the grass when he was getting rid of the solid stuff. he did poo but i felt bad, i dont like dragging him. he got a lot praise and treats afterwards tho.

just a silly question, and i know every oes is different. how long do you guys think i have to do this until he gets it?
There's not breed specific time for "getting it." It goes with the individual. Hopefully being older and thus having more control over his body......and his mind a bit more mature......he'll get it quickly. Some can be close to a year before all clicks in.....let's hope this guy loves all the praise he gets for doing his business on the soft green stuff.

If he's really smart, he'll delay as long as possible, just to be able to snuggle in your arms :kiss:

I know your hands are full, but carry a water bottle to dilute the pee so it doesn't kill the grass.
I have two that won't go on the wet grass :roll: If you feel bad pulling him to the grassy spot, shove a treat under his nose and I bet he follows you willing to the spot :D

Ah, eh, I am not so sure he won't pee on your work clothes if he has to go :lol: When mine were pups I would walk them in my sweats and THEN get dressed for work just before I had to leave! I even had "dog clothes" I would wear upon returning from work...that's for when they start the grabbing your pants with their mouth causing rips and torn nylons! Oh, the fun you have to look forward to at the puppy stage!!!!
guess what!? it worked, after 2 days, he now knows he have to run to the grass to pee and poo. im not sure if you got the 'pee pee' command yet.. i will keep trying.
Thanks guys. :)
YAY!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

No rush on the pee command, just keep on saying it when he does pee. It will come in handy one day when the vet wants a sample and you don`t want to have to drive all the way home, wait for the opportunity, collect a sample, and drive all the way back.
alrighty then :banana: :banana: :banana: potty party!!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :rimshot:
wow you guys reply
cant believe how many typos i had. pfft. long day at work. cant wait to go home and play with charlie.. :)
Good job.
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