in between the eyes

Chowder is about a year an half. Due to not liking the brush and her coat changes her has been short for much of the last year. We cut it to 3 inches for summer about 2 months ago and have trained her to let us brush her. We are very excited to be able to let it grow but:

What does everyone do with the hair between the eyes as it's growing out that won't go into the top knot or pig tails?

This picture is of the pigtails on their way out but the in between the eyes hair is obviously short and clearly blocking her sight.
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I remember having this problem with Millie at about 4 months old,......and yes it is annoying.
I thought many times about trimming it so she could see,...but in the end I just had to let it grow out until it was long enough to be pulled up into her top knot. Maybe you could braid it into the longer hair and then put that in pig tails? Not sure.

Sorry I can't offer a quick fix. I'm not sure there is one.... :oops:

The good news is it really did not seem to bother her nearly as much as it bothered me.
Train it by brushing it to the sides & down over the muzzle.
ChSheepdogs wrote:
Train it by brushing it to the sides & down over the muzzle.

Yes, and a little hairspray can help.... although really it doesn't seem to bother the dogs nearly as much as the humans.
If you draw an imaginary line between the center of each eye..... everything above the line goes up towards the topknot...everything below gets parted and combed down along the muzzle.

And yes, it's just as annoying as humans growing out bangs! 8) 8)
i hate that stage, i have tried to grow it so many times and just couldnt do it.
i too trim the bridge between the corner of the eyes, not under the eyes though.
Some of our dogs actually let us put a tiny hair clip between their eyes and didn't tear them out. Put the longer hair in a topknot and catch the rest in the clippie. Worth a try. 8)
I was going to say a barrette.Bothers us more and the good,the hair will grow long enough,eventually.
Thank you everyone! I love this site! and everyone is right, it bothers me, not her. A barette will end up in the digestive track so for now I will just be bothered :(
Yep, we're watching for a barette to pass right now!

Dexter has been wearing 2-4 small ones for a while now. One fell out last night and he gobbled it before we even knew it fell out!
^^^^^^ oh no!! :lol:
Uh oh :(
Hope all come out in the end :crossed:
gumbo41 wrote:
Uh oh :(
Hope all come out in the end :crossed:

No pun intended, I presume? :cow: :wink:

And ditto on the safe barette retrieval.

I utrim that area with a scissors and then use a thinning shears to blend it. I even trim VERY CAREFULLY the inner corners. It is a neat, clean and very cute look.
dogmom wrote:
I utrim that area with a scissors and then use a thinning shears to blend it. I even trim VERY CAREFULLY the inner corners. It is a neat, clean and very cute look.

True, but you'll have to do it forever once you cut it.
Woohoo...pun was intended! :lol:
That's nothing new, having had sheepies for over 30 years. It's actually kinda cute because I have told them to close their eyes and hold still because mom has to be very careful. Believe it or not they LISTEN!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
got sheep wrote:
If you draw an imaginary line between the center of each eye..... everything above the line goes up towards the topknot...everything below gets parted and combed down along the muzzle.

And yes, it's just as annoying as humans growing out bangs! 8) 8)

I've been trying to find a "rule" like this! I know this is an old post, but I'm so excited to have found it, I just wanted to say thank you! Been working on my puppy's topknot for the last couple weeks and this will make it much easier. Thank you again!

I had the same question but didn't ask.....I went through countless pictures on here and on the internet and because I saw so many I can't remember who's adorable ball of fluff it was BUT it was on here and because it was allowing me to cut that dreaded hair and allowing me to put a pony tail in Steel's hair at the same time I DID IT! Most of the pics I saw did show it all grown out and that hair included into the top knot and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how on earth he was supposed to see through that. I need to see eyeballs, it's just my thing. Well one of you cuts it and has the top knot too and now so does Steel and it looks great. Makes it easy to get the eye gook out too. As you can tell patience might not be my strongest attribute, I just had to get the hair up and out so I could see his eyes.
I bet he looks adorable. :) I can't stand hair in my eyes, so it bothers me when Skye has hair in hers. I don't think it bothers her as much as me.... I can't cut her hair, so I've been putting it in a topknot. I just think it's so cute. I got a couple pictures of her this morning. I used to work for a lady who bred and showed (is that a word?) Shih Tzu. Her dogs, as well as a lot of other drop coated breeds requiring a topknot, were trained to lay their head on a pillow while being groomed on the grooming table. That way the groomer could do their topknot without them squirming all over the place. I didn't have any little pillows, but I have a bit stuffed monkey and it works like a charm. I tell her "head down", she puts her head down and doesn't move until I tell her "ok." Well, she still lifts her head here and there--she's a work in progress. But for her age (and level of crazy) I think she does awesome. :)
I use women hair clips and it works fine.
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