Tomorrow is CGN - made a YouTube vid

I am so nervous...tomorrow is Snoop's CGN test. For those not familiar CGN is Good Canine Neighbor and is a series of 12 test that the canine must take in order to prove he is a well socialized dog. As you know Snoop is a Pit Bull, so it's important to me that passes in order to further his role in my neighborhood that he's goodwill ambassador for his breed.
I'm not completely confident he's ready and will pass , because occasionally he will pass someone and be totally distracted and want to give them kisses. Perhaps he senses when they are dog lovers? Anyhow we have our test tomorrow at 2 pm.

Here's a vid I made of us yesterday practising at an intersection. I visit various intersections and high traffic areas in the city on daily basis. It's usually incredibly busy at this intersection as traffic is emerging from the Freeway and the transit station is just down the street. However, when the vid was taken it was 8pm so not so much traffic and people.

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We call them CGC's here for Canine Good Citizen. I am hoping to have Nigel tested soon for that. Snoop looks like a good boy.
Snoop looks like he's doing well. Good luck tomorrow! :crossed:
It's test day - good luck Marianne and Snoop!! :D

:crossed: :cheer: :crossed: :cheer: :crossed:
Good luck, I can see why you love him so much. What a good boy and ambassador for the breed.
What a cutie! What are the steps involved in getting your canine good neighbour? When Mady hits two she is old enough for Therapy Dogs. I just realized that she will be two in a mere 4 months. I should get moving on this stuff. What did you to to get him ready? I don't dare ask how the heck you found the time to get him ready....

Here's a website showing what is required (Canadian website) and if you click on the second paragraph (12 steps) it shows what the canine is tested on. They also need to be up to date on all their shots and depending on the municipality - licensed. I've seen the US websites and basically the requirements are aprox the same - a good mannered dog is the eventual outcome. The dog doesn't have to have official obedience as the owner can do these things him/herself but it helps to have a background.

I've spent a huge amount of time on Snoops training. I first posted about him when he was brought to my home at the age of 13 wks. I titled the post - Isn't that a Pitty. I was concerned that I had so many special needs animals and at the time felt a dog of his breed may impose a potential danger to them. I didn't know much about Pitbulls at the time and eventually realized it's not the dog but truly is the owners. I was especially concerned as to who may want him and so spent monies getting him neutered/trained/microchipped..ect. Eventually the little tyke grew on me and thus he found his forever home with me. It also was a blessing that Merlin and Panda loved their baby brother and taught him the ropes. Snoop originally slept at night in the family room with the guinea pigs and was exposed to the bunnies on a daily basis.

At four months, Snoop stayed at a woman's Federal Penetentiary (a program in which dogs are rescued from shelters, live with the inmates and trained, thus increasing their chances for adoption) They fund the program with private dogs (in this case Snoop) They did a fantastic job with his training.

6 months - Snoop enrolled in Pit Ed classes (Obedience class only for Pit Bulls)

1 year - Advanced Obedience

1.5 years - A few Obedience private classes put on by HugaBull ( a group I belong to that is very much like OES)

2 years - Spent time at the Prison again for boarding and more training.

Every Sunday - group walks with other Pit Bulls/various dogs and owners (up to 20 sometime) at a park in which joggers and cyclist pass them by. All the dogs and owners try to promote responsible pet ownership and are out in the public. Foster dogs who may be DA (dog reactive) wear green bandanas so everyone is aware and gives them ample space - eventually overtime these dogs become accustomed to other dogs and increase chances of adoption. Everyone is supportive. We even have small poodles join on the walks.

Hugabull tries to promote the dogs in a positive light - no spike collars, no ear cropping, the group actually is invited to an annual parade yearly.

Lastly, me walking Snoop daily to expose him to crowds, dogs, children, ect..

You probably would't need anything more than basic obedience but I worry that if BSL were in effect in my city - Snoop due to his breed would have to be muzzled in public - the exception is if the dog has CGN. On a side note, cities and countries that have it in effect and target specific dogs have actually had increased dog bites on record. It shows you that those unscupulous types that train their dogs to be vicious just turn to other breeds when BSL comes into effect.
It hit me like a ton of bricks one day when I was out walking Snoop/Merlin that due to his breed out of my 4 - Snoop would have to be muzzled and not the other 3 ifBSL ever came into effect my city. It really is unfair to the dog/owner as all dogs of that breed are targeted. So far it's not in my city but there is always news articles asking for it.

Alas I tend to be wordy.. :oops: I'm stll worried that Snoop will jump to greet the evaluator (thanks Merin!) who taught Snoop that this was a way to greet people...LOL . 99% of the time Snoop greets in an acceptable manner....anyhow I'm nervous but if he fails we will have to try again NEXT YEAR. (It's only held annually in my area).
Marianne, Banker (our 9 mo old Golden Retriever) passed his CGC on the 12th.
The things i worried about most (jumping up on people, getting too excited when greeting another dog) weren't the problem. He got distracted when I called come after releasing him from a down-stay. :headbang:
I also decided that if he didn't pass, no biggie, we would just try again.

So good luck! Positive thoughts heading your way.
Hi Again,

Well Snoop didn't pass...but his mom and dad love him anyhow.


He failed the part when greeting another handler and dog. (Test requires we pass another handler and dog, dog is put in sit position and handlers shake hands. Snoop broke out of his sit position and wanted so badly to meet his new potential friend...tail wagging ...urg!

Ah well now we just have to practise for another year - unless I can find another place that is holding it until then. Still I was proud of his 11 other accomplishments so Snoop got his juciy marrow bone anyhow. So did his brothers just cause they are cute.

Snoop can't help that he's a lover :hearts: . Good job Snoop!
I'm sorry he didn't pass.
If he isn't going to pass, that is an awesome reason not to pass, right?
You don't want to take the "happy, friendly" out of the dogs.
Marianne wrote:
He failed the part when greeting another handler and dog. (Test requires we pass another handler and dog, dog is put in sit position and handlers shake hands. Snoop broke out of his sit position and wanted so badly to meet his new potential friend...tail wagging ...urg!

Don't feel bad. Multi-titled Sybil failed the American good citizen version by dragging me around wanting to sniff where other dogs had relieved themselves. Or whatever the great attraction was :roll: :oops: At least Snoop had a socially acceptable excuse. :wink:

Now you know what to practice. He'll get it next time.

Good job Snoop! Tough to suppress that wag, I bet!
Thanks to all of you for your post as you've made me feel better. Overall, you guys are right..not so bad as to fail due to your constant tail wag and friendliness. I think besides the tail - those are sheepie attributes he learned from his brothers.

Tell em it was my fault Snoop.

ah he is such a lover
He only failed for being a lover, not bad.
Awwwwwe it's ok! :aww:
I'd be very happy if my dog failed a 1000 times due to a constant need to wag his bum!
:hearts: congrats on the 11--
glad he got his marrow bone!
Thanks again for all the comments and I'm really touched that so many of you posted offering kudos to Snoop the wannabee Sheepie. :D
It's actually rare that I get positive comments as when I'm out walking Snoop, people will cross the street or call me names. ( Getting him that jacket has helped turn that around somewhat and when people view him at the crosswalks behaving - the result has been positive).
Kristin - you also made me feel better as I told Snoop about Sybil and now he's motivated for next year. :wink:

Marianne wrote:
Kristin - you also made me feel better as I told Snoop about Sybil and now he's motivated for next year. :wink:


Ah, yes, Sybil strives :mrgreen: :lol:

He'll do great next time out.

Nigel is supposed to take his next week...the long down and me being out of eyesight worry me. We are going to practice the last one this week. He needs to stop complaining when I leave him.
Good luck to Nigel!!
I would have worried about leaving Snoop for 3 mins too, but I had forgotten that was a test requirement even though I had read the 12 things the night before for the 100th time.
Apparently I was told out of all the things this is what he excelled the most..he remained in a lay down position the entire time...I was floored as I never expected him to do that. That was something we hadn't practised.
I remember however, feeling dread when I read about the part regarding meeting another handler and dog as in my world that just doesn't happen. I can walk side by side with strange dogs but to stop and have them face one another while greeting. Yikes! ....I remember getting heart palpitations when I read that part.

Out of the 15 dogs that took part , I know of 5 so far that passed and 4 that didn't but not sure about the rest. There is no fails...just Not Ready and everyone is so positive and you'll get feedback what you need to work on.

Come on Nigel you can do it!!! Sending you lots of good and positive thoughts!
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