Is Frankie ever going to accept grooming?

He's getting better, but it seems like it's always a fight. The minute you put the comb to his feet he's twitching and kicking like your killing him. I have been being really stern and not letting him get up after he throws his fit, and I finish the part that I have started. I haven't treated as much as I should probably. Any Ideas or is he just being bull headed. :roll:

I would love to let his coat grow, but it just mats up the minute I miss a day of brushing.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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Hate to ell you but both my dogs get groomed every four weeks and they are four years and three years,,,they still give the groomer a hard time :roll: :roll:
haha.. same with Yuks. She knows her fate so starts walking to her place once she sees the grooming stuff come out. Her head is low, she still growls when I say I still have to do the other side, but all is forgotten once she is given her treat at the end. ;)

With Kobuck it was the opposite. He used to get SOOO excited he was getting groomed. Would roll on his side and just...practically smile at me the entire time. Then after the first year, he didn't think it was so much fun anymore and would "slowly" walk to me. hahaha
show this to frankie dreamer knows how to get away with having his legs brushed
Ah, the old "turtle" trick...mine do that too :lol:
Oscar doesn't like his feet messed with either. He lets me do what I need to do, but I can tell he's not happy about it. He tries to pull his feet away when I am trimming between the pads, so I think he may be slightly ticklish.

Ear hair plucking is another touchy area. Luckily, he doesn't grow much hair in his ears, so I don't have to do it too often. He goes to the groomer now about every 6 weeks or so (used to be more frequent, but I think he gets too stressed out there), and I have told the groomer that she isn't to do anything with the inside of his ears. She can bathe and dry the fur, but she leaves the real cleaning and plucking to me. Oscar is so sensitive about his ears that I wanted it to be my responsibility and mine alone, to spare him from any more stress at the groomer.

Oscar gets shaved every 6 - 8 weeks, so his fur never gets too long. With this puppy cut length, the only place he matts is on his ears, and occasionally the facial fur under his ears, if he's been rubbing his face on the carpeting alot. :roll: He never matts on his feet/legs, but I bathe them and dry them a couple of times a week. I never have to brush them out. Maybe you could trim the fur on his feet to keep it shorter? (I do this with Oscar if he's been ill, and I can't get him in to the groomer for a shave.)

Is there a detangler you could use that would prevent some of the matting? My groomer uses something called Right Stuff, a spray, and it seems to work well. I end up washing it out quickly, as I bathe Oscar once a week, but while it lasts, it seems to keep all of the hair separate. The only thing I will say about Right Stuff is that it makes hardwood and tile floors extremely slick. (Oscar likes to lay at the top of our basement stairs, on tile, and I've almost gone skidding down them when I hit his sleeping spot in my socks. Whenever he's been groomed, I have to be mindful of the "skid factor", and remember where he likes to sleep.)

Hopefully, someone here can suggest some products that might make grooming easier on Frankie. Also, some of Frankie's touchiness might be related to pain. Is he on any pain meds now for arthritis? I try to groom Oscar within a couple of hours of receiving his pain meds, to minimize discomfort as much as possible.

I am stern with Oscar as well, though he doesn't really throw a fit. I just do what I need to do as calmly as possible, and then he gets a nummy treat when we're done.

Laurie and Oscar
I've never had good luck grooming Butchy either so he gets usually gets groomed once a month. Lately he's been letting me do more. We had a little disagreement after his last grooming, I felt something under his ear so asked him to come, he refused so took him by the collar, not roughly but held on and finally after bouncing on me a couple of times he sat and was good as gold. I wasn't very happy with his head so had done that after the last grooming and today I thought his foot hair was way to choppy so we trimmed that with very little objection from him. I try to show him everything and let him smell it before I do anything and with him that seems to help. He does get a treat after but not before that.

We never had much trouble with our first oes's but he has a mind of his own.
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