My hubby says he hates it when I check up on him..

This is why I check up on him.

He's a great guy, and very smart, but he has a strong tendency to hyperfocus on one thing and one thing only. If he were ever working on something while the house burst into flames he'd die. He'll admit that himself.

Last night, as he and the dogs headed to bed, I resisted the urge to ask if he'd fed them. After all, he'd gotten up half an hour earlier to feed them (and do a few quick things before bed). He says he hates my constant checking up/nagging, so I bit my tongue.

And half an hour later Hudson goes nuts in the bedroom, scratching and kicking the door and barking up a storm. This does not wake up the person in the bed adjacent to the kerfuffle (I'm sure that's not how that's spelled). No, the person on the other side of the house hears it, and comes to see what's going on.

So I wake him, he thinks about it, admits that he probably did forget, and falls right back to sleep. Great.

It's no biggie. I fed them and all was well (and much quieter) but how does one first forget to feed two very large furry dogs and then manage to sleep through the tantrum that follows?

If you want to read Rudy's thoughts on the matter, check out his blog. It was pretty traumatic for him. Hudson is just mad (that dog can hold a grudge like no one else I know) and punished his Daddy by waking up for breakfast extra early, standing on his chest, and licking his face until he got up and fed him. I admire that dog's attitude.
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Ha I love Rudy's take on it! :clappurple: What a trooper!
Good boy Rudy!

At least when DH is in the mode, he's not wandering around checking up on everything you are doing. Be grateful.
Uh out....I also have a slightly "distractable" and forgetful husband, and I can tell you that once this has happened (he forgets, the dogs fling a fit, you feed them) Your dogs may very well figure out how to LIE!!!! :evil: Mine did. :pupeyes:
LOL @ Rudy :lol:
I used to take Topomax and one of its side effects were serious memory loss. It was so bad that even now, four years off that med, I still have issues. Jen will ask me to retrieve something from the pantry while we’re both in the kitchen. She’ll hear a step or two and a pause and repeat herself as she knows that I’ve already forgotten what she needs. I usually don’t have problems with routine task, like feeding the pets, but those things that I don’t do often, look out.

Every now and again I get upset and ask her to let me fail before she tries to correct me, but she’s usually right…

Husand's hearing is getting worse and he refuses to check into if there is anything that would help him. Yesterday he got water in his "good" ear.

I'm pray for patience............ :plead:
I always feed the animals so they don't get accidently forgotten. I've delt with my hubby's memory for a long time. He always said he had a lot on his mind. Really? In the last few years his memory has greatly improved. :high5:
Rudy has a wonderful way with words. I hope that his Daddy reads Rudy's blog and finds a way to make up to the boys.
you sure made my day !! i got on the blog in a bla mood this morning after ready rudys i had to laugh out loud
oh poor Rudy! love your blog. Thanks to mommy you are still here writing!
Woe is Rudy! Woe is Rudy! Been saying that a lot the past day... :D
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