I guess they never forget

We've had Rudy for a year and a half now, and he's made so much progress. He's finally housebroken (over six months without an accident, knock wood), the meds have him calmer (yay), and his pacing is down to maybe ten percent of what it was. He spends some of his time on the bed, napping, and checks on us from time to time, which is a huge improvement from the dog who flipped out when he didn't have his eyes directly on both of us.

We've seen evidence of scars (physical) and he still has issues with other dogs, but we have a plan to start working with a professional again in the fall, and we're hoping that with his meds and his new calmer attitude there can be progress now. When he rollerblades he's paying less attention to other dogs than he used to, so we choose to see that as progress.

During the day, in the house, you couldn't ask for a kinder, gentler creature. He loves to snuggle, wiggles his bum right off when you scratch it, and is genuinely surprised (and grateful) every single time someone puts food in his bowl.

But yesterday, my hubby had a rolled up poster in his hands, and was walking in the kitchen with it. It moved in the air above Rudy as he was walking (never ever thought it would be an issue and Rudy was just standing there). He was not in any way threatened with it, but as soon as it moved above him Rudy let out a squeal, and fell flat to the ground, four paws out, shaking like a leaf. He was terrified.

It took everything we had not to run and comfort him. We both stopped dead in our tracks and looked at him. He was shaking and panting. My husband quietly put the poster on the floor where he was standing and walked away from it. We went about our regular routine, trying to keep an eye on him without making it obvious. A full minute passed (felt like an hour) and Rudy got up, and slowly walked over to the poster. He approached it nervously, came up to it and gave it a sniff. Then he kicked at it with his foot, and, satisfied, walked away.

We left it there for a while (so he could see it wasn't going to hurt him), and then my hubby picked it up and walked it to the garbage can. Rudy moved away from it. He didn't cower this time, but he backed away with his eyes on it carefully.

It really breaks my heart to see that, even a year and a half of safety and love later, memories like that are still in there for him, and can come back with such intensity.

We made sure not to comfort him, and unintentionally encourage the fearful behaviour, but he did get an extra dog cookie much later on in the evening, "just because."
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Oh Tracey, that breaks my heart. I have fallen in love with Rudy through your post here and Rudy's blog. Thankfully he is loved and nurtured in his new home. Hopefully one day Rudy will forget his horrible past :hearts:
i have rescued some in miami and i hate to see poor rudy remember where he came from .. i love that you have him now and he is in great hands ,sad he still remembers .. hugs to you for doing so much for our rudy keep up the blog .. i feel like he is our boy !!
Poor Rudie!

Jack understands. Any loud sound, like hitting a fly with a fly swatter and Jack falls like Rudy, legs out, fear in eyes. Now I have to warn him, "Hold on Jack......." It helps a bit.
That is so sad, hate to think of any animal being so fearful and I hope there is great punishment somewhere for whoever did this.

You handled this great, not sure I would have been smart enough to see it the way you did.

I laughed tho when he kicked it.
Sorry I get Rudy and Rudie mixed up here. I'll learn.
this breaks my heart to read, but at the same time I'm just so happy that he found his way into your lives! I'm sure I'd have messed that up and instantly cuddled him. You guys are so good for him, and we're all so fortunate that you spend so much time with Rudy!!!
Poor Rudy! Some scars run deeper than we can ever imagine.

Congratulations to both of you for keeping your wits and thinking things through so clearly. You turned this into a real victory for him.

Extra hugs for you and Rudy! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
:ghug: to Rudy and for you guys too for being able to resist just scooping him up and holding him tight.
Mady wrote:
:ghug: to Rudy and for you guys too for being able to resist just scooping him up and holding him tight.

Totally agree--that would have been my first thought!

So sad to think of his horrid past--so glad he has you now!
Poor sweetheart! I think dogs never forget anything, but you are and will give him a life overflowing with good loving memories :ghug:
I hope you have success in the fall, I'd love to hear stories of Rudy playing at a dog park. :crossed: :crossed:
poor boy~~~ :( :( :( :( It is sad that such things are hardwired into their brain. Coz use to have issues when touched on the left side by his ribs. I firmly believe that the 'man' of the house would kick him out of the way when he was drinking his beer and watching his sports.

Gentle hugs to Rudy from Coz..... :ghug: :ghug:
Your story is so sad....I do know what you mean though. When I adopted Asia she was a "submissive peer." It would break my heart each time she "assumed the possition." Thank God we quickly worked her through that, but even now, I don't allow anyone to raise their voice to her...she's a smart girl and is easy to train with hugs and "that a girls."

I hate to hear people hit their dogs with papers or hit their noses....makes me angry....there are a lot better ways...
Breaks my heart when I hear how much damage a person can do to a poor helpless creature.
People that do these type of things are truly missing out on all a dog has to offer them.Their loss,but on the bright side, Rudy has you and your husband to give him everything he needs.
I am so impressed of the restraint it took to not go and cuddle him.Rudy's story has always left me feeling grateful and that there is still hope left in this world.
Thank you for sharing his life with us.
Your post broke my heart...then I was so glad you found Rudy! Thank goodness for you! I can't imagine what he had to sustain before you brought him home...some people just make me sick...ought to be stronger laws against dog abuse...
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