What is are the best bathing products to use on an OES?

I am mostly interested in what conditioners others use when bathing their OES, and how well those conditioners work? I have had a hard time finding a commercial dog conditioner that works well. It is a challange to find one that helps me untangle my OES easily. If you know of any, please tell me the product name, availability, and how well they work on a scale from 1(best) to 5(worst).
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We use mane & tale - It is supposed to be used on horses but
works well on pets and humans. The smell is great and it detangles.
After a good bath I use a child's spray-on conditioner and then rinse it through. His coat never looked so good. I keep him clipped and this allows me to maintain a nice clean puppy-cut look.
I've used Mane and Tail on both Abbi and my standard poodle. It works well.
But in a pinch I will take a couple of tablespoons of Pantene conditioner for dry hair, mix it in a pint-to a quart of warm water in a left over shampoo or conditioner bottle. Then squirt in on after the shampoo's been toroughly rinsed out. I let it sit on her while I check an make sure I have her washed and try to locate any trouble spots--like mats. Then I give her a quick rinse. I towel dry. Then let her air dry for a bit, then go back with a hair blower on low or cold, a dry towel, and her brush. I brush her out while blow drying (you are supposed to do this at a 30 degree angle to pull the hair straight, but I usually forget). Sometimes I towel dry her a second time before hair dyring with a blower. I always have to towel dry her feet several times. If you brush them out while they are drying they will be so fluffy!
If you do not bath but every 6 months or more, then you won't need any conditioner ---assuming you are brushing and grooming every other day.
Abbi only gets conditioned twice a year. Once at the beginning of the year and once during the summer. A good brushing can eliminate the need for a bath. Just spot clean with water, water and lemon juice, or just cornstarch brushed through and shaken out. Baking soda works too, but not around the face.
We use a spray bottle and a towel to spot clean using water or water and lemon solution. Let it dry some, but start brushing it out while its still damp. Use a childrens detangler if brushing the damp hair is a problem, but use it sparingly. Some sheepies can get irritated by the perfumes in human products. So just spray it topically and don't soak the skin.
I would say Tail and Mane was a 4. I like Pantene better, at a 5 (but it is not recommended by vets or any professionals). Been using Pantene for the past 2 years. Abbi is 4 year old.
I have used the childrens detangler on my girls and my dogs after spot cleaning. It works and I would give it a 5. My 2nd daughter has hair that is 28 inches long and it comes in handy.
We just gave Jack a bath and ran out of usual bath shampoo, Mane and Tail. So in a pinch we had to use our kids shampoo and it worked amazingly well. It is Suave for Kids 2 in 1 shampoo + detangler and it worked so well. Jack is in full coat, and it was so simple for me to comb it all out and blow dry him. It does have a fragrance to it, it was mild enough to make him smell good, but it didn't seem to bother him. I also got a sample of Hylite from my vet that I used on Annabelle I really liked it until I went to Petsmart to buy it and was shocked at the price. I couldn't imagine how much it could cost to due two sheepies!
I personally didn't like using a conditioner on them, it changed their hair and made it oily.
Anyway, I would give Mane and Tail shampoo a 4 and the Suave for Kids a 5.
Oh, and I comb out their hair in VERY small sections starting at the back feet and work up to the back and toward the head. It goes a lot quicker and doesn't seem as overwhelming.
I use a hartz brand shampoo for dogs with long hair, it has conditioners in it and it's supposed to be mild so as not to dry out their skin. It has a pic of a sheepdog right on the bottle, which is probably why I bought it, lol, but it really works well and smells great.
I found #1 All Systems pure white lightening shampoo and conditioner on the internet,a showperson recommended it.It works absolutely wonderful.It was 9.00 for a 16oz.bottle and can be diluted 5x the strength.The shipping was about 1.50.Also the cornstarch rubbed into the white fur does work miracles,comes out easily turning the whites,whiter,softer and does remove,dirt.Hope this has helped some.
We use Mane and Tale and Pantene also . I think any mild not highly perfumed shampoo is alright if you dilute it . I recommend diluting your shampoo half shampoo and half water . Only dilute enough to use for one washing. It's really easy to get to much soap on them and it's hard to rinse out . I think that's what irritates their skin. When our sheepie gets muddy which is about once a week in this weather I use conditioner. The mud really seems to suck the moisture out of their coat.
Hope this helps
herbgirl :)
I wanted to send a pic of Mardi but i'm computer illiterate . So bear with me .Forgive me if I do anything stupid. Just learning . My kids get upset with me on a daily basis.
I usually use a white hair doggie shampoo (it`s french) my groomer gave me ...it works very well but Pisco didn`t smell very nice after 2 days...I ran out of it and started using johnson`s baby shampoo and conditioner and it works Excellent!! and keeps him smelling nicely up to 10 days...just a tip my vet told me NEVER to use H&S (head and shoulders or that type) on dogs since it has something that can poison dogs trough the skin.
:lol: I have used our family shampoo and doggy shampoos in the past ( all watered down). Also used conditoners as needed. I found that the purple tinted shampoo ( think it's called Shimmerlights ?) took the yellow/stained look out of Patch's face and feet. She was quite a sight .... looked like a Smurf. :lol:
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