where to put the crate!

Hi all,

I need your advice on wether I should move Mao's crate, or get a second one or maybe something else.....

Mao has been with us for a little over 2 months now. Things are going very well.

We have setup is crate in our den on the ground floor ( our rooms are on the upper level). Took a day or two for him to get used to it and he is now comfortable in his crate.

When we go to the cottage, we bring the crate and set it up in our room as all works fine.


I notice that when we are at the cottage and the crate is in our room, he will stay there and sleep till 8 or 9 AM until we get up.
On the opposite, when we are in town, he will wake up around 5:30 AM and bark until I come down and take him outside to do his stuff.
when I come back inside, I try to get him back in his crate and go back to get an extra hour of sleep, but that has not worked very well. he keeps barking till we get up finally.
This is partly my fault, since, because he is a puppy, I have always woken up and tended to him by fear he would "go" in his crate.


I am under the impression that perhaps, if we moved the crate in our room that might keep him from waking up so early.
I have been reluctant to to just this since this means that his crate will now be upstairs, and this is where he will need to stay when we go out during the day. And also because I have a pretty good felling that there will be no turning back, I want to be sure before I make the move.

I also have been contemplatin the idea of havin 2 crates, one upstairs and one on the ground floor.
what do you guys think?

thanks in advance

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I had the thought that maybe at the cottage, he is more exercised/stimulated and more tired, therefore sleeping longer?

Just a thought :D
got sheep wrote:
I had the thought that maybe at the cottage, he is more exercised/stimulated and more tired, therefore sleeping longer?

Just a thought :D

Thanks, I had the same thought as well :D Also we get to sleep maybe 2 hours later at the cottage then in the city.

could it be that when he wakes up in the den and sees nobody around, this makes him uncomfortable.

I think you're right. Dogs are pack animals. It's comforting to see your pack mates, a little scary to be on your own, maybe.

I'd go for the second crate and try having him sleep in the same room with you. If it works, great! In any event you may as well start along the path of pathological crate hoarder along with many of the rest of us...I think the minimum formula is at least three crates per dog, even ones who haven't seen the inside of a crate for seven years plus. :roll: :lol: :lol:

I stopped counting. It's embarrassing. I only use a fraction of them, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW :roll: 8)

Mad Dog wrote:
I think you're right. Dogs are pack animals. It's comforting to see your pack mates, a little scary to be on your own, maybe.

I'd go for the second crate and try having him sleep in the same room with you. If it works, great! In any event you may as well start along the path of pathological crate hoarder along with many of the rest of us...I think the minimum formula is at least three crates per dog, even ones who haven't seen the inside of a crate for seven years plus. :roll: :lol: :lol:

I stopped counting. It's embarrassing. I only use a fraction of them, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW :roll: 8)


LOL - fellow crate hoarder, but worse - mine are in all different sizes to fit the different breeds. :wink:
But, I did give one away when a transport needed one this winter. :phew: And it was a big one too!
I even buy them at garage sales....

and yes, try locations. None of mine are in our bedroom, but I certainly have enough dogs to keep each other company :pupeyes:
When I got my 2nd dog several years ago, Li'l Brittches, I had a 2nd crate in my bedroom so we were all together at night, our pack our little family. Once Britch was trustworthy, I removed the crate upstairs and she had run of the house with Magic. Britch still liked going into the crate downstairs so it became a permanent piece of furniture in my living room. When I adopted Gracie, I had a collapseable one in my bedroom until I could trust her. Grace loved going into her crate downstairs to snuggle into her fleecie and take a nap without being pestered by Oliver. Abbey still likes to go in the crate to snooze and not be jumped on by Oliver. :lol:
Beware, though, there is always the possibility that little boy may want to join you in bed. Mine did and still do. They will also stretch out in the other bedrooms.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss but happy for you new boy.
Nancy (dogmom)
Mad Dog wrote:
I think you're right. Dogs are pack animals. It's comforting to see your pack mates, a little scary to be on your own, maybe.

I'd go for the second crate and try having him sleep in the same room with you. If it works, great! In any event you may as well start along the path of pathological crate hoarder along with many of the rest of us...I think the minimum formula is at least three crates per dog, even ones who haven't seen the inside of a crate for seven years plus. :roll: :lol: :lol:

I stopped counting. It's embarrassing. I only use a fraction of them, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW :roll: 8)


Crate hoarder...............good one. :lol: I have 3 resident dogs right now, 8 crates (3 for the van, 3 for the show site & 2 softsided ones for the motels or performance events). And the worst thing is only 2 of the dogs that live with me use the crates at all 8O The 3rd one is old & pretty much stays in the kennel. Too hard to take him in the van etc. Oh yeah, none of them use the crates in the house as we have a kennel on the lower level. :lol: My husband says the only thing worse than my collection of crates is the number of water buckets they have (lost count of them) & the 32 stainless steel water/food dishes they have. Well, after all, we go thru 9 bowls a day for 3 dogs. This way I only have to wash bowls every few days (since I haven't talked himinto a dishwasher for the kennel yet :lol:). Got alot of them on sale from a vendor going out of business....buy 1 get 1 free :wink: When he mentions the collections I just remind him of all the ball caps he has! 8O
Guess I will become a crate Hoarder myself then,

Thanks for all the advice, it's really really appreciated as I am not only a new sheepdog's best friend but a dog's best friend for the first time.


Hi again.

Thought I would give you guys some feedback.

I am now the proud owner of Two crates :D :D :D :banana:
Based on your comments I bought a second crate that I setup in our bedroom.
Mao still uses the original crate that was set up in the family room on the ground floor when we go out shopping or leave for a few hours during the day.

As expected (like when we are at the cottage) Mao does not bark as soon as he wakes up around 5:30 AM. Instead he will quietly go back to sleep or simply wait till Ann or I wake up.

Can't begin to tell you how good it feels to have gained back almost two hours of sleep everyday! :yay:


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