Operation "Pooh Freedom" has come to a halt.

For the past 2 weeks, Pooh has had freedom of a room attached to our Kitchen. He was great, had lots of room and I had the Pooh Cam set up so I could keep an eye on him from any computer around the world!

This past Sunday, we were to be at my inlaws for Passover Seder pretty much all day and since Pooh is still not good in the car, we left him home and the dog walker was supposed to come to do the dinner/walk thing for us.

Well, we left at 2:30 and came home at 10:30 and the dog walker never showed. Pooh obviously got bored and chewed almost clean through a rung on the bottom of one of our dinette chairs. I know it wasn't his fault, so of course there was no yelling or discipline, but he's now back in the crate. We'll do 2 weeks in the crate and then try again. Our walker felt very bad for forgetting to come and has even offered to pay for the repair. No accidents, which thrilled us, but didn't suprise us. Should I let the walker pay for the damage?
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Not unless you know for certain that the damage was done after the time the walker should have been there and even then... not really. IMHO.

Do you have a lot of chew toys around?
Bailey will walk through a room full of chew toys, intent on sneaking under my desk and stealing my shoes! There's an allure to the forbidden...

I'd be really unhappy if my dog walker forgot to show up. I don't think I would make her pay for the chair, but I would look into a more reliable dog walker.
I think I'd thank him/her for the offer but decline. Ron has a point about the time that it happened. Did you have Pooh cam set up with a time stamp?

Clyde's been staying upstairs at night with us and we leave our door open but he has free run of the upstairs. At first I was careful about shutting doors and making sure I removed the trash cans so I didn't get garbage all over but I realized this morning that I forgot to do do it the last few nights. Amazingly, he didn't touch anything :mrgreen:

I'm still hoping that I can someday put the toilet paper back on the holders though...We definitely haven't made it that far.
As for the questions:

1) Lots of toys, perhaps not enough of them were with him.
2) It shouldn't be that bad to repair it since it's not a big deal, really.
3) No, the Pooh cam has not been very reliable for me. Since it's wireless, sometimes the location I have it is in range and sometimes not in range.

Sort of 4) Our cat is the TP bandit, Pooh hasn't learned of the fun with TP yet.

I hadn't really initially thought about him paying at all, but he brought it up. Personally, I don't think it was his fault persay, Pooh is still a puppy and puppies can get into trouble. And we really have no idea when he did it, so, I'll probably just decline. This morning however, he tried to continue his mayhem, until he got yelled at while in the act. Needless to say, he was not happy and immediately laid on the floor, chin on the ground and looked to my wife with his pethetic puppy eyes. She said to him "Don't look at me" and he immediately looked back to me. It was very funny.
My old Bouvier ate the bottom stair one afternoon. Also enjoyed the tasty flavor of a chair rung and the cushion another day. After that she was only allowed to roam the second floor when we were away.

Nothing really seemed to keep her away from the chewing downstairs, but she had no interest in doing any damage when she was upstairs. We did try the "Green Apple", but that really didn't work. Just seems she always was bored downstairs and wanted to chew on something.

They will get into things you never even dreamed of while you are gone. My guy now seems to love Esquire and Wine Enthusiast magazines. But he won't touch them when they are on the coffe table. Just when the are in the magazine rack. Maybe he just likes to do some light reading while we are gone.
It was MANY years before Tasker was allowed free reign of the house, I'd guess he was at least 5 before that happened. I did invest in a VERY LARGE crate (big enough for him and four buddies) which was a life saver. I could leave him in the crate while I was gone, know the house was safe but also know that he had enough room to stretch out and roll over, or even do a sommersault if he chose :D I remember reading somewhere that OES stay puppies for a very long time. He may not have developed the self control to keep from chewing yet.
During all our different puppies in the house...mine, others etc we've had the same chairs with the bar across...I replaced those chairs with steel ones.
They sure do love that wood, and it's easy to naw on.

As for them paying for it, I'd say no as well...but find someone else, or if you really like them then have them on silent probation, and get a free visit for the next time you need them. Set up the cam, make sure they follow through. People need to be more responsible, and this is their "business".
Of my 4 only Rosco was a chewer. He chewed on chair legs, cell phones, tv clickers, eyeglasses, photo albums and even a hole in the carpet while chewing on a bone :D Daisy was the tp girl, she's 6 now and we still don't use the holders. At one time my favorite people to see were cable guys because I could always get a free remote(I stocked up)because it got so embarrasing to go to Comcast and buy them.
From what I'm understanding here, I've got a long haul ahead!! :roll: I'm not sure I'll ever be able to give free roaming privileges to Max inside!! Of course he's only 4 months and loves to chew!! Have all the toys, but if he could get away with it, those chair rungs are the all time favorite! Guess I'll possibly have to buy a bigger crate down the road!
I'm still laughing over the mental image of sheepies and TP dispensers. Bailey hasn't figured that out yet but he loves to steal tissues and used Bounce sheets out of the trash, so it's only a matter of time :lol:
El Gato wrote:
My old Bouvier ate the bottom stair one afternoon. Also enjoyed the tasty flavor of a chair rung and the cushion another day. After that she was only allowed to roam the second floor when we were away.

Lol. My mom's Bouvier actually ate most of the wall of their enclosed porch one spring afternoon. He had food and plenty of toys but that wall was irresistable.
Bailey's Mom wrote:
I'm still laughing over the mental image of sheepies and TP dispensers. Bailey hasn't figured that out yet but he loves to steal tissues and used Bounce sheets out of the trash, so it's only a matter of time :lol:

Our cat won't leave Bounce sheets alone, I am always catching her with them. She plays with it and chews on them.
I don't know if I'll ever trust Momo either... but she is only almost three months old.

I never... EVER let her out of my sight. I think the only time she is off the lead is when we are in my room or out in the fenced in area outside (lots of room to race around our pond). I don't trust her one little bit not to swallow something horrible inside... or eat through the wall. :lol:
Man oh man! Bounce sheets... I hit one on the slick kitchen floor the other
day. I pulled muscles I had forgotten I had.

Zeke has had free run these last few nights, without much trouble. He
is now 12 weeks and doing pretty well. He is a chewer when he can't
get to Tucker. Lately they chew on each other and that keeps them
busy most of the time. Today they were trying to swallow each others
faces, very funny. Honestly, my son is worse than Zeke right now. If
you turn your back for a minute he is chewing the corners off a book. :oops: I don't know what it is with him and paper. :roll:

I say keep the walker, but keep tabs. Probably I wouldn't ask him to
pay for it. I would guess he will be on time and less likely to forget

bestdogsx4 wrote:
Daisy was the tp girl, she's 6 now and we still don't use the holders.

Boy that's not very encouraging for me! I was hoping it was just puppy behavior!

Clyde is not exclusive to toilet paper. He enjoys all paper products: napkins, paper towels, and of course kleenex. I've seem him pick napkins over toys or bones.
Well, truth to tell, we never put the holders back up after we painted :lol:
Lol. Fair enough. I actually suggested to James that we put them about 6.5 feet up on the wall-- I'm 6 foot and he's 6'3 so we'd have no problem reaching. We'd just have to remember to grab it before taking a seat so we wouldn't have to stand up at the end. It think it would just be too weird for visitors though-- especially short ones.
:lol: Do you actually get to shut the door?
I have to be fast but even then he scratches and waits-- lies right against the door until I come out. More with me than James.
We might as well take the doors off of our bathrooms.
You're lucky it's just toilet paper. We threw our granddaughter's wet diaper in the trash in the utility room. Guess what we found in the middle of the rec room floor when we came home? Yup, you guessed it! Thank God she hadn't pooped! 8O
Gross. Just gross.
I second that. Gross! I was only talking about clean toilet paper. That doesn't seem nearly as bad now :)
my bathroom doesn't really have a door. some of our best cuddle times are in there. ever had 5 dogs fight over you while sitting down? lol bubba always wins tho.
toilet paper is kept on the top shelf only Bella is almost as tall as me (and nosey) so that doesn't help much.
i hope bella never finds a diaper. she would love it.
Toilet paper, paper towels, dryer sheets, any kind of "fluffy" and JJ is all over it and he's going to be 2 years old this fall. We keep all of our bathroom doors shut at all times because we have 2 teenage girls (need I explain??) and one bad experience with the dog and their trash left memories for months. No one would want to clean that up!!
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