Hudson's definitely better today.

We'll have to keep him still and resting of course, but he's a very different dog today.

Hubby's been carrying him (in a very specific way to keep his spine from twisting) up and down the stairs. Last night he'd wail and fuss and one of us would run and offer him all kinds of things until we'd find the right one, and then he'd settle for a half hour or so. First it was a blanket (turned his nose up at food and water first), and then he wanted food (still turning up his little nose at water), and then finally, right before bed, the Little Prince cried for his water (and got it from a special bowl too). There will be no living with him after this. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled.

One funny story from last night.

On the way to the vet he was pretty anxious. Normally he'll cry a little in the car, but he was full on agitated yesterday. Since he was so down in the house I didn't bother putting on his haltie (seemed like adding insult to injury) but he went nuts in the car and boy do I wish I'd had that haltie with me. He NEVER jumps from the back (and in his earlier state it never occurred to me to tie him down...I thought he'd just lie there quietly), but three different times he did this four paws in the air flying Ninja move and ended up in the front seat.

Of course I'm in heavy traffic while he's doing this, and with one hand (I drive a standard by the way) I kept returning him to the back, and then blocking his next advances. Knowing now what was wrong with him I probably made his back even worse.

I told the vet about our drive in and he wanted to be sure that Hudson was sedated for the ride home (and for his back to relax too). He said we risked further injury/permanent damage if he continued THAT behaviour.

So, he got the preop meds I mentioned earlier (morphine and ketamine), and we were allowed to wait in the exam room (where it was quiet) until Hudson crashed. He said it would take ten minutes or less. After twenty he said we might as well go (Hudson was nowhere near calm, but better than when he came in). He didn't jump around in the car, but it wasn't like he was out or anything.

As we pull into the driveway I realize he's finally the back of my car...and there's NO WAY ON EARTH I can lift him out of the back seat (two door vehicle, not really made for back seat passengers). I call my hubby (who decided to race to the vet even though I didn't ask him to) and Hudson and I then spend twenty five minutes, in a hot car (no AC) in my driveway, waiting for "Daddy" to get home and be the hero.

I opened both doors wide open, and then kept my body lined up between him and the sun so he wouldn't overheat. I also got him water (which he turned down) and then poured it over him to keep him cool (he HATES being wet).

People who were walking by (we're on a dead end, so they would return about ten minutes later) were staring at the weird lady leaning partway into her car in the unnatural position. A few stopped and watched me, so I waved and they scurried off. It was funny.

Today we crated him (with a closed door)...THE HORROR. I have to stay really late at work tonight, but I just called my husband who says that he's acting like his old self, and that while he was unlatching the crate, Hudson was throwing himself against it rather emphatically.

So, things are better today. We'll keep him resting for at least a week or two. I do not want him to go through this again.
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What a good patient...........not! Maybe you can put him on his halti and keep him next to you in your "down times." I can't believe slamming himself in the crate is good for him. Would he stay calm if you opened the crate door?
He'll be race-ready in no time... Good Job Hudson! Way to keep Mommy on her toes. Mommies, (and Daddies I fear!) need to be straightened out every now and again.

Oh, your funny story reminds me of when I accidently cut Bowie's neck while trying to get out a matt 8O Went to ER and they had to give him 6 stitches, under sedation, to close the wound. Yup, not that was the last time I attempted to cut anything!

Meanwhile, we pick him up from ER the same night and they tell me he's a bit sedated...A bit sedated? I couldn't get him out of the car! It was a super hot July evening...Me, and hubby spent the night sleeping in lawn chairs with a fan on Bowie while he was in the car to make sure he was okay...Finally, got him out at like two in the morning and we ALL slept on the floor that night inside the house!!!!! A fourth of July to remember!

Glad Hudson is okay. It sounds like a long time, two weeks keeping him calm. But it will go by fast...A stuffed Kong or bully stick will keep him occupied. Maybe even a walk on leash in the yard...We had to keep our baby girl "calm" for 6 weeks once after a pulled ligament...It was tough, but it did go by and she was fine...

As far as the stairs...that's a tough one. we don't have stairs in the house but I think stairs can be a problem with a dog with a spine injury...They do sell things to help move him so you don't further the spine. Look up, handicap pets website for help..

Sheepie thoughts and prayers are with you! :ghug:
So glad that Hudson is on the mend!! :ghug: :ghug:
Glad to hear Hudson is on the mend!
Hoping his recovery goes well, do you have an idea how he hurt his back?
Glad to hear Hudson is on the mend :D
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