Ticks, ticks, ticks...

Spring has sprung !!

Ticks are just already in full bloom,
luckily the Frontline seems to be really helping.
We are finding dead ticks, or sluggish ones walking
on the coat.

My questions are :

1) for the dog-does anyone use any wholistic treatment
along with the frontline to fight ticks

2) for the lawn- is there anything safe to use to
treat the lawn to decrease the tick population

Respond to this topic here on forum.oes.org  
http://www.mosquitobarrier.com/ is one. I've never tried it. I'm leary about using garlic as a repellent.........tick is an arthropod, they don't respond to smells the way we do. As for the oil, yes, it's a smothering agent.

Less toxic controls are keeping mouse nesting sites away, clear away brush, trash and tall grass, move bird feeders as the birds attract ticks.

Diatomaceous earth can be used inside dog houses, along the seams. Of course tight caulking is better. Insecticidal soaps with limonene/linalool can be used on most, but not all plants. I don't know if there are any IGR's (insect growth regulators) available for home use yet. They keep small ticks from maturing. Also synthethic pyrethroid such as permethrin works. If Dammininx is still around, it was a permethrin soaked trap that is placed in thicky areas. Mice take the cotton in the trap to their nest and the pesticide kills the ticks, not the mice.
someone suggested to me once using lime in the yard to get rid of ticks. I have my own forest and have already found one tick on myself. For my beagle, I use K9 Advantix which I have been using for several years now on him, and my old OES. Our local vets are pro-frontline, which to me does nothing for the dogs. I have neighbors who are constantly pulling live ticks off their dogs and they use the frontline. With K9-advantix, I find dead ticks all the time, which is better then pulling a live one off a dog, or worse yourself :D
OK I answered my own question. Petcor is an IGR for ticks. Surf over to www.Pestcontrolsupplies.com to read about Petcor and Suspend.

Two other products to look up are Siphetrol (if I'm reading my handwriting correctly......only 1/2 cup coffee so far so ifffy at best). Siphetrol is a Permethrin.....the latter found in nurseries under different names. NEVER use on cats!!!

Also look up Fenvalorate.

Ticks are real tough to control. Start with a yard clean up as I said before. Increase lighting in the yard by eliminating dense shade, tall grasses, etc. Inspect dog daily, combing thru the hair (yeah, easier on a short hair dog). With Frontline or Advantix the tick must first feed to take in the insecticide. So you will find a tick every so often. Even with tick collars the ticks will still have to adhere. As for herbal repellent collars, remember, the tick is zeroing in on blood. Herbals are not likely to repell every tick especially further away from the collar. The tick may just latch hold down low. Granted we tend to find more near the top of the animal.

Inside, vacuum more often (yeah, bummer). Also chop a tick collar into pieces (wear protective gloves) and place a piece in the bag when you put it on and then vacuum. One should throw the bag away when finished so do a good job vacuuming. Price of bags and all........... Sometimes I squirt insecticide into the vacuum as I go. Once in awhile I use a Rainbow, a water vacuum, so I put a dab of oil based cleaner in the water to help smother the bugs. Pay special attention to seams......where walls and carpeting come together, they love to get in there.

Thank you so much for your suggestions on Tick management !!
We will give it a try, the tick population just seems increased
this year.
Thank you too for your suggestions, nice to know
what other options beside frontline are available.
I have a rescue boy here who arrived Friday covered in those *&*$!# things! Since we've had a wet winter and spring, I've started with Frontline earlier this year for my own kids............ARGH!!!

Hi Sheepieboss,

What region of the country are you in ?

We are in New England (Massachusetts), and we had a
difficult winter. We've never seen the population this bad.

I woke up last night with one crawling on my shoulder

Hope your rescue boy is well and settling in !
There's a ton of good info on this page that I wrote about ticks, and there are lots of links on there to other sources of info.

http://www.oes.org/html/how_2_identify_ ... ticks.html
Thanks Ron !
Sheepieboss and her K9 Krew live in New Mexico. This state has an unofficial motto: "Home of the Fleas, Land of the Plague" as we have Hanta and Bubonic, but Sheepieboss has seen only a few fleas, but more ticks than she cares to mention.

Vet warned me last Friday, "This will be a ticky year.......but then......we always have more ticks than the previous year."
just what I figured sheepieboss, since I already pulled one of of myself about a month ago. Now I stay clear of the woods if I can help it. Ticks seem to love me where as hubby rarely finds a tick and my beagle stays on a lead in the front yard where the grass is cut regularly and my oes I hope doesn't get the misfortune of receiving a tick before I am able to drop him (waiting on magic number 25 lbs.)
Yuck, they sound awful! I've never seen one in real life I don't think.... and I don't think I ever want to!
You don't, they're gross! I have a huge, intense dislike of them (enough that it makes me seriously contemplate moving up by you, if you don't have them there!) Yucky, icky, ucky!!!!! I'll take a mosquito or flea over one any day!!!

Karen :)
For you (not your dog)

Avon's Bug Guard Plus Expedition spray works well to
repel mosquitos and ticks including deer ticks....

Above is a good resource for information about ticks...
Ticks are awful here in Mississippi!

We use k-9 advantix for Jasper, but I just pulled a tick off him today. They're horrible since we really didn't have a winter.

Here's a couple of "recipes"

Tick and Flea Elminiator
For a 100-pound dog (adjust proportionately to other weights)

1 heaping tablespoon brewer's yeast
1 level teaspoon garlic powder
(or 3 or 4 garlic capsules)

These ingredients are inexpensive when bought in bulk, and besides being an effective flea and tick repellent, they provide vitamins and nutrients and promote a glossy coat. This combination emits an odor through the pet's skin that pests find very offensive. The ingredients also make the animal's blood taste bad. which discourages ear mites, ticks and other biting pests.

Tick and Flea Control
Spread moth crystals over your yard to control ticks and fleas. There is no mixing and no mess! The crystals don't harm grass or plants, and the pets don't touch them.
Beau and Mollie-

Hope this thread is helpful.
Best wishes .....
OK....thanks for the helpful suggestions.
Ugh... itch itch itch

We took Yuki climbing up a mountain yesterday and pulled 4 ticks off her and one off my husband's face. Since I did all the brushing (yuki), I keep itching and itching and itching. I think someone can go psycho from "imagining" ticks on them after you've seen just one.

I told my husband "screw doing something together as a couple... no more hiking!!!!" :lol: :lol:

We'll be going again next weekend, I'm sure.
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