Farewell Bentley, we'll miss you more than I imagined

Bentley is on his way to a better place with no pain and grassy hills to run through as far as the tear-filled eye can see. After much discussion and more pain meds failing to control things, we choose to not allow Bent to suffer anymore.

We know that some may say we made the wrong choice and that's cool; they didn't see what we saw. We know that we did the best by Bentley. He was a very active dog and this was not going to be good on him no matter how you looked at it.

Now we need to focus on our other sheepie, Zoey. She's already feeling it I know. She's not as active without coaxing and not eating like she normally does. Any advice here would be of great interest.

Below is the last photo of Bentley taken on the 22nd. He used to climb on the bed and kick off any pillow with anything but a flannel case. Here he is with what he loved most, Jen and a flannel pillow.


Goodbye buddy...

I should have bought one of those waterproof keyboards I saw last Christmas... Tears suck!!!
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Feel so bad for you...this is never easy and you know your sweet dog...I know you did the right thing...watching him suffer would have been much worse and I regret keeping my Daisey too long because I didn't want her to leave...I know you did the best for Bentley...he is running and playing again and will wait for you! Just a tough choice and I feel you showed your love by not having him spend everyday in pain. Know you are not alone and hugs to all :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry, you did what was right for your baby although it is never easy to make the decision. :cry: :cry:
God Speed Bentley....you are now running pain free at the bridge
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I also need a water proof key board right now :cry:
so sorry for your loss... they really have a way of carving a
spot out in your heart... I am sure he will be saving you a seat
for someday....The only bad part about having an OES is the
letting go. You did the best thing for him. One day you will think
about him and instead of tears you will smile.
I'm so sorry for your loss of Bentley. I'm sure you did the exact right thing for him; only you can know what is right.

I can see him and my Jake romping around together, young and pain free.
I am so sorry for your loss of Bentley. I know the heartbreak you are feeling. Never doubt that you made the right decision for your sweet baby. He is now in a beautiful place where there is no pain, only love.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am so terribly sorry you had to go through something like this. I'd been thinking of you... started to post a couple of times. A relative of 3 of mine had osteosarcoma... possibly the dog mentioned. I don't see it as wrong to help a dog on his way before the suffering is great. Allowing a dog to linger because we can't make the tough decision is what we all pray we can avoid. You know it was the right time. He knew love because of you and experienced less suffering because you were able to send him peacefully on his way. It's so hard on those left behind though. Tears suck big time but it's part of loving and mourning the loss of a great companion. Take comfort in knowing that you did good by him.

What a beautiful picture of a beautiful dog. I am sure you did the right thing for him and with tremendous pain for you. I am glad for the time Bentley had as part of your family. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss.
That is the sweetest picture.

I am so sorry. And I know, from experience, how painful this is.But you did the most unselfish thing you could do. You thought of Bently first and yourself second. I define that as real love. Please don't second guess this dicision. You made the right choice and now your boy is painfree, running, barking, smiling...waiting for his loved ones.

:ghug: :ghug:
None of us can know, only you. It is hard separating our own need from their pain. It is never easy. Rest knowing he had a wonderful life with you and he gave you all he could. :ghug:

tears lubricate their journey to the bridge..........
So very very sorry for the loss of your sweet Bently. You followed your heart and did what you know was best for your sweet guy. :ghug: :ghug: Special thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Give Zoey extra hugs.
You showed Bentley you truly loved him by putting his suffering first and helping him to cross the Bridge. If tears can help heal your heartache I am making my keyboard soggy now. Hugs to Zoey and even more for you and your family. Wish there was more I can say to help but there just isnt.....
I'm so sorry for your loss of Bentley.Hugs to you and your Family and give Zoey a big hug from me.
When I lost Mitch Marley grieved also .We just coaxed him a bit more than usual to do his normal things and took him out more for rides in the car and to visit friends and family etc to take his mind off things and to also get him use to dealing with situations on his own and not part of a dog pack .

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Although I've never met Bentley, the picture shows a dog who looks like he'd gotten everything he could have ever wished for... and more. I admire your courage to think for Bentley's needs and what was best for him despite how much it pains you. It is so apparent that he was loved and cherished by his family. I am certain he is among all the sheepies that know what it means to be truly loved and running painlessly through the meadows that feel like endless flannel pillows.
so very sorry for your loss :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to your family and Zoey.
I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved Bentley. The grief over losing one of our furkids is so difficult and we shed so many tears. Yet, we hope in time to be comforted that we gave them lives that all dogs wish for, as obviously Bentley had. May he now be running free at the bridge.

We are so sorry for your loss.

To me, dealing with a pet's end-of-life issues are our last responsibility as owners. After watching a family member's pet suffer horribly with osteosarcoma, and the owner unwilling to put the dog to sleep, I vowed never to allow a pet of mine to suffer that way.

Bentley was a lucky boy. You honored all of your commitments to him, even the hardest one.

:ghug: :ghug:

Laurie and Oscar
Please don't suffer your decision. You did the right thing for Bentley, just as you did for all his life. Tears and heartache are horrible, but part of healing. Bentley is fine now, in the care of all our loved ones at the bridge. Hugs to you, Jen and Zoey, will continue to keep you close in heart and thought. :ghug:
I'm so sorry for your loss of Bentley. They crawl into our hearts and won't let go. Thank you for doing right by your boy.

Run free, Bentley! You'll be in good company at the Bridge. :ghug:

So sorry to hear of Bentley.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Bentley.

You made the right choice for you boy! Osteosarcoma is an extremely aggressive cancer. It also occurs in humans and is known to be dreadfully painful as it advances. You loved him enough to not let him suffer.

Wishing you a peaceful heart and happy memories. :ghug:
I am so sorry to hear of the terrible loss of your beautiful sheepie boy, Bently. :hearts: What a beautiful pic to honor his life with. Thank you for sharing him with us. :ghug: to you during your time of grief.

God Bless You Sheepie Lovers.

We had to make that same awful decision for our beloved Sophie in March and I am crying still and again as I read your posting.

:( So sorry for the large hole in your heart.
Godspeed Sweet Bentley.
As hard as it is, know that you made the most unselfish and loving decision, but I know your heart is so so empty.
I'm so sorry.
:ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry.
Bless your baby boy.

Vance dont ever 2nd guess the decision you made for Bentley, hard as it is you know your baby better then anyone else. Sadly it is an agressive cancer and my heart goes out to you all at your loss. Bentley will always be looking from above watching over you, your family and Zoey as a guardian angel free from pain and running around, bouncing just being a forever sheepie no more pain and keeping a close eye on you all from above.

Vance: We are so sorry for your loss. We've all felt that terrible pain of having to do the right thing. Your boy gave you unconditional love the entire time you had him. And he depended on you to do that for him when the time came. Soon you will be remembering all the good times with smiles. :ghug:
I am very sorry for your lost, I know that is never easy but we do it because we love them and don't like see them suffer. He is now pain free and running and barking with all sheepie dogs in the rainbow bridge.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so very sorry for your loss of Bentley. Only you know the pain he was enduring, and seeing that even more pain was in his future, you made the only decision you knew to be right - don't ever let anyone make you feel you took the "easy" way out. It is never an easy decision and it hurts like hell for quite awhile. My thoughts to you and Jen as you grieve. :ghug: :ghug:
:cry: :cry: I'm so very sorry to hear about Bentley's passing. :cry: :cry:

Please know that he was loved and will be missed by all of us. Mark (Brick and Zeke's Dad) was keeping us updated with your posts during Sheepiepalooza and we were all hoping for a different outcome. Sending all of you hugs during this very difficult time.
What a sweet face, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. :ghug:
If we didn't love them so much, it wouldn't hurt so much..... :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Your selfless love saved Bentley from so much pain and suffering. It truly was the loving option among no real good choices.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry for the loss of your puppy :cry:
As what a cute photo. I am so sorry. He is not in pain now nor will he suffer. Prayers to you and your family.
Your tears and heartache are a testament to how much you loved your Sheepie Boy. So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss.

The right decisions are the hardest. You were totally selfless in letting go of your boy when it was right for him even though it wasn't right for you.


Take care.
I'm so sorry about Bentley. You did the right thing by putting him out of his misery.

Six years ago I had to put Max down because of pain from cancer. He cried everytime he tried to walk. I just couldn't bear him going through chemotherapy at 12 years old and I never regretted it because he was in a better place with no pain.

It takes a lot of courage to put them down. He looked like a real sweetie! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
I'm so sorry to hear about Bentley, :ghug: , :(
Our thoughts and prayers are with your for the loss of
such a handsome sheepie as Bentley.

Many of us have recently gone the same path, and we need to
remember that we treasured them each and every day they
we with us...and all the love :hearts: and laughter they gave to us

:ghug: to you and your family...
I'm so sorry about Bentley. I know all too well the pain and loss you are feeling. I lost my precious Benjamin to Lymphoma after 8 months of chemo on Nov. 29, 2010. He would have just turned 5 years old January 20th. Don't ever doubt you did the right thing helping him not suffer. My thoughts are with you.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Cindy, Teddy's mom
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