
I recently wrote about returning home from vacation to find one of my cats, Kady, in dire straits. She is still hanging in there and I've been syringe feeding her 4 times daily and giving her sub-q fluids daily to supplement her feedings.This is all under direction from the vet office. Her weight loss was so substantial that she went from super fat cat to a mere 1.8 k. She sees the vet every few days and they too are now sure that they can rule out a pre-existing liver or kidney malfunction - it looks as if the professional pet sitters either didn't notice she wasn't eating or she was accidently locked in the closet for the 17 day duration of our trip. It's still touch and go for her as she is still quite weak but for her it wasn't her time so I didn't want to choose euthanization that first day.

Roger, on the other hand was just diagnosed with lung cancer on Friday and I'm heartbroken.I had noticed he was loosing weight and had his blood work done in Feb but nothing was found at that time. For him, I will choose to let him go as nothing else can be done. Lung cancer in cats is extremely rare 0.1% and the survival rate is very low and that's only if the cat is healthy and young enough to survive. She doesn't think Roger is a candidate at 13. The vet saw two tumors on his x-rays and while he doesn't have difficulty breathing at the moment - it's just a matter of time and may spread to other organs. He also was sent home with sub-q fluids and pain meds. I put him in another room with one of his best pals where he's enjoying lots of attention and special treats. We only have a week or two at the most to be with him but I will do it out of love for him.

Panda who will be 10 in July has been experiencing a bit of dementia as Kaj and I take turns getting up in the middle of the night with him at 2, 3, 4 and 5...urg. He barks to go out and then sits on the porch even if the night is dark and rainy and we have to entice him to come back in. He is going for the works on Wed and I'll get them to shave him down at the same time. You guys know with Panda boy I have no choice when it comes to his grooming..as he needs full sedation. He'll also get his blood work done again even tho I just had it done in Feb to make sure it's not diabetes or something else going on.

Lastly Gilligan who is the sweetest boy is doing well regarding his mass in his mouth. I found daily marrow bones help any discomfort he may feel. He enjoys his walks around the garden and snoozing on comfy blankets. Just recently however, the wart he had on his lower eyelid - which the vet said was not really a problem has grown and makes his eye gunky in the morning. He'll be going in to see the vet this coming week too.

Sigh so while it's difficult having so many elderly special needs pets and this past month has been especially difficult - I don't regret one moment as each was allowed to live past their execution/euthanization dates at over crowded shelters. They were given a chance at life to eat good food, have friends and be loved and live out their lives with dignity. I can say goodbye when it's their time as hard as it will be as it always comes down to what's best for them.
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and this is why da big guy has given you your own guardian angel. 8)
:ghug: Hugs to the elderly and sick members of your family, Marianne. :ghug:

Each are getting what they need to have the best life they can have - what more can you do? They are lucky to have landed at your house! :hearts:
It is also emotional tired. When your babies have problems, it weighs heavily upon us. I marvel at the wonderful retreat you have for the babes and the love and care they get. Even one day with you and Kaj is probably far better than all their previous days. Helping them make the final journey is another gift you are giving them :ghug:

I think of Panda living on the roof and now in a lovely park like setting......happy dog (with a few demons remaining).
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: you are my hero
Thanks you guys.

On a happy note I brought Rogers best buddy downstairs to spend time with him as I needed to separate Roger from the others to keep tabs on his food intake. I felt bad he was alone so Dusty was brought downstairs and watching his buddy worked to entice him to start eating again! He also had someone to cuddle with during the day while snoozing on the large window sill.

Oh yum! Tuna! Salmon! Chicken Broth baby Food! (vet recommended) and Yummy - Recovery cat food - also vet recommended- all of these things are getting him to eat.

Roger who was just diagnosed with cancer is being spoiled rotten until it's time to say goodbye. He is actually eating more than Dusty now that the meds are making him feel better.

Awww we all need our buddies. :hearts:
You're doing such great things for them Marianne! All the best with the kitties.
You do the best you can do with what you have to with. I know
it's exhausting though and the worry takes it's toll too. They're all
very fortunate to have you, Marianne.

So sorry to read all this. It is exhausting when our loved ones are ill. Bunches of hugs and licks to all of you!
Maybe hopeful news? I don't want to get too happy about it as it's not 100% yet, but my own vet said she will consult the other vet that gave me the diagnosis as there is a slight chance it may just be a bad infection in his lung and perhaps not cancer. I will be praying that perhaps he has a longer chance at life.

I had to stop there today to get some more sub-q fluids and Recovery food for both Roger and Katie and had a chance to speak to her. I also needed to ask about Gilligan (yeah I can get the wart removed if it continues to cause him problems) but in the meantime was sent to the drug store for Polysporin for his eye. Also had to get last min instructions for Panda's big day tomorrow.

I was sent home with a pill for him to help ease his stress before we even arrive. I always get anxious one of the older guys has to go under but as I keep repeating with Panda - even after 7 years he still needs full sedation for anything that needs to be done. So I get the works all done at the same time..eyes,hips,ears,teeth and full shave. Whew.

All I can say is it's so good I was able to take my first vacation in 10 years recently as I gained a little steam for what was waiting for me back home. :D

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