Mattie has an enlarged heart

We are back from the vet, and didn't get very good news.
They did some chest xrays, and found that she has a very enlarged heart and fluid in her chest. He didn't do any other tests or give her her shots that are due.
He wants us to schedule an appt with a cardiologist.
He was going to give us lasiks but can't because of her Diabetes Incipidus. He told us not to take her for walks or let her do much of anything. Which she hasn't been any way.
He doesn't feel that she's critical, because she has good coloring.

I'm so upset and scared.
Please say prayers for my little girl.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
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oh ...Lisa...I am so sorry!!!! Prayers and support being sent to you from our family. Please keep us posted...

:ghug: :ghug:
oh no lisa so sorry keep us posted :ghug: :ghug:
That sounds just like our Tazz. :(

He actually was one step further - the accumulated fluid had caused him to have pneumonia. In fact they thought it was just plain pneumonia.
But when the antibiotics stopped and the symptoms came back (respiratory), that was when we got suspicious of more going on and did the xray that found the cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart).

He also had another chronic condition (not DI) - a congenital metabolic disorder that affected his digestive absorption of nutrients. He lived another 5+ years. He was on disal and enalapril, and did really well on it.
He died of something unrelated, but we all had been noticing he was starting to have more cardiac and respiratory issues, so perhaps it was a slight blessing.

With Mattie's DI and inability to give disal (vet Lasix or furosemide), it will be a more difficult management, and definitely in the scope of a cardiac specialist.
Best wishes to you all and Mattie. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :ghug: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Oh Lisa--so very sorry. Poor Mattie :( . Special thoughts and prayers for all of you. Mattie is fortunate to have YOU for a mom!
So sorry for your little girl! I was hoping for better news. Sending positive thoughts to you, Mattie and your family.
So sorry to hear about Mattie.
Fingers & paws crossed that it's something that can be managed.

Please keep us posted.
I'm so sorry to hear this, poor Mattie. Certainly the cardiologist will be able to offer types of therapies to decrease her symptoms, and help her feel better. Our prayers are with her and your family.
I'm sorry to hear this Lisa :(

Please try not to worry too much until you speak to a cardiologist .I know it's hard not to worry .I have been there and done that.

Marley has a very enlarged heart plus 2 murmurs .He was diagnosed when he was 2 and he is now 5 .I also know of another OES with an enlarged heart that is doing ok. Marley is on no medication and also the other OES i know is on no medication.

Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about Mattie's condition. We've got to get rid of that medical black cloud hovering over your house!!!!! :evil:

:ghug: :ghug:

So far, we have no experience with heart issues here (I always say this kind of thing with trepidation, as you never know what's down the pike for Oscar....), so I don't have any advice. Just hugs and good thoughts.

Laurie and Oscar
I can understand how scary and upsetting this news is. It sounds like Dawn has done very well
with her dogs that have had this. Sending positive thoughts and prayers that Mattie will do well
too. Please keep us posted on how she's doing.

got sheep wrote:

He also had another chronic condition (not DI) - a congenital metabolic disorder that affected his digestive absorption of nutrients.

Marley ,plus the othe OES i know ,also have digestive absorption issues .

In fact i have always said that,in my opinion, I think Marleys heart issues have most probably been caused by his long term food issues.
Lisa, I'm so sorry :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I was thinking about Mattie in more general terms and though this is a long shot, the short version is that it's possible that her enlarged heart is tied into her hypothyroidism and that by controlling the latter you may be able to control/arrest or possibly even reverse the former.

There's precedent.

There are other causes of DCM, of course. But, just in case, with Mattie you're already ahead of the curve there.

fingers crossed the heart vet can suggest something for Mattie. I am sure they :hearts:
So sorry to hear this, she is such a sweetheart. Sure hope you get some good news from the cardiologist. When will you be able to get her in?
We need to do some sort of cleansing ceremony for you to ward off the medical dark cloud that has been hanging over your place. :(

I so sorry to hear about mattie and when you said coughing and lethargy I knew it was heart related, classic symptoms.

Hang in there, I know how upsetting it is especially as at the moment with you its been one thing after another. Wait till you see the cardioligist and take it one step at a time and see what they have to say.

:ghug: :ghug:
Oh wow, you've been through so much lately with your two. We'll be thinking of you.
Chauncey and I are sending best wishes and prayers your way.
Positive thoughts coming your way from down here. Break those mountains down into molehills. That way you won't become overwhelmed. :ghug:
:ghug: Just sending you hugs and good thoughts Lisa!!!! :ghug:

Fingers and paws crossed :crossed: here that the cardiologist will have some good news for you.
So sorry to hear your news about Mattie. :(

Sending best wishes your way. :ghug: :ghug:
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear this. :oops: :oops: You all will be in my thoughts and prayers as you investigate your next step with Mattie. She is very fortunate to have found you as her Mommy. :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry to hear this. Poor sweet Mattie girl. The past few months have been so rough on you, Frankie, and Mattie. You are in my thoughts :plead: .
Sorry to hear this about your sweetheart. Hoping it's manageable. :crossed:
So sorry to hear this. Having gone thru months of tests for Rosie (we now know she has Cushings for sure and that she doesn't have a large tumor) if you are near a vet school I would highly recommend taking her there...going to the University of TN vet school enabled me to see eye specialist, neurology, specialist in Cushings etc... all in one day...they charge alot less than your regular vet. We went twice and they sent all tests, evaluations to my regular vet and continue to work with you. We had the professor, the intern, the student evaluating her each time and overall it was a very positive experience and well worth the hour and half trip each way.
So sorry for more medical problems, Lisa. We'll be thinking positive thoughts for a more promising diagnosis from the specialist.
both your furkids have spunk, i see it in their eyes. who says ya can't have two miracle kids.
i remain optimistic. 8)
Guest wrote:
both your furkids have spunk, i see it in their eyes. who says ya can't have two miracle kids.
i remain optimistic. 8)

Good thought Guest!

Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself too!
Hugs to you, Mattie and Frankie!
I am so sorry to hear that you and your sweet Mattie are going through this. I hope the cardiologist can give you some encouraging news and a treatment plan. Like everyone else, I will be sending positive thoughts your way. . . Hang in there! :ghug:
First I just want to say that you and your furry family are in our thoughts.

Now-- this happened to one of my cats. Obviously, cats and dogs can be really different. But this, we were told in the case of my cat, was really treatable. They'll want to remove the fluid as soon as possible using a BIG needle. Sounds scary, but my cat wasn't even unconscious for the procedure. After that, there was a pill she could take to prevent the fluid from building up again. They told us that sometimes you have to drain that fluid a few times before the meds kick in. But please stay positive and keep in mind that this is not necessarily as scary as it all sounds. Maddie is a real trooper- this could be behind you before you know it!

Thinking lots of positive (pawsitive?) thought for you guys! :ghug: :hearts:
I'm so sorry Lisa !! :ghug:
Big hugs to you, Mattie and Frankie ! :ghug:
And please keep us posted :crossed:
Nigel sends some sheepie white light your way. We hope that this can be managed and you have many more years together.
Just seeing this now. I hope it goes well with you and the lovely Mattie. :crossed:
:ghug: :ghug:
To all of my wonderful friends.

First I would like to thank everyone for all of there wonderful thoughts and words. It really is very comforting to know that so many people care about us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Mattie has her appt with the cardiologist Wednesday at 3. I will keep everyone posted when we get back.
:plead: that all goes well.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Hoping for the best of news for the lovely Maddie.

You all deserve it! I'm in awe of you coping skills, you have so much going on with your furkids.
Thanks Mim
When we got the news Sunday Troy was out of town, I could barely see to drive home I was crying so much.
Troy keeps telling me to rememeber there is a reason these sweet babies found us. It's been hard to see the good in that, but I'm trying. All we can do is make sure they know how much there loved.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Aw Lisa I know just how you feel.
I drove my baby boy siamese cat back and forward the one hour trip to the vet hospital 3 years ago trying to treat lymphoma and some times I cried all the way back.
It's so worrisome when your furkids aren't well.
Thinking of you and sending best wishes. I'll keep checking the forum for your post on Wednesday.
All the best from us all.

Wednesday at 3pm is the best news possible. If it was really serious, they'd have rushed you and Mattie in! When my cat had similar symptoms, we were raced over to the cardiologist immediately. So take heart- if they want her to wait almost a week between appointments, whatever it is must not be so serious that they can't afford to wait that much time!!!!

Looking for silver linings-
You guys will in our hearts and our thoughts. Fingers crossed for a great outcome on Wednesday.

Will be thinking of you and Mattie and hoping for a manageable treatment for her. You are an incredible Mom to your Frankie and Mattie :hearts:
Good luck tomorrow!
So sorry to hear this news about Mattie. Hoping and praying your appointment goes well tomorrow and you get good news. Hugs to you and Mattie and Frankie. :ghug:
We'll be traveling tomorrow, but I hope I can check in and keep updated. We'll be pulling for you guys!!!! :hearts:
:hearts: :cheer: :hearts: Best wishes for Mattie's cardiac appt today! :hearts: :cheer: :hearts:
We'll all be thinking of you and Mattie today :ghug:
Thinking of you and Mattie today.
Keeping my fingers crossed for Mattie. I'm anxious for a positive update. :plead:
All fingers and paws crossed here :crossed:
Hoping for some good news.
Sending hugs to you and Mattie :hearts:
Wonderful Wonderful news.

Mattie does not have a heart condition. What the vet saw as Fluid, was FAT.. My little pudgie girl has a fat heart and fat surrounding her breast bone. He said some dogs carry it on the outside and some carry fat on the inside. He said if Mattie Lost another 10-15lbs it could possibly go away. He actually said her previous owners loved her to death. :roll:

She also has something going on with her bronchials. Being that we don't know how she lived her previous life it's hard to tell exactly what it is. Her bronchials seem older than her age. It could be caused by if she was and outside dog, or if she lived in a smoking enviroment. Until I say she coughs all the time just not occasionally they can't do anything.

He got to see how she just lays around, he had to lure her up with a treat just to listen to her chest. Again since we don't know how she lived her life before, it could be like a human who sits around and eats bon bons all day. It will take a very long time to get her reconditioned.

So back to having more tests done and hip xrays. I think she's still in pain. She's our little work in progress.

I want to thank everyone for the kind words and prayers. Someone must have heard them up there. So I can relax and breathe for now.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
ah, and so can we. thanks lisa, great news!!!!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

tell frankie, see if he does a backflip for his sis. 8)
Great, now maybe everything else can be controlled.
Great news!

too bad they couldn't liposuction it out while she was there! :wink:
^^^ :lol:

Great news for Mattie! Thanks for updating us! :yay:
Wonderful news!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: You say pudgie? I say just full of love! :hearts:
Yayyyy!!!!! Great news! :clappurple:
Oh I am so happy to hear the good news! Let's hope just losing the weight will help everything!
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Came home at lunchtime to check for an update.

Such a great surprise!! :clappurple: :yay: I'm so glad that you got such good news.
Is it the green bean diet for Miss Mattie? :mrgreen:
Relief!!! :phew:

Very happy for Ms Fatty-Pants :wink:

Mim wrote:
Came home at lunchtime to check for an update.

Such a great surprise!! :clappurple: :yay: I'm so glad that you got such good news.
Is it the green bean diet for Miss Mattie? :mrgreen:

Wonderful news...Had both my boys on the greenbean works.
Mattie has been on the green bean diet since we got her in November. She has already lost 10lbs. She gets a 1 mile walk everyday with the dog walker. So maybe more beans, and mommy should walk also, so maybe an evening walk.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
I have 1 girl I keep on a maintenance diet that includes green beans. It worked well to take off the few pounds she needed to lose & now she maintains her weight very well on it. Are you making sure you are using either frozen green beans or NO SALT ADDED canned green beans?
:phew: :phew:

:yay: :excited: :clappurple: :clappurple:
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Very glad to hear the good news :banana: :banana:

Izzie lost 10 lbs when we cut back on the number of treats and switched to lower calorie treats. Now I just need to find the discipline to put myself on lower calorie treats :lmt: It is hard to quantify, but I think we have also been taking her for more walks...good for her and for us :high5:
What great news!

And Hudson (AKA Pudgie Smudgie) sends his love and support (and sympathies).

Hugs to Mattie!

It took us almost 2 years to get Rudie down 15 lbs and in shape. He also had a low thyroid which was a contributing factor, but I do think you have to go slow with these chubbies. Once she is used to the 1 mile walk, I would add another 1 mile walk in the evening.. For us, upping the exercise has been the biggest difference maker.

How do you get a dog who can't move to lose weight?


(and green beans) :hearts:
babysheepie wrote:
Mattie has been on the green bean diet since we got her in November. She has already lost 10lbs.

That's awesome! Keep up the good work. :high5: :clappurple:
Its Allison- I'm on the road and can't recall my password to sign in....

I'm glad to hear this news! Luna is our little "Chubby Princess"; and she would want me to welcome Matty to the club. she would also like me to stop feeding her green beans...

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