Field day with bag of rawhides

UGH. First let me say I know this is entirely my fault and I feel very irresponsible and bad about this. I had a big bag of flavored rawhides for my rescue in my trunk. The box was brought into the house and put in our bedroom. I always shut all doors before I leave because Rudie is a forager, today I forgot.

Dave got home and there are 4-5 rawhides strewn about the house. They are all chewed up and one of them is chewed into a lot of pieces. There are some left in the bag too.

I don't know if he ate tiny pieces, an entire rawhide, or just chewed. What do I do? He's acting ok right now and Dave is taking him for a walk. Should we make him throw up or just wait it out and see if he acts sick?
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I might try to weigh them and try to get an idea of how much he ate.

I might also consider making him vomit.

Give three tablespoons (that's 1 1/2 ounces, or 45 ml) of Hydrogen Peroxide. You can give the hydrogen peroxide by putting it the pocket between his cheek and gums.

Wait five to ten minutes and repeat if necessary.
I hate the feeling of the unknown. Oliver once ate a rawhide and threw it up along with 2 days of worth of food...yep obstruction. We were lucky. Were they big raw-hides or the little ones?
They are really big rawhides. Dave thinks that he didn't swallow any, but that he just ate little pieces from one. But he totally could have swallowed one or two.

Dave walked him and said he pooped, it was small but normal. Otherwise he is acting happy and normal. I guess we'll just wait and see....
So there was also a sample bag of dog food and a small bag of candy that got eaten.

He was pissed when he only got a scoop of cottage cheese with his meds for dinner.
Poor Rudie.... :(
That totally stinks! Honestly, I would watch him real close as well. Does he normally eat rawhides?
jcc9797 wrote:
That totally stinks! Honestly, I would watch him real close as well. Does he normally eat rawhides?

No, we don't allow them to eat them. They can have bones if we watch them, but those are rare occasions. He's staring at us and panting right now but I think it might be because there is a bag of chips on the table... He has eaten much more and much worse and been fine, but he's also eaten much less and had a bad tummy ache.. so we'll just hope for the best!
and the diarrhea begins!
HeatherRWM wrote:
and the diarrhea begins!

Should be an interesting couple of days coming up here
We had some leftover diarrhea medication from our last vet visit, so I started Ru on it last night. And he slept through the night! No diarrhea this morning either. I'm dropping them off at daycare today so that I don't have to worry at work.

Paws crossed that we got off easy on this one!
oh rudie hope you are ok.. poor mom and dad have to worry about you once again lol
Keep us posted - get better soon!
Poor Rudy (and you). Big hugs to the big guy!
I think we're in the clear... I don't want to jinx it by it's been more than 24 hours and he has had two regular poops.


I think I'm going to start calling him Rudie the Relentless!!!!

Laurie and Oscar
Yay! I'm very relieved. :cheer:

Aren't we a strange breed, cheering for poops!
Ron wrote:
Yay! I'm very relieved. :cheer:

Aren't we a strange breed, cheering for poops!

Yes, but only GOOD poops!!

Hope this is a good sign for that crazy Rude dog :hearts:
Here's hoping for many normal poops :cheer:
Spoke too soon! Had weird poop and a bit of soft poop this afternoon. Thankfully Dave has tomorrow off too so he can be home with him in case there's a problem.

At least there's no vomiting!
Not to scare you but it can take a few days before a blockage actually is noticable and vomitting doesn't alwasy occur. Maybe the wierd poop is from the rawhide starting to break up? Definately keep an eye on him. If he stops pooping all together, or straining to go and nothing coming out or belly feels hard and he is walking sort of stiffed leg or in any other way looks to be in pain, get to the ER immediately...

Since hubby is off tomorrow, why not bring him in to be checked as a safety measure...

Good luck.
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