Dirt on skin

I have just had Cappi clipped for the summer, and now he is sleek and gorgeous!
But because he hasnt so much hair I can actually see through to his skin and he has these
dirty clusters, at first I thought it was fleas (you know the type of mounds they leave) but he is flea free.

They are dry a bit like scabs, but I cant work out what they are, possibly just dust/dirt build up but has anyone got any ideas? He doesnt scratch so they arent bothering him.
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If you moisten them and they turn reddish, they're flea droppings.

If they're the size of a pencil eraser and are only on the underside, they're probably nipples.

If the skin just looks dirty, it could be normal coloration/mottling or it could be something else. Wash it and see if it goes away. If it doesn't, could you try to get a picture for us?
So I assume they are dark colored? What shape are they and where are they located on his body?

...I'll echo Ron, can you get a picture for us? There are few really amazing people on here with excellent skin knowledge. Hopefully Jaci, Oscar's Mommy, or Lisa will join in here.
Could it be from having him shaved? Maybe in spots a little bit of clipper burn to the skin and not enough to worry him with the itchies or it annoying him into licking or trying to bite that area? How along ago did you have him clipped off? Could be just sections of it healing after that, especially if all clipped off to the skin, clipper burns in areas over him that might now be healing?, it happens even at groomers with dogs especially when it is a close shave.

Firstly I would wash him all over in a medicated shampoo and see how that goes, if still there after a few days with more scabbing happening, then a vet visit will be required to determin what the scabs are if still showing and coming up after an all over bath. :wink:

Photos if you can, you have ruled out fleas too but who knows even mites or other things could be causing a problem if it does not settle after a wash. :wink:
I'm certain I can also speak for Laurie... we don't want to know these things. :(

I think it's called a epidermal collarette... his one was after a sore healed- http://oesusa.com/Bumble27.jpg
This was Seborrhea- http://oesusa.com/Bumble1_small.jpg
Duoxo is a nice medicated shampoo... they make one for skin infections (Chlorhexidine PS) and another for seborrhea.

That said, it could be just what you said... dirt! :D
^^^^^^Jaci, you said it sistah!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^

Based upon my all too extensive experience with Oscar's skin, I immediately thought it was probably seborrhea. It might be a low grade skin infection as well, but only a skin scraping will tell you for sure. None of Oscar's myriad of skin troubles, except for yeast overgrowth, ever cause him to scratch or chew.

We also use the Duoxo Chlorhexidine Shampoo (by the gallon...), as it is formulated to be used frequently, and helps to keep Oscar's skin issues down to a dull roar. Even if it is a mild infection, you can probably get it under control with a good shampoo.

Laurie and Oscar
Oh, let's just hope it is razor rash!!
I think it's called a epidermal collarette

Sorry... I had the link before the text and switched it around.

I meant to say... "I think this is called..."
Just so you could compare it with what you were seeing.

Laurie, does Duoxo come by the gallon?
The largest size is a 3 liter bottle (over $150), but I think you might have to get it through your vet. Even though we go through a ton of shampoo, I buy the 16.9 oz bottles from entirelypets.com or amazon.com, as chlorhexidine does lose its effectiveness over time. (I am one of these folks that also buys multiple small bags of kibble, rather than the giant bag, so it's as fresh as possible. :roll: )

I started out with the Duoxo Chlorhex PS Shampoo 6 oz bottles, but I was going through the entire amount in less than two weeks. If you are using it on more than one dog, the 3 liter bottle might be best for you.

Laurie and Oscar
Thanks, Laurie... after what you've shared, I'll stick with the 16.9 ounce bottles. I found both
places you mentioned have the best prices too. These big boys require lots of shampoo! :aww:
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