This one's for Mady!

Dear Mady,
I took time out of my busy schedule of eating, sleeping, running and agility training especially to write this post in my blog. Solidarity girl!! We have to stick together.
Those uprights are always saying it's our fault when it's not! :evil: Swallowing chicken necks whole with no chewing does NOT contribute to gastrointestinal upset! I am completely convinced of this fact and refuse to consider any other perspective on the matter. :!:
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I honestly don't know how you put up with Mim, Tiggy. But I guess once you have her you kind of have to tolerate her as best you can and try to train her to be a better behaved upright. Have you ever thought of maybe fostering her out?
Amateurs. :roll:

On Friday and Saturday upright said some really rude things about my impulse control - PUBLICLY.

I got her back on Sunday by taking her out at the knees during our excellent standard agility run. I have to say she bounces well, I'll give her that.

There is video. Unfortunately upright isn't very high tech and can't figure out how to post it or even upload it to internet without serious assistance but I heard her mumble something about adding it to the material for a future performance OES bloopers DVD, so she'll have to get around to it eventually. I'll be sure to share <snicker>

Oh Sybil, I'd expect nothing less from you! :hearts: We hope you mum can get the vid posted.

.......and Tigster.......I gave my uprights a lovely present too this past weekend. Unfortunately Dad's nose isn't as acute as Mums, so I got to spread my joy around the house. Mum returned from church and sniffed, "Who pooped in the house?" Dad gave Mum a funny look as if to say, "Well, it wasn't me!" Dad got to clean me up :lol: Mum is doing a lot of washing today.

As for chicken necks, Jack is very good as swallowing them whole as well. Mum has to place them in his mouth sideways so he'll at least give them a chomp or two before he can flip them and gulp. I have a much smaller mouth so I chew them well, especially if I'm by myself. Jack will steal anything that falls onto the floor.

Hi Tiggy! This is Mady! I completely agree! I am completely convinced that gastrointestinal upsets only occur when we don't get enough yummy treats!!! I am positive my vet keeps telling my uprights this, but they never listen! :evil:
Mad Dog wrote:
Amateurs. :roll:

On Friday and Saturday upright said some really rude things about my impulse control - PUBLICLY.

I got her back on Sunday by taking her out at the knees during our excellent standard agility run. I have to say she bounces well, I'll give her that.

There is video. Unfortunately upright isn't very high tech and can't figure out how to post it or even upload it to internet without serious assistance but I heard her mumble something about adding it to the material for a future performance OES bloopers DVD, so she'll have to get around to it eventually. I'll be sure to share <snicker>


Dear Sybil,
please, please organise for a technically competent individual who is in possession of opposable thumbs to visit you and assist in posting the video you mentioned. You would be doing as all a great favor.
Love (your sister in spirit) Tiggy.

PS I have been practising at the agility "take down" I nearly succeeded week before last! :excited: I waited till the agility servant was running as fast as she could in a straight line, they call it building drive, and boy do the uprights need it!!! As fast as they can is soooo slow. Anyway once she was running I kept jumping up in front of her, she nearly tripped over. :mrgreen: And the instructor said I was coming into reinforcement zone so it wasn't a BIG deal. :lol: :lol: :lol: They're so easy to fool these uprights.
Mim wrote:
Anyway once she was running I kept jumping up in front of her, she nearly tripped over. :mrgreen: And the instructor said I was coming into reinforcement zone so it wasn't a BIG deal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bwahahaha! Good one! Little do they know they're teaching you to jump on upright. Excellent! It can never be considered your fault because that's what they taught you to do. Go embroider that on a pillow or something right away so you don't forget it when it comes time to mount your defense.

One should always strive to make it look like handler failure. "But you TOLD me to go there. I was just doing what you TOLD me to do because I'm just that kind of sheepdog" <this is when you practice batting of eyelashes and tilting head> :aww:

Will see what I can do to speed things along though she's busy with some club business at the moment. Very annoying! :evil:

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