Chauncey tested + on Lymes titer

We changed Vet's for our annual visit this year ( closer, and we had experience with this Vet when she was with our prev. Vet ) Evidentially they run a 7 panel test vs a 3 panel test at our new Vet, Lymes being the one that hadn't been run at the old Vet. We live in a country/ surburb but only see deer on a very rare occasion. We have rarely found even a dog tick on Chaunce....but how would you ever find a deer tick on a sheepdog??? He is treated monthly for fleas & ticks as well as heartworms, etc.
He is finishing his 30 days of Clindimycin. We ( I ) did my 1st UA on an animal and I must say it went really well thanks to a long handled antique brass water dipper. The UA/ SED rate came back normal. She said Chaunce would need to have at least 30 days of the antibiotics and we have a call in to see if she would like to extend the prescription as we are near the end of the 30 day period.
I been really worried.
Has anyone had previous experience.
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not with dogs but yes with horses. Friends horses have gotten it and it was a long haul for them and they still occasionally have flare ups. If I remeber right there was a delay in diagnosis and that is why they have had so many issues lingering. My horse is mildly positive. He was always vaccinated for it but came up positive on a pre-purchase exam. He was treated for it even though he was not symptomatic.

I think it is great that the vet did the test and hopefully getting the abx quickly into him will save he against issues down the road. It is too bad that they have not developed the dog vaccine for lymes disease.
Thanks, Chauncey doesn't have any symptoms and the Vet called today and thought that 30 days would be enough based on the tests. He will finish tomorrow.
Here's hoping that a vaccine will be developed soon.
Is there any chance he was vaccinated for lyme? Our rescue oes was positive for lyme, but otherwise healthy. We treated him as you did but the vet said it might be from a previous vaccine. Just a thought. ? Tina
Our vet said that the titer is able to detect the virus while excluding the vaccine... I don't know any other details than that, such as reliability, age of vaccine as a factor or anything else.
I'm sorry about the positive test but how awesome that the vet ran a test for it! A problem found quickly is one that is fixed faster . . . keep us up to date.
I am so happy with our new/old Vet. She was only with our previous Vet for a year or so but we really liked her. She was just out of school so I'm sure she wouldn't approve of being call old Vet :wink: We also liked our previous Vet and had been with him for about 22 years, however it seemed that our annual visits were down to 10 min. or so and appointments for issues were not being taken as seriously as I thought they should be.
I have looked through Chauncey's records and he has never had a lymes test or vaccine. Hopefully the 30 days of antibiotics will be the end of it.
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